Lupe Reacts To “YN’s Blackout”

Last night, Lupe Fiasco responded to Yellow Nigga’s “Blackout” rant at his home base. Sorry folks, but there’s no “beef”. As the saying goes, opinions are like— well, you know, and everyone has one. Even YN. Personally, I’m ambivalent towards Lupe’s music. One minute, I’m totally engrossed. (see: “Hip-Hop Saved My Life”) The next, I’m completely lost in translation (see: “Shining Down”).

Despite Elliott’s gripes, we’ve got a job to do. Personal feelings go the way of Ron Browz. At the end of the day, Lupe’s maintained his relevancy and earned some hardware along the way. As YN said, if the young bucks want ’em, find him at this very URL. No Losers here.

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  1. CLARITY says:


  2. Busby says:

    what ever…just Lupe should just keep making music and shut up…jeez

  3. kris says:

    stop the blood-cot crying.

  4. Nous says:

    He’s got a point, though. YN’s Blackout is a personal opinion, that I sometimes agree with and sometimes don’t, cause that shit is CHOCK FULL of personal bias and opinion. But it is just that. An opinion. His.

  5. Porch Monkey Nigger says:

    Free my nigga Lupe!!!

    Goodluck in jail Lu


    Lu jus needs to chill out… he’ll be ok though jus not his month

  7. TheTruth says:

    YN is 9 times out of 10 right. And opinions ARE like assholes(which is why him saying he doesnt like Lupe’s music is completely ok). But when he says “Joe Budden-esque internet fame”…that strikes a chord with me, because it’s been plaguing artists like Lupe and Eminem forever. PEOPLE GET LOST IN THEIR “ECCENTRICITY” AND FORGET THE FACTS.

    Fact: Lupe has both an album that was the BEST acclaimed album of that year(Food & Liquor) and a Gold-certified album (The Cool)

    Fact: Lupe has about 4 Grammy Nominations (and actually one won for “Daydreamin'”

    Fact: “Superstar” was a Top 10 Billboard 100 single

    And I’m probably forgetting more. While Lupe isnt as accomplished as ‘Ye has been(2 classic albums, tens of millions of records sold, snatching mics out of white girls’ hands) you can not deny that dude is (DOPER) than MOST of Hip Hop.

    BTW- The people YN loves probably cosigned Lupe before YN even heard of him.

  8. I.S.A.A.C. says:

    Idk if I like Lupe publicly going after his offenders, but he’s still the most genius lyricist to ever touch a mic (except MAYBE to Em) (but they’re too different to fairly compare).


    And I agree with Lupe’s opinions… but like i said, idk if i like him putting it out for everyone to see. Atleast not so harshly that it would make it tough to get new fans. Average music listeners will cast him aside as an ego-tripping nobody and maybe never get the chance to be wowed/educated by Lupe’s linguistic prowess.

  9. ehh YN dont like him, then why post him – fraud if you ask me and blogsites be the main ones saying save hiphop blah blah but be out for they cash…

    at least you know where byron crawford stand

  10. Truth will out says:

    This is by design and Lupe, like his music or not, is correct. YN is supposed to hate an articutate young black brother. Why? Crabs in barrells rules the black man. Rightly suggested, YN only posts Lupe or any other artist he dislikes for mortgage payments and reasons thereof. As an older G than YN and a Hip Hop lover since it’s creation, I am sad to say that YN is a disgrace to his wife and children. All boy, no man! Me thinks a true man will end up with his wife oneday! So the end result will not only be kissing his ass, but his wife’s ass as well! Touche YN! You’re frigg’n brilliant! (Not)

    Chalk one up for an intelligent let ignorance rain!

  11. JaYSoN says:

    I think Lupe is dope

  12. Sin says:

    I knw u gon be reading this Guadalupe. Chill out. Period

  13. Furiou$tylez says:

    YN is on some faggot ass Byron Crawford-esque bullshit…

    if YN has the right to voice is “opinion” <<<<<over there in the blackout…

    why doesnt Lupe have the right to talk shit on his own blog?

    its cool for old ass giraffe lookin niggas like YN to take shots…oh but please dont let somebody take the time to shoot back…

    because now they're bein petty. fuck outta here.

