Dame Dash Speaks On Roc-A-Fella

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Roc-A-Fella Records founder sounds off on his fallen empire. He then admits to spoiling his former artists and regrets touting Jay-Z as the greatest rapper of all time.


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  1. YO says:

    I actual still have the article Elliot did on Jay on Glastonbury. Dame says he thought he’d never see the day Hov says his name, yet Dame was the one to fire the first shot by being in that video where dipset had a fake Jay z. And his last comment about Jimmy being loyal discredits his whole interview after what Jimmy did to Cam. SMH.

  2. youknowme says:

    Go head Dame dwell on the past cuz the present is horrible to u

  3. […] opens up about his feelings towards Jay-Z, Beans, Cam and Jim Jones. Sad really. Hold your head B.Dot! AKPC_IDS += "3849,";Popularity: unranked [?] Tags: Dame Dash, Damon Dash, […]

  4. Lil' Nello says:

    1st comment was just what I was about to type! Especially the part about Jimmy being loyal when he’s the main reason Dipset broke up! He let his head get bigger then it should have!

  5. I talk like this cuz i can back it up says:

    i bet Dame lovin the thing with Jay and Beanie cause now he get to do interviews again.

  6. Nathaniel says:


    yea…can’t say i disagree with that…yea.

    for me y’all, we as black people are new at creating legacies that don’t die. having old money and old, lasting institutions that remain a staple in our communities, FOR OUR COMMUNITIES and our interests. we’re babes in this arena. in this particular case, one thing that ruins their potential success and longevity is everyone’s refusal to take responsibility for their own role in shit falling apart. with the Roc, Jay’s hands aren’t clean and neither are Dame’s. but they both talk like they did everything right and it was the other’s mistakes only. same with dipset between Cam and Jimmy. Pride, yo. it’ll fuck up all up if you can’t humble yourself and see the bigger picture. shits wack.

    and whats most troublesome to me is cats like Lyor and these big jewish record execs don’t give a fuck about the fallen empires nor the destroyed relationships. they collected their funds from it all then and pumped it back into their own jewish community, and they’ll continue to do it in the absence of the Roc-A-Fella and Dipset brands. meanwhile Jay’s, Dame’s, Cam’s, nor Jimmy’s resources & finances all put together will ever come close to what Lyor is looking at.

    i wish niggas would see the bigger picture. nationalism FIRST. not self. whats best for our people FIRST. not just self…self-glorification, self-aggrandizement, but COMMUNITY. if WE don’t take care of WE, who will? NO ONE.

    im through with this shit…just my thoughts. peace.

  7. willie mcfly22 says:

    dipset was fucked up to start off when cam was like yolets hav a fake beef and jimmy wasnt feelin that, cuz why would u stage sum shit like that so i would say jimmy is quite loyal in a sence…dame can only reminice bout the past but stil is fucked up how he ended up and to where Jay is at now….kinda feel sorry for the dude

  8. YO says:

    Its funny how Dame loves to speak about Hov, and Hov never airs out family issues. Dame was the first to speak on the roc’s break up, and Hov even stated on lost ones it wasnt a diss record.

  9. iCandy says:

    This fucking nigga here…. Ugh!

  10. […] Here are visuals of Damon Dash speaking on Roc-A-Fella and its demise. Courtesy of Mixtape Monster, Spotted at Rapradar. […]

  11. cat says:

    Dame Dash is talking about other peoples’ failures? Dame Dash? Tell me this is a joke. It’s April 1st right? This guy who produced “Death of a Dynasty” and “Mr. Untouchable,” and did everything to promote Jim Jones (aka Jenny Jones) is talking about Hov? Brother Please.

    Dame Dash is a talentless hack with zero self-awareness. So it’s easy for him to tell the greatest rapper of all time that he should have stopped rapping at a certain point — a point after which the rapper has dropped a whopping 8 number 1 albums … (yes losers — Jay has dropped 8 no. 1 albums AFTER the Blueprint).

    Dame, if you’re reading this — here’s the scoop. You appeared in a video called “Wet Wipes” by Camron. The entire video was a Jay-Z diss. They even made a tranny play the Beyonce look-alike. And in that video, Dame is seen winking knowingly at the camera (while JJ Evans — the “ugly” Jay-Z look alike is sitting behind him).

