1. Black London says:

    Is it me or did Wale let the whole DC/DMV down?

  2. Black London says:

    Nip > Krs > Gsan > The guy Mark Ronson thought was gonna be his cash cow. Ha!

  3. Amsterdam says:

    anybody know whos next ?

  4. Black London says:

    Em, Mos Def & Black Thought.

    Im thinkng…..Em > Mos > BT

  5. PITRI says:

    KRS killed it..

  6. Black London says:

    Em & Mos > Black Thought > Budden > Nikki > Krs > Nip > Gsan > DC’s dickhead

  7. Black London says:

    And no Im not a Wale hater…Im pissed he was such a let down. Nevermind. Lupe!

  8. Black Africa says:

    @Black London

    KRS killed it. The only reason that dude Wale wouldn’t be 1st or 2nd is cuz he didn’t have the enthusiasm or the attitude to go with his words. When I listened, his flow was ok (again it would be better if he put some energy into that) and he said something noteworthy. now shut ur oxymoron ass and please go eat a dick.

  9. My Nig Hussle says:

    Hussle niggas betta stop sleepin on cuz. His shit bang Vol.1 to Vol.3 str8 classic.I cant name 5 albums this year better than Vol.2

  10. Black London says:

    Easy fam…..Internet/Comment beef? We off that.

    I have my opinion & you have yours.

  11. Black London says:

    @ Black Africa

    Easy fam…..Internet/Comment beef? We off that.

    I have my opinion & you have yours.

  12. SilkCityP says:

    Wale sound like he was mumblin… his rap voice caught a flat tire! Even Dicki Nikki was alot better than him… but what Black Thought, Dante, Em, Budden, Nipsey & KRS did were the true highlights!

  13. Interscope Employee says:

    im probably the biggest Nipsey fan, but I wasnt impressed with that shit…

  14. kingill89 says:

    im a nipsey hussle fan too cuz with the home team especially me comin off slauson but Cris killed that shit that Nike sign shit made that cypher Im lik eis this nigga talking about somebody shoes he talking about the symbol on the ground LOL and wale is nowhere on Lupe’s Level Im sry go listen to the cool

  15. HipHop Head says:

    Nipsey was cool. Don’t really see the hype. He’s not wack tho.

    KRS was probably the only one out of everybody that actually “freestyled”

    And tell me that you didn’t just nod your head and smiled when Gsan was rappin. LOL

  16. obama says:

    I can’t fit the whole translation here, but basically Gsan’s verse was about the painful struggle of coming to terms with male-pattern-baldness… powerful…

  17. al says:

    wale is an embarrasment to DC

  18. scratchcat says:

    Joe buddens,nikki, KRS1, nipsey,and mosdef

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