1. F*** YALL says:

    BetterBe dope lupe fell way below the radar

  2. cheese says:

    stop forcing ya selves to like this nigga..he too lyrical that even he dont even know wht the hell he talkin bout…nigga boring as hell…

  3. Bruce Lee says:

    Thelonious Monk: The Life and Times of an American Original.


  4. hyue says:

    Co-sign #2! Fuck lupe

  5. Tito says:

    Cosign 2 & 4. Just not a Lupe fan at all. And after the shit he pulled off at HipHop honors, dude is a clown. Sorry.

  6. Black London says:

    Lupe > cheese & hyue’s favorite ‘rapper(s)’

    [no shots]

  7. Nathaniel says:

    sigh…i can’t wait for this shit. the All The Way Turnt Up and Say Something freestyles were fucking ridiculous. but i hope they aren’t on there….all new tracks is the move. i’m thinking this joint is gon be better than the Fahrenheit 1/15 trilogy.

  8. Joe says:

    He is wack a big ass cry baby never be number 1

  9. Black London says:

    Lupe > cheese, hyue & Joe’s favorite ‘rapper(s)’

    [no shots]

  10. I.S.A.A.C. says:

    Cheese said “too lyrical” like it was a bad thing. Really? Is Picasso, DaVinci, Beethoven, or Einstein too complicated at their craft to be great? No… just some ppl can’t appreciate genius that surpasses the average person’s natural understanding. His talent requires learning both for the artist and the listener. Read a book dawg.

    Even for those that don’t get Lupe, his music sounds dope too… especially his album tracks.

  11. llll says:

    this is gonna be dope…and yeah i have to agree that this man is too lyrical that sometimes he doesn’t make sense!!but this is betta be hot boy!!

  12. Joe says:

    Lil wayne/ODB>Lupe

  13. Oh Really? PT10 says:

    Goddamn ya’ll are some ignorant motherfuckers. I never thought id hear the day where a rapper was “too lyrical” wtf does that even mean. Im not hating on an opinion but that isnt even a valid argument.

  14. Deco says:

    Niggas in here are the reason lupe made “dumb it down”.

  15. BE says:

    Can’t wait for this album. Best lyricist to ever pick up a mic.

    Lupe > Everyone

  16. scurse says:

    Why do people prefer to be mentally lazy rather than do anything that reqires thought beyond a superficial level? Lupe isnt just what hip hop needs, he’s what the black community needs. But hey its whatever, return to your folly.

  17. Deuce says:

    see some ppl already nervous about Lupe dropping lol…keep doing yuh thing Lupe

  18. Q Double says:

    Lupe is the nicest rapper out of the new batch. Period. If you can find better bars than this, lemme know. Young cats don’t know nothin but swear they know everything.

    You on your fiftheenth minute of fame and on the sixteenth
    Beginith the lame, and on seventeen, you lose everythang
    The twenty-first is the worse, wishin’ you was eleven
    Poppin’ like you was seven with the feelin’ when you was seconds
    Reminiscin’ when you was just in
    Now you just ten, no longer the trend they dressin’
    Now you wonderin’ where all the press went
    You no longer impress them
    Get arrested, paparazzi will press then
    I fell on purpose to stay a freshmen
    I lose, but Lu attend the school for X-Men
    So when I get my cap and gown and put the rappin’ down
    I’ll only know half my powers, but I spend half an hour
    Like a senior citizen, havin’ a baby shower
    Haters wanna budget, but my fans still love it
    So you can ask them exactly who I are
    Nine weeks in number one, I’m a superstar

  19. JC says:

    this guy is good, but not the best im sorry to best plainly honest. respect and love him music but stop cockriding him.

  20. Ill One says:




  21. cheese says:

    i aint no snap and pop souljah boy nigga..i listen to real rap like eminem, jay, nas etc…these dudes can go mainstream when they want yet keep it lyrical so u can actually UNDERSTAND what they sayin and they actually have meanin behind it…its a difference when u say some shit like : “little ripple/flicker on the sticker/ I hiccup just to pick up a pick up truck when its thicka/
    and when u say some shit like :”these ideas are nightmares for white parents/whose worst fear is a child with dyed hair and who likes earings……”
    cmon man which one do u relate to better? any rapper who say he doesnt wanna go mainstream is a liar..lupe wants to but h wanna do it on his terms and sadly superstar was his finest attempt and may be is only one…and even on that joint i was like wtf did he just say

  22. cheese says:

    btw wtf is a laser? ths nigga work for nasa or some ish?

