Jay-Z To Return To SNL ?

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Robert Goulet, Sigel-Sigel…Gone!


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  1. hiphop1010 says:

    damn…..beans was on that episode too…smh…

  2. Snoozum says:

    Nice Limp Bizkit beanie Hov…

  3. dickinyamom says:

    Now I see why Beans mad…smh

  4. The Truth says:

    Yea there go Beans…. Yup Jay aint push him… he sure wasnt on this show with him…. How can u say Jay aint push Beans when he did more songs with Jay then anyone else in music, this is including Bleek, Kanye, Jaz O, Sauce Money ect ect…… only R Kelly did more songs with Jay and thats because of the albums they did together

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