  14. UnkleLuc says:

    YN is a douchebag

    Lupe is too preoccupied with the blogs, need to focus on bringin the hotness, that speaks the most my dude

  15. B.Dot says:

    why doesnt Lupe have the right to talk shit on his own blog?

    uh, who said he doesn’t?

  16. Furiou$tylez says:

    Busby says:
    Monday, December 28 2009 at 1:48 AM EST
    what ever…just Lupe should just keep making music and shut up…jeez

    kris says:
    Monday, December 28 2009 at 1:49 AM EST
    stop the blood-cot crying.


    and about 3 or 4 other people in the comments… @B.Dot

  17. Dan says:

    As I said before, fuck YN.

    YN is lil District 9 lookin’ nigga who thinks because he has a cassette collection, he is an OG. GTFOH, you little Baby Sinclair from Dinosaurs lookin’ ass nigga. Unless your definition of OG stands for “Original Gaylord” then there ain’t no way in hell you represent anything touching gangsta.

    This nigga look like he could be the real life Benjamin Button…..have you niggas seen this dweeb?

    Peep this TwitPic:

    SMH @ this little pee-on gettin’ brolic and steppin’ outta line.

    This punk on one hand calls Kanye “Gayfish” and on the other hand, dick rides him to shit on another nigga. Just the kinda two-faced duplicitous weasel you are. This demented douchebag blogger had the nerve of calling Chris Brown a “fuckboy”. Nigga, you need to sit your ass down with that shit. You the biggest fuckboy around. We here the stories.

    Everyone in the industry shits on you.

    And get one thing straight: Jay Electronica and Just Blaze AND Jigga don’t fuck with you.

  18. Thatdude. says:

    The way YN told it in the blackout made it seem like he just hates lupe for hating.. and that info he could keep to himself, but there is more to it. Him posting that would maybe make people not think hes the devil and some anti lupe guy.

  19. UnkleLuc says:

    “As I said before, fuck YN.

    YN is lil District 9 lookin’ nigga who thinks because he has a cassette collection, he is an OG. GTFOH, you little Baby Sinclair from Dinosaurs lookin’ ass nigga. Unless your definition of OG stands for “Original Gaylord” then there ain’t no way in hell you represent anything touching gangsta.

    This nigga look like he could be the real life Benjamin Button…..have you niggas seen this dweeb?

    Peep this TwitPic:

    SMH @ this little pee-on gettin’ brolic and steppin’ outta line.

    This punk on one hand calls Kanye “Gayfish” and on the other hand, dick rides him to shit on another nigga. Just the kinda two-faced duplicitous weasel you are. This demented douchebag blogger had the nerve of calling Chris Brown a “fuckboy”. Nigga, you need to sit your ass down with that shit. You the biggest fuckboy around. We here the stories.

    Everyone in the industry shits on you.

    And get one thing straight: Jay Electronica and Just Blaze AND Jigga don’t fuck with you.”


  20. somethinSOMETHINsomethinSTACKTHATCHEESE says:

    Grow a set men.

    I find it funny that YN would publicly spread his (wack) opinion when the man who’s nuts he hangs off (see: Jay-Z) cosigned and executive produced lu’s first album. Real recognize real. YN is an attention seeking whore. Always was, always has been. He portrays himself as a connoisseur of rap, when in reality he’s just another biased blogger with his own underlying intentions. He himself may not even be aware of these things but anyone with half a brain who’s read his “opinions” knows he’s just another egomaniac.

    Lupe has accomplished more in 27 some odd years than YN has in 40+

    We want love, not lies.
    & Substance in place of popularity.


  21. UnkleLuc says:

    im enjoying the roastage on YN

  22. teejay says:

    Why must everything get personal? No one has any right to talk about yn’s wife or kids.

    And I don’t know, YN said his opinion as he’s allowed to, and then Lupe respectfully responded. Theres no reason for anything to get personal

    YN has to post lupe’s shit because its a hip hop news blog, just cuz you don’t like someone doesn’t mean they’re not makin news. We all know a certain someone didn’t like chris “fuck boy” brown but continued to post his news anyway.

