50 Cent Wanted Jamie Foxx


Kicking it in Big Boy‘s Neighborhood, 50 reveals that he initially wanted Jamie Foxx on the hook of “Baby By Me”. Unfortunately, Jamie declined. Too bad, he could’ve been a millionaire.

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  1. Industry Advocate says:

    Jamie knows a cold rapper when he sees it! Ne-Yo did it for the check, and sounds like it should be his record! 50 really think he’s still hot huh? That’s entertainment all on it’s on. Next up, he’s gonna try to do a song with Beanie Sigel that’s not on his album….oh yeah, he’s doing that! C’mon Son, GTFOH with that!

  2. Young Sha says:

    What are you on about? Foxx worked with Fif on The Massacre.

  3. whowantwhat says:

    Industry Advocate is a cornball. Just a HATER that NOBODY KNOWS! Nigga keep typing…maybe one day sucka! HATING is a BITCH emotion so we know what u are..lol

  4. Navjosh says:

    Here’s the deal:

    1. Jamie Foxx was supposed to be on it but it didnt work out.
    2. Fif then approached Trey Songz but he didnt like the hook so he scrapped it.
    3. Then he got Jovan Dais to do it.
    ..and the rest everybody knows..

  5. Industry Advocate says:

    whowantwhat..you do know this is Rap Radar, not Thisis50.com? No one knows me and I gave an opinion. Calm down. And Foxx worked with Fif on Massacre in 2005. Different 50 at that time! Everyone wanted to work with 50 at that time! That was Get Rich 50, now he’s….Curtis 50. I’m sorry, did whowantwhat get angry again?? I like dude, but his music has immatured instead of grown. whowantwhat, do you agree, or is that against your Thisis50 by laws..lol! Internet Thugs…GTFOH!

  6. […] Kicking it in Big Boy’s Neighborhood, 50 reveals that he initially wanted Jamie Foxx on the hook of, “Baby By Me”. Unfortunately, Jamie declined. Too bad, he could’ve been a millionaire. -B.Dot […]

  7. dickinyamom says:

    If I was Jamie I wouldn’t of did it either, that’s hustling backwards, Neyo works with anybody he dont care as long as the money’s right, I see Jamie just wanna work with who is relevant right now and 50 ain;t it. BISD = 185K the first week…sad

  8. dmc says:

    @ dickinyamom

    you’re still on that first week album sales garbage…sad

  9. HipHopQuake says:

    @ dickinyamom, U GAY! dumb ass the album still hasent released but on iTunes it’s #1 so i would stfu if i were u, Watch i bet BISD gonna sell 400k 1st week! no doubt

  10. Big Chad Ceez says:

    Well forget what all yall saying…lets all remember who Jamie’s homies are…Kanye West, Lil Wayne, T Pain….. 50 been going @ Ye and Wayne so maybe he didn’t wanna be involved for that reason. Its no surprise he turned it down…..

    BISD will do decent numbers Sales won’t register the traditional way right off the bat cause of the 2 different release dates..Fif still relevant… say what you want, but he’s a evil genius who knows how to keep his name in the spotlight and money in his pockets….my 2 cents…

  11. teejay says:

    well whatever happens, this album will outsell triple c’s…

  12. Mak says:

    Oh no… the sales will register the right way. Cause the people still bought the album. All it is, is a pre-order that allowed itunes users only to view the content a week early

    Cause the album leaked a whole month ago

  13. Big Chad Ceez says:

    @Mak thanks for clearing that up…. much love

  14. steveo says:

    dillin whytes ottawa ontario about to blow

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