  23. craigsbay says:

    most of you niggas in here need to 1 yourselves.

  24. mackmass says:

    Wow, all these haters need to get their shit together. Wayne aint got shit on Lupe. Everyone knows Em and Jay, etc are legends. Time for a new king and Lupe is staking his claim. There isnt one recent rapper out there that can hold a candle to his lyrics and delivery.

  25. Nathaniel says:

    lupe is already mainstream folks.

    the cool went gold.

    Superstar was #1 on 106 & Park

    the remix had jeezy and t.i. on it.

    CRS was the group with Lu, kanye, and pharrell

    = mainstream. just because the nigga is crazy creative doesn’t mean u can’t understand every single he’s ever dropped. may not be your cup of tea, but most of his shit really isn’t THAT complicated….

    …iono what the fuck yall are hearing. dude is just dope as fuck, and crazy diverse.

  26. onlygoodmuzik says:

    Oh I must be on the wrong website because this is a site filled with nothing but Lupe haters, except for some of y’all. I’m willing to bet that the majority of you are Wayne, Plies, Soulja Boi, Birdman, and Gucci(aka ignorant music) Fans. Just because some of you are dumb as hell, and can’t fathom his lyrics you don’t like him. And yes that’s for you Cheese

  27. onlygoodmuzik says:

    Oh yeah and cheese know your history. EM, Jay, and Nas have either stated that Lupe is “the future of hip-hop”, “he’s a breath of fresh air”, or “he’s what the Hip-Hop game needs.” So yeah I listen to a lot of music so I know what I’m talking about. There is no such thing as “too lyrical”. That’s like telling a pianist that he plays the keys too perfectly or telling a maestro that he composes music too beautifully. Wth I never, ever read a comment so dumb “too lyrical”. You might as well say that Beyonce’ is too sexy so she’s ugly. Man I’m done I made my point(let me pat myself on the back) Lmao “too lyrical” Oh snap funniest thing on the blogs man. Yeah go and listen to Plies since he’s ignorant and everything.

  28. NIRUS XHONDA says:


  29. lyricstogo says:

    I’m on that hip hop movement
    Ya’ll stuck on some bull shit
    On that bowel movement

    @cheese, hyue, and joe


  30. lyrics_to_go says:

    Throw in the towel
    You was yesterday’s news
    These artists ain’t sellin’
    Time to get stingy like them Jews

  31. Ignorance's Enemy says:

    Laser is an acronym by the way (look that up if you dont know what that means too lol)
    Love, Always, Shines, Everytime, Remeber to, Smile (and no you dont need a T because it would go against the acronym rule0

    Lupe works for nasa, lol, I laugh at you ignorant cats, its why I say I dont listen to rap anymore…I listen to hip-hop….big difference, and its not just lupe at this movement but all those who actually rap about more than just money, bitches n senseless bullshit…

    Besides the same people who say you jock lupe are the same WAYNEHEADS of today, lol, same people who STILL quote the carter 3, lmao

    Im not knockin wayne hes got a movement, but just know theres other people out there besides him, and lets say drake (who im not knockin either) but people amuse me with certain statements, oh and there’s no dickridin here, the topic of discussion is and was mr. Fiasco who has been quoted as “hip-hop’s next Vanguard”..dont know that word…dictionary.com it lol

  32. cheese says:

    “Breath of fresh air..what the game needs..”

    Yea he realy made an impact after like 6 years hasnt he?? lmfao
    i dont doubt he talented…hes just lyrics and no substance…i dont hear any emotion in his records…i dont hear any enrgy in his voice..even hip hop saved my life was carried through by the flawless singer on the hook…if em or jay had dat song they would have raised the bar with that record…hes raw bt when i say he too lyrical i mean hes like a point guard that dribble the ball so fuckin much and tries doin all these damn crosovers and shit and somehow he still could have gt past the defender with just a simple move or two…dont twist shit..he get props for his talent bt hes just nt ever gna be considered with the likes of em jay nas pac biggie big l pun etc…

  33. lyrics_to_go says:

    Niggas wanna shook and jive
    Niggas wanna benz to drive
    Niggas wanna to die then to be alive
    Niggas wanna dance
    Niggas wanna prance
    Niggas wanna be in a false trance
    Niggas wanna spray
    Niggas wanna slay
    But niggas don’t wanna say…..