    We can discuss the opinions, but why must everything turn personal?

  23. sheeshkabob says:

    LMFAO@Dan!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shit was epic.


  24. pepe le pew says:


  25. Dan says:

    With a name like “pepe le pew”, I can only assume this is YN.

  26. pepe le pew says:

    Nah… I’m nothing like a YN… he’s a bitch. But he’s right. LUPE needs to shut the fuck up and RAP… all that talk makes him look stupid.

    Why didn’t he get mad at Kanye for posting it on his blog… WHY?! because LUPE is a bitch too.

  27. mac DIESEL says:



  28. sheeshkabob says:

    okay, no wayyy thats the real mac diesel lmfao! and to the pepe le pew guy or w/e, why the fuck not? this frogger looking motherfucker spouts shit about artists all the time. its good to hear artists serving his shit back at him.

  29. J says:

    this one yall are wrong on. Lupe is sick.

  30. pepe le pew says:

    It’s agreed that YN is a bird as nigga but In this case about LUPE he’s right… LUPE played himself with his little tirade over a fucking song. LUPE didn’t lose anything by the song leaking. He doesn’t sell records. He makes his money performing… therefore, the song LEAK is just a billboard for his next show. LUPE is really mad that he’s skilled enough but he ain’t paid enough. He’s lying if he says he satisfied with his lack of success at this point in his career… after all 1st and 15th is all about that dough. Right?!

  31. sheeshkabob says:

    nah, lupe is right. ITS HIS FUCKING MUSIC. he spent time creating that and the links to the file are taking away from sales he could get from itunes so it does fucking matter.

  32. pepe le pew says:

    c’mon son… LUPE never made real money on music sales. His income is from live performances.

  33. sheeshkabob says:

    fuck outta here. talkin’ like you lupe’s accountant. SMH, shits almost as foul as YN’s face.

  34. pepe le pew says:

    you’re dick riding lupe like yn rides hov… it’s ugly.

  35. koa29 says:

    It’s so true… YN takes shots alot. Jus cuz someone respond’s they’re made out to be “petty” for doing so…. like some1 said above me, fuck outta here with that.

  36. jdot says:

    Something tells me that YN and bdot are laughing there asses off to you stans. Imagine if you guys were this enthusiastic about things that are actually important. Like actually supporting the artists you like by BUYING their shit. SMH.

  37. Okay Ma, and??? says:

    In YN’s blackout, it seems more like he’s attacking the fact that Lupe has a fanbase…you’re insulting this guy’s fans and calling them “young bucks”? C’mon son, stop hating on the people. You know better than that.

  38. Porch Monkey Nigger says:

    And they say that the white man is responsible for everything the black man is going through.

    Hell the fuck no, black on black crime right here.

  39. somethinSOMETHINsomethinSTACKTHATCHEESE says:


    something tells me you think about YN & bdot too much…

    GTFOH with your unfounded assumptions.

  40. mac DIESEL says:




  41. UnkleLuc says:

    YN and his aliases are still douchebags

  42. somethinSOMETHINsomethinSTACKTHATCHEESE says:

    mac DIESEL shut the fuck up bitch nigga… Go back to yo moms basement

  43. UnkleLuc says:

    Alot of niggers hate on people.. Go and step your paper game up.

  44. UnkleLuc says:

    so u steal my name and post foolishness

    its on now

    *gets to bussin*

  45. sheeshkabob says:

    pepe le pew: shut the fuck up with your bullshit. why you posting that shit? that website doesn’t add any new information that hasn’t already been said. he’s looking to sue people who intentionally put his shit out there without his approval. thats his rights you lil two-bit fuckweed.

    every post you make is an L. incredible. i knew you were yn.

  46. Officer Ricky Rawse says:

    Lupe. Just tell me when we gonna lock up these mungkeeehs mang. The Bawse on your speed dial 911. I’m out.

  47. Lupendblogspot says:

    Bitch niggas.

