Wale Explains How He Spent His BP3 Tour Money

In case you’re wondering why the backdrop is pink, Shade 45’s Angela Yee has taken over Rap Radar. Outta the way YN. Throughout the day, Angela’s adding a feminine touch to the site with exclusive audio clips and a live stream. First order of business: Wale. In a recent interview, the DC native says all his money earned from The Blueprint 3 tour, paid for his expenses on the road. Surely, it was more than $1200.

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  1. Beanie Sigel says:

    That would explain why him and J. Cole ate at Denny’s.

  2. So says:

    i told yall. this shit is a let down. nigg i thought you had all these connects?

  3. dickinyamom says:

    Angela you sexy baby, holla at me

  4. Dwight Grant says:

    Hov only Gave us $1250 a show why would his cheap ass give them more

  5. thehoodnerd says:

    ^lol yea she is.

    @So connects?

  6. So says:

    @hoodnerd: this nigga yn boastin’ how he got jigga’s email and phone number so by the lil tweets he was putting on the sidebar and under the title, he made it seem like shit was gonna pop off with that supposed “empire” remix today.

    instead, i wake up to this bullshit. team yee takeover? who the fuck really cares. especially if you don’t have serious which most people don’t

  7. B.Dot says:

    Stop assuming. Noone said anything about no empire remix. No boasts about having jiggas email and phone number…if u dont like it, carry yo ass down the URL. Otherwise, thanks for the unique visit.

  8. hahahahaha!!!! says:

    Don’t you just wanna smack Wale sometimes?

  9. QUEENZ says:

    I can appreciate that Wale, i gotta be honest, I personally need more from you to become a regular listener and fan but I respect your love and respect for staying true to real music. Personally, I wouldve went with a DJ so early on in my career but thats just me playing it safe. No risk no reward right? keep doing your thing homie.

  10. illaDeuce says:

    I was at that Toronto show and I was mad surprised when i saw the full band and wale’s set was live. i was expecting him and a DJ like j. cole but wale’s that real. Fuck the money if he can use enough to get food, a live band and at the sametime cop some nice clothes (I caught him spending up at goodfoot and ransom) thats all u need.

  11. SAMLAD says:

    Respect that he took UCB out on tour, and Paid them…thats a talented Band from DC’s GOGO scene.

    HOV need 2 add a couple stack to that Pay-Out, ole stingy dude! lol

  12. Police says:

    Old ass Jay-Z getting all the bread… He ain’t even pay them $500 each show. I heard Wale was getting $250 and some food stamps

  13. sweeneykovar says:

    actually it’s completely believable that they were only breaking him off with that much.

  14. getthesenets says:

    Wale is gonna send Chris from the Wire to shakedown the tour manager for pocketing his tour money.

    Read that Gbenga is his cousin, but half of the stuff you read on the net is fake.

    Can’t say that I’ve heard anything from Wale that is any good though. Glad that DC area has a current nationally visible rap artist out.

  15. Bjack says:


    I feel you on doing it for “The Culture”, but realize where art meets capitalist enterprise. Have you learned anything from Jay? Its business, never personal. Stack bread nigga, you won’t be this hot for long. Pay them niggas on a 5-city “fan appreciation” and keep it moving.

  16. As A Man Thinketh says:

    I feel sorry for a lot of you young cats in here bc you have the “nigga syndrome” the “somebody owe me” or “handout” mentality. Jay help Wale by putting him on tour, PERIOD. Wale said he made 100k off the tour, that’s PHENOMENAL for a new artists, with 1 album, no real following, no real buzz, and no radio record and he’s opening up for arguable the most popular hip-hop artist there is right now. To make that much money is AMAZING, his team just steered him wrong. He should have been out there with a DJ and Hypeman, PERIOD. If he wanted to enhance his show he should have had some sort of visual screen/projector movie or something.

    For a new artist taking a full band on tour is no prudent for their finances. It has an extreme adverse effect. I understand him wanting to put his best foot forward, etc. Can’t knock that, but its not good judgment. If anything, he should have had the band support for marquee dates, i.e his hometown, LA, NYC, etc. Not just to have a full band in Canada. No disrespect to Canada, but he could have walked away with 50-60k AFTER he paid his Manager, Tour Manager and DJ. Kept it real light.

    Cats blame Jay for artists not making money. Let’s look at the BIG picture. A Jay tix will run you about 75-150 bucks. Depending on what city he’s in, he will have a FEW special unannounced guests, i.e. MJB, Bey, Nas, etc (NYC), Snoop (LA), Bun-B (Houston). So in most city across the country and other places, people are paying that ticket price to see JAY-Z, not Wale, YGz, Beanie, etc. Most times when these artists are performing, the venue is not even packed yet.

    So how the hell is it justifiable to pay an artist more than say 2-3k (AND THAT BEING GENEROUS) a night to perform ONE song at most in a 15-20 min set???

    These artist need to take advantage of the face time their getting and plan, plot and strategize to make something happen AFTER their tours with Jay!

    i’m out! Get hip or Get gone!

  17. shut up says:

    ^ shut up dickhead

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