Diddy & The Lox Have A Meeting

After reconciling their differences, last night, both factions took their truce a step further with a power meeting. Afterward, they moved to Latin Quarters night club in NYC for a performance.


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  1. OOPH says:

    WOW!!!! They cut off Jada in the middle of his Benjimans verse LMAO!!!!!

  2. bLUEPRINTs says:

    This is grown ass men twittering in a meeting with each other about meeting with each other.
    Hahaha The fuck is wrong with these niggas
    Puffy’s probly like “Yo hold that thought nigga, Im bending you silly niggas backwards again anyways, thanks for volunteering this time, I just gotta twitter about this shit”

  3. The Dynasty says:

    Don’t they reconcile every year and perform a fucked up rendition of “The Benjamin” everytime?

  4. Blakout615 says:

    Say wat u want about the lox messing with diddy again but this is their best option. If the lox were to put out a single,video,and album on their own RIGHT NOW they wud flop. But with a lil push behind them(bad boy) they can move a couple more units then they normally wud. Im not sayn they can do Hov numbers,jus sayn they could do at least 50 cent type numbers lol

  5. All Dae says:

    lol @ bLUEPRINT comment

    the meeting sounds important but at this stage niggas know they was drinking smoking and bullshitting…with the meeting being about if Ditty should ad lip Jadas verse on stage.

  6. I.S.A.A.C. says:

    Dang it Diddy, now i have to stop wearing that “I Am Hip-Hop” shirt. lol It’s the only sean jean shirt i have.

  7. Chi-town says:

    Man that Bad Boy run was something mean!!!! They just had me thinking about back in the day. “Rocking B’Jor denim with gold zippers, lost your touch we kept ours.” Lets go Puff hit the restart button.

  8. Streetz says:

    Now that’s what I’m talkin about haterz unity! Ya’ll can say what you wanna about Diddy but that nigga make hits. That’s a hot reunion…………………..1

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