  48. Edouard says:

    See what happens with all your bullshit negativity? Elliott’s 45 year old ass getting schooled by 27 year old Lupe. YN got ethered.

    Also, it’s not because YOU don’t understand Lupe that he’s a bad rapper. It actually means he’s a dope rapper. Go listen to Gucci Mane and Soulja Boy, you idiot.

  49. sdokjfds says:

    Damn so RR really was shook to post what 50 said about YN

  50. Prodigy of Mobb Deep says:

    Yeah they shook ones. Badabing!

  51. UnkleLuc says:

    “you bitch niggas misinterpret what you dont understand” -NaS

    wise words for you YN aka old fart

  52. G-Rap says:

    LMFAO Rap Radar and their whole staff got owned.

  53. My Nig Hussle says:

    B Dot my nigga (He fuck with Hussle he good with me)
    Big Homie (He cool too)

    We all know YN makes some dumb statements but this aint 1 to me.You say you want the real well Elliott gave it to you and all yall did was bitch about it.At the end of the day thats his opinion dont like it …. well you read the rest simple as that

  54. datotheryellownig says:

    Lupe Fiasco is indeed a dope ass artist…YN is indeed a dope ass music reporter.(aside from saying ha! after he types something,your too old for that homie)YN strikes me as someone who would focus on skills over the selling and other things artist ”need” to do to be established.Witch is why im confused by YN opinion but at the same time I FEEL him,Lupe Fiasco has NEVER EVER dropped a hands down gem.He has dropped somethings close to it,in fact I paid for both albums with my own money and was happy with both purchases.Now if Lupe wants to go around speaking on his greatness as he often does the fans will need a classic from him.Lupe Fiasco is dope compared to who tho?Drake? Currency? Blu? Fashawn? Charles Hammilton? I mean the artist he is up against in this era are far from artist in past era’s witch is why until Lupe drops that certified classic album he was stand as a ”dope ass rapper”.NO HATE.Robot raps,New Moon raps,Hamburgler raps are cool but I need American Terrorist,Coolest Nigga Kick Push rmx shit.Until I can get ahold of a complete album without those bullshit attempts to do something ”new” he will always be another nigga with potential who speaks as if he’s on track to be GOAT ala…well name any new comer!


    YN my nigga tho I got a comment in the xxl mag one time and was crazy happy ahhhhhh the good ol days..

  55. haha says:

    rapradar got fucked

  56. MN says:

    What did 50 Cent say about YN …….. ?

  57. Edouard says:

    50 basically clowned Elliott and Elliott didn’t report it like he always does with negativity, instead he started posting all kinds of publicity for 50 and started giving him more attention.

    Elliott = ethered.

  58. Sin says:

    The comments alone proved the point.
    Top 5 post.
    Not sure how many unique visits

  59. Christopher Lloyd says:

    LOL 50 Cent got RR shook…

  60. i-am-will says:

    lupe is wack – fuck outa here

  61. kid nice says:

    I think this is a publicity stunt. I respect YN’s opinion, but calling out Lupe of all people? What about all the rest of the mindless artist the covers on here….?

  62. Lupe Is Dope. says:

    Lupe’s new album is crazy good.

  63. khal says:

    publicity stunt? Nah its honesty. YN let you know “yes, I don’t get into dude’s music”, but check the name of the site… RAP RADAR. They cover damn near everything that’s poppin’ in a Hip-Hop sense. Like it or hate it. I’d rather someone say that than be on some “omg i love this lupe shit” in public but hate it in private.

    I never understand why Lupe fans seem so overboard devoted… but that’s another topic.

  64. Frontrunner says:

    One of the reasons I come to this site is because YN has an opinion, and states it…Artists are sensitive, so I respect YN for stating his opinion, though I may have choosed different wording..Also for the most part I agree with his opinion, except a freestyle here and there…

    “Keep in mind that I’m a artist, so I’m sensitive about my shit” Badu-Tyrone

    No shots.

