Rihanna’s “Rated R” Album Cover


The title’s Rated R, but this cover is suitable for all ages. According to Popeater, the image was shot by renowned photographer Ellen von Unwerth. She says, “Rihanna was looking to create something a bit new for the look of the album.” Fade to black.

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  1. Toss says:

    looks great but doesn’t go with her music at all.

  2. dizzy3413 says:

    how do you know? have u heard the album? No, so keep it moving.

  3. ace says:

    SHe Still Looks Hurt I feel Bad for This Joint But She Put That on her Self She DId SOME FUCKED UP SHIT TO C BREEZY

  4. Heard that new says:

    sorry guys but this chick is shameless
    I wont let my kids buying this satanic album.

  5. Corsico says:

    Very 80’s. I see what they did here.

  6. Haley says:

    Looks like she just got punched in the eye .. & why does she always try to look so tough in pictures? She LOOKS like she could have beat Chris up. lOl

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