Don Cannon Busts His Gun

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3848822&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Cannon lets off some steam at the gun range in L.A. Lick a shot!



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  1. Toss says:

    what a punk. glorifying guns. guns kill people…

  2. VerseCutta says:

    guns arent going no where so stop your crying.
    like they say, guns dont kill people, people do.
    plus the revolution is still coming,so strap up.

    but i wonder if this video has anything to do with him saying fuck jay-z on his twitter,lol.
    beans got the army on standby

  3. cease says:

    this was news/post worthy? yawwwn slow day huh YN

  4. Adomino says:

    stupid. ass. americans.

    (some of em)

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