  65. Elle says:

    Lupe handled that very maturely and for the most part made a good point. Opinions are great and belongs to the person that delivers it whether the listeners or readers like it or not; however, it probably would not have stung so much had it been told to his face from the start. I doubt that it’s more about Lupe being sensitive about his work, artists know that with everything they do they are going to have to deal with the love as well as the hate. In this case involving him and YN, this is obviously a guy that he has come into contact with quite a bit as mentioned when Lupe brought up his XXL dealings. No one likes a person that smiles in their face and reserve their true feelings for when the person turns their back and if we want to call it business than I call BS. As a woman I would expect that from females but hey, the fellas have become quite fruity since 2007. But it’s like Lupe said or alluded to, not everyone can be as “real” as they say they are.

  66. devante says:

    Well lupe you just earned a spot in “you played your self”

  67. Mark says:

    what i loved about this site in the beginning is it seemed to be everything nah right wasnt,no big ego’s,no personal issues and no personal opinions,
    the site was the main factor and the owner/editor was a side issue,someone we new existed but he wasnt in our face telling us shit we didnt want or need to know.
    in the past so many months RR has become everything i hate in a site,which is a shame because it was the one site i knew of which had steered clear of that shit.

  68. Jimbo Slice says:

    I love Lupe and I most certainly love Chilly, It’s all about “Remi aka Mr Zone 6″ ask @TJsDJs who ran shit lastnight on the coalition music call Blast Music Concepts is the next @defjam

  69. mithritades says:

    Tell’em aint no shook hands in Queens Bdot lmao…

  70. Bob Loblaw says:

    Putting Lupe Fiasco on Blackout just because you don’t care for him and seemingly for no other reason makes you sound like a cranky old man. What’s worse is that you put him on Blackout but then acknowledge you’re still gonna post his stuff just for more traffic. Where’s your dignity? Stick to your guns man, if you publicly denounce the dude then have the balls to go all the way and stop using his stuff for your benefit. I used your site for the Em stuff, but I lost respect for you. SMH (that’s a mocking SMH because you seem to use it in every god damn post SMH).

  71. obama says:

    WHO FUCKING CARES!?!?!?!?!

  72. Nathaniel says:

    lmao, I LOVE IT

    about time we had another politically incorrect rapper who is willing to speak out on anything and STILL make dope ass music.

    the last nigga that really had something to say, and rap TOO (with all of his short comings, he went IN all across the board) was 2pac.

    i’m glad lupe doesn’t “just rap” because the nigga can do that and so much more. WE ARE NOT LOSERS <——losers are tight lipped yes men, fakes, greed mongers, crowd followers and 'behind door dick takers' -weezy.

    tips hat to lupe for truth. and as u niggas can see….the end result, MONEY prevails. YN lost…but wins too…

    we're 70+ posts deep on yet another lupe fiasco post. the saga continues.

  73. QUEENZ says:

    I feel like outlets like this should be unbiased and free of opinions by the reporters. It should be impartial, the comments and opinions should come from the people who visit the site.

  74. QUEENZ says:

    Why don’t y’all ever black out on the corny ass rappers like Yo Gotti and Gucci with that bullshit they be putting out?

  75. Nathaniel says:

    and the shit kills me. YN is a veteran hip hop journalist. he’s seen a lot.

    for hip hop’s sake, lupe can’t be denied. thats why. he’s Nas favorite rapper from this generation. Jay said he had the freshest wordplay he’d heard in years. Q-Tip loves the nigga (regardless of how much u “fiascogate”ers try to diss because of that situation”. Common, Mos Def, on and on…if legendary rappers can see the obvious importance of an independent thinking, artistic integrity championing, lyrical genius with mainstream and underground appeal….but NEVER commercial

    then why the fuck can’t YN? “his ego”….all men have ego’s bruh. even your favorite MC Jay-Z.

    c’mon son.