    THE TRUTH……….

    You see, when niggas feed you bullshit at first you don’t like. But once you get used to it, it starts to taste good. When niggas like cheese eat that cheese, there oblvious that it’s a trap. They know it’s there but they want that cheese. Keep eatin that cheese keep eatin that bullshit.

    [Shots] @ cheese

  34. onlygoodmuzik says:

    I’m gonna make one last point. Lupe Fiasco may not be Stadium Status like Jay-Z, or as controversial as Eminem, or Kanye West, but if you can’t feel the raw emotion in Lupe’s lyrics, you might wanna check and see if you have a pulse, you might be dead inside. No body can deny that intruder Alert wasn’t anything less than raw emotion. A Victim of rape, a man attempting to over come an addiction to drugs, and an Alien immigrant trying to stay in America. Really no emotion?

  35. Rivey39 says:

    lupe is too lyrical for dumb niggas. So if youre not smart enough to understand lupe go listen to your syrup sippin, ecalade parkin lot pimpin weak ass shhhhiiiit. Get on a higher level of conscientiousness or quit hating and stick to youre dumb shit. Chitown never DUMBIN DOWN!!
    F N F

  36. Cody says:

    What the fuck yo? mad comments hating on lupe? someone said Lil wayne > lupe? lmao okay anyone who hates on lupe doesnt know real hip hop..period.

  37. Big Jimbo says:

    Are you Lupe Haters dumb? This guy will murder your favorite rappers then spit the hottest verse you ever heard for a eulogy!!! Str8 killin the game, lyrically the best out… period.

  38. Big Jimbo says:

    “Oh yeah and cheese know your history. EM, Jay, and Nas have either stated that Lupe is “the future of hip-hop”, “he’s a breath of fresh air”, or “he’s what the Hip-Hop game needs.” So yeah I listen to a lot of music so I know what I’m talking about. There is no such thing as “too lyrical”. That’s like telling a pianist that he plays the keys too perfectly or telling a maestro that he composes music too beautifully. Wth I never, ever read a comment so dumb “too lyrical”. You might as well say that Beyonce’ is too sexy so she’s ugly. Man I’m done I made my point(let me pat myself on the back) Lmao “too lyrical” Oh snap funniest thing on the blogs man. Yeah go and listen to Plies since he’s ignorant and everything.”

  39. Lupe the killah says:

    LUPE HAS NO EMOTION EXCUSE ME??? GO SEE HIM PERFORM WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT but you know what i hope lupe dnt make it big becuz then the industry will just change him into what all these haters on this website want him to be!! And too lyrical… and a point guard that just dribbles around but seriously? I mean i respect ya’ll opinions and all but you tryna tell me “he say she say” had no emotion? Are you freakn serious? the cool was deemed a dark album because his father died and it has no feeling or emotion? Excuse me…. REAL RECOGNIZE REAL IS TO LYRICAL!!! ARE U FREAKN SERIOUS???? Come on you guys im sorry he dnt diss people and is not featured in everybody music but he is an artist? And what do u mean what the freak is a laser?
    LOVE ALWAYS SHINES DOWN EVERYTIME REMEMBER 2 SMILE!!! You don’t agree with words like that? Are u serious its really sad some of these comments but ill get his new mixtape and be enlightened and ya’ll keep banging no ceilings and fck people after jet lag…. while I crawl for my love tryna find my army girl duces!!

  40. Lupe the killah says:

    re you Lupe Haters dumb? This guy will murder your favorite rappers then spit the hottest verse you ever heard for a eulogy!!! Str8 killin the game, lyrically the best out… period.

    Following up on this

    “This ain’t a pen this a paint brush and i intend to rearrange how they paint us!!

    FNF up

  41. juiceman says:

    i think i will have to explain one of his songs line by line to one of these stupid niggas, yall haters make me think of dumb it down, he just going over yall heads and thats why yall dont feel him.

  42. cheese says:

    i take that back..ya niggaz right…real recognize real…the man talented…i peeped his shit…never knew he had such a deep catalogue..damn

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