    So after that video, anything Jay did to Dame was perfectly fair game in my book. But Jay being the smart guy he is didn’t do anything. He didn’t have to 9/11 them. They did it to themselves.

    Here’s the score.
    — Dame Dash: Broke. Lost mogul status after a string of failures. All he does any more is bitch about Jay-Z and try to make another Hov with Jim Jones (aka Jenny Jones). Hasn’t spoken to childhood friend Camron in 3 years.

    — Jim Jones (aka Jenny Jones): Broke. Has had one song hit in his entire life. Byrd Gang is a failure. Pray 4 Reign was a failure. Can’t rap to save his ass. Broken up with Camron. Makes garbage Autotune music.

    — Camron: Broke. Failed rapper. Generates a meager income from a couple of seedy strip clubs he owns in the Cleveland and Cincinnati areas. Garbage human being. Beef with everybody. Thinks he owns “Dipset” and that makes him a mogul or something.

    Looks like Jay won.

    I can’t wait for Dame Dash’s new projects to fizzle. I want to see that guy choke on himself.

  12. smartenupnas says:

    I totaly agree with Cat…
    Not to mention that Dame Dash was a dickhead back in the days…the way he used to treat people, but it’s funny that that nigga thinks he spoiled his artists…NEWSFLASH: DAMON YOU WAS STEALING COMPANY MONEY!!! FOH with that bulshit

  13. YO says:

    Let me add to that Cat;

    Dash Dibella Boxing Promotions = FAIL
    America Magazine = FAIL
    Block Savvy = FAIL
    ProKeds = FAIL
    Dash Films = FAIL
    Ultimate Hustler = FAIL
    Tiret Watches = FAIL
    Armadale Vodka = FAIL
    Rachel Roy = FAIL

    Say wussup to Ant Lava for me, siiiiiike, fuck that nigga too. Kiss the wifey goodnight for me.

  14. TH says:

    “i keep hearing homeboy saying my name”???? Really? At what point in the cycle do people finally stop asking the same questions. It’s the same shit over and over.

  15. […] this video spotted at Rap Radar, Dame Dash sounds off on what happen to the Roc-A-Fella empire he helped to create.  Dame holds no […]

  16. […] The former CEO of the ROC reflects back on what used to be. Found at RR […]

  17. eightysbaby says:

    I dont give a fuck what none of yall are saying, this shit is whole shit is sad, and they ALL look bad




    All of em.

    They all contributed to the demise of one of the greatest rap labels period.

    Beans thinks he was getting robbed, because he’s a street nigga that dont know shit about business. He said it himself that he was paying 5k a month for 2 Bentleys, who the fuck does stupid shit like that?

    They all pointing the finger, but they got 4 fingers looking right back at em.

  18. REAL HIP HOP says:

    I agree with cat. They all jealous of Jay and like Funkmaster Flex said nobody would be talking about Jay if he didn’t have a good album.

  19. […] he never robbed any artists , hasnt seen cam in years , and says jay-z fell off – salutes RapRadar & MixtapeMonster You should follow us on twitter and subscribe to this blog's rss […]

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  21. cardinprice says:

    No, wrong! Nobody would be talkin’ about Jay if he didn’t continue to have success after the Roc broke up. They all bitter about it because Jay has moved on, that’s plain and simple, and they didn’t keep they’re finances together like Jay did. Jay knew (and any business savvy person knows), shit don’t last forever, business wise or nothin’ (ask Bill Gates what his ‘new’ interests are, NOT JUST WINDOWS MUHFUCKA)… so he saved correctly, Dame, Beans and the rest of them niggas partied hard all day everyday because they thought it this was what it was gon’ be FOREVER!…well, guess what. you get video’s like this, and diss songs from Beans like that…. Jay is prolly in the UAE somewhere on a Abu Dhabi resort…who knows ? bet he ain’t payin’ this no mind

  22. smartenupnas says:

    Let me add this, Cat
    Jim Jones feat Webstar = FAIL

  23. shine95 says:

    Dame said Jim is loyal alot. lol.how can you be loyal alot, it’s either you loyal or not. it is or it isn’t what it is.

  24. shawn says:

    after the roc broke up, everyone expected the crew to get out of business. jay took it to another level. i guess the others dont like it

  25. […] 5 PostsDame Dash Speaks On Roc-A-FellaPosted by: B.DotAlicia Keys “Empire State Of Mind II” (Live)Posted by: B.Dot50 […]

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