    “look at what i’m droppin here….do this for the block and the blogosphere
    now u aint ready for the heavy so i’ll keep it light as jogging gear
    i dont want the thrown, i want the helicopter rocking chair
    Jay gave me a co-sign like i was Rocawear, but be clear i’m not the air
    i’m the water, fire, and the earth
    that means i’m doin dirt, spittin flames and quenching thirst
    and plus the real God has been on my side….since birth
    i hope that he forgives me, i hope i do his work
    in every single verse
    now i might do a dance, i might even jerk
    tell them niggas don’t hate, only God is great
    Enemy of the State”


  76. Nathaniel says:



  77. Ty says:

    YN has every right to an opinion that is not as out of the norm as the Lupe devotees would like to think . The last couple of tweets and posts by Lupe have been arrogant and self serving . From telling his fans :” Just hope you don’t have to pay for the next mixtape!” , to equating some music being leaked to “… someone breaking into your house and stealing everything you own.” , (HUH???) Lupe has a way of putting things that is polarizing at times .

    Within the framework of a beat and in the context of hip hop braggadocio dude is brilliant . Within the framework of a conversation or a blog, within the context of everyday society , dude can come off like a spoiled brat , who thinks he is smarter than he actually is .

    I respect Lu and I like a lot of his music . He hasn’t put enough great music on 1 disc to have a classic yet though . His self confidence while on mic is the norm within this culture, but when off of the mic a measure of humility would make him more appreciated . He takes away your ability to view him objectively because he can be so preachy and pompous . He talks like somebody who has attained enlightenment while the rest of us are still striving for it . He’s still striving too though , and he should remember that . Get off the high horse and people won’t measure you on that scale. YN is neither right nor wrong. He just stated his opinion, I support his right to have one and still offer the fans what they want , whether he shares their taste or not . Lu should see there’s SOME truth in what YN said , whether he sees it or not .

  78. Nathaniel says:


    the comment he made about “hope u dont have to pay for it” was directed at some anonymous user on the LUPend blog. i read the comments that lead up to him saying that.

    and equating the leaked music to what he did….and what? when leaking first became an issue, the hip hop community seemed so pissed about quality art from true artists getting leaked. but now niggas are right in there and dont give a fuck. “just accept it, its a part of life now”

    how about stand for something worth it? if you’re an artist, piracy is your enemy. like i said before, he just said what most of these niggas think too, but have accepted or are waiting for the industry to clear up. if lupe doesn’t give a fuck if his fans catch feelings or not in stating his beliefs (which his music obviously proves he doesn’t. he’s free and doesn’t conform but stands alone) then we shouldnt say “hold off lupe…you’re disrespecting your supporters”. NO. he is a musician. he does hella shows, continues to make music that is obviously directed at uplifting and encouraging and truth spilling, in the face of the non-publicity he’s received. thats the greatest gift he could give music lovers. period.

    niggas want a quiet, meek, rapper that just raps to rap. our greats got in our asses. its a new day, a new time, with new issues (and some old)….and lupe does the same.

    YN obviously (in their many encounters) showed one face for the sake of business and then came with the “i never liked this kid” now. lupe responded to him and aired out his fakeness and proved greed is at the root. if u dont like, believe in, or respect something and u still use it for profit, what does that make u? business minded yes, but THAT model is morally deteriorizing. and void of integrity. lu is right. YN is bitching. again, as a hip hop journalist, a vet, an artist…a hip hop artist like lupe fiasco should be heralded by YN.

    save blackout for true fuck niggas and wack MC’s and the like. there’s enough of them to occupy Blackout for the whole 2010.

  79. Nathaniel says:

    and YN’s opinion isn’t wrong. true. whats wrong is the place it appears to come from, and his actions surrounding what he said.

    Lu’s debut was in 2006. no rapper that has debuted since then is as dope, or has material as good. he’s the leader of his generation. from the farhenheit series, to F&L, to The Cool, to Enemy of the State.

  80. Chi-town says:

    YN a sucka why didn’t he respond. Did the money make you do it YN or just fakeness? Good job not responding to 50. The world not responding to your form of album promotion anymore Curtis.

  81. SOUL says:


  82. SOUL says:



  83. t-dub says:

    why would we he even respond back to rap radar? but anyways hes still a solid rapper to me. he can be good and bad at times but until he makes some classics then who knows.

  84. Ty says:

    @ Nathaniel

    I feel you and I appreciate your passion for an artist as dope and non conformist as Lu. However his away from the mic persona is a bit arrogant . The “hope you don’t have to pay for it ” comment may have been made in response to 1 or 2 idiots, but it was directed towards ALL of us who support Lu . I doubt he was gonna charge 1 person and give it to the rest of us free . He let his anger at a few cause him to disrespect the many .

    As for the leak stuff, I don’t support stealing music or leaking other peoples livelihood for free . It’s wrong and it’s killing the game . However it was overstating it a bit to act like a song being leaked is equal to ” someone breaking in your home and taking EVERYTHING you own” , that was too much and it made him seem overly sorry for himself . His song being leaked was dead wrong , but it was more equivalent to someone doing a day or two of work on their job for realizing they won’t be getting paid for it . Like I said , I feel his pain but he just overstated it to people who are working for nickels or who can’t find jobs at all . He needs to realize he’s blessed to have it so good and not cry too loud in front of people who probably don’t have even close to what he has . Did that song leaking cost him everything he owned somehow ? Of course not .

    I don’t want a quiet meek rapper . I just want a rapper that realizes that arrogance and conceit on the mic is par for the course and arrogance and conceit away from the mic is arrogance and conceit . That’s all . I like him , I like what he stands for . I just don’t like the way that he can come off as holier than thou sometimes . I also think his music could be more consistently good . His flow is always dope but his beat selection sometimes seems like a contrived effort to appeal to another demographic . Maybe I’m wrong . But I have that right, and I don’t profess to be perfect .

    Lastly I don’t think it’s wrong at all for a journalist to personally dislike someone and yet provide an unbiased platform for the person in question . The fans obviously feel strongly about Lu one way or the other . Is YN supposed to not post anything about him because of his own personal tastes ? That would be truly lame and show a serious lack of integrity . I agree that his blackouts could be put to MUCH better use on 90% of the hip hop scene right now , but the fact that he chose Lu doesn’t upset me or seem unfair . When you put yourself on a pedestal whether you realize it or not you’re looking DOWN on people . Some people are gonna wanna know what right you have to be up there . Comes with the territory of a pedestal perch .

  85. YouKnowMe says:

    CHI CITY STAND UP!!!! Cmon joe the best lyricist comes from the the city of the chi

  86. Interscope Employee says:

    RR is falling off! its a shame. It became a hating site!! first 50, now Lupe
    how about Elliot gets the boot???? nigga is just a hater

  87. Nico Bellik says:

    Oh my goodness, get a grip Lupe. Anyone has a right to dislike your music or character. As a journalist YN is right to remain largely impartial (e.g. giving you space on RR regardless of his own feelings about your music) but does have every right to express his opinion in a “comment” piece. This is accepted good practice in journalism. Good work Rap Radar, keep it up. I wish I could say the same for Lupe.. If Elliot was a hater, I’m sure he wouldn’t give Fiasco the time of day, never mind feature him on this website, but he is a big enough man to put his personal feelings aside.

  88. khal says:

    niggas is bigging lupe up for what Nas says? the nigga who co-signed “oochie wally”?

    come on.


  90. Respect Where Its Due says:

    Nico Bellik says:
    Monday, December 28 2009 at 12:21 PM EST
    Oh my goodness, get a grip Lupe. Anyone has a right to dislike your music or character. As a journalist YN is right to remain largely impartial (e.g. giving you space on RR regardless of his own feelings about your music) but does have every right to express his opinion in a “comment” piece. This is accepted good practice in journalism. Good work Rap Radar, keep it up. I wish I could say the same for Lupe.. If Elliot was a hater, I’m sure he wouldn’t give Fiasco the time of day, never mind feature him on this website, but he is a big enough man to put his personal feelings aside.
    Check yaself before ya wreck ya self – Ice Cube
    If YN is allowed to openly voice his opinion on his blog (which he is).. then why isn’t Lupe allowed to respond on his?

  91. Respect Where Its Due says:

    Nico Bellik says:
    Monday, December 28 2009 at 12:21 PM EST
    Oh my goodness, get a grip Lupe. Anyone has a right to dislike your music or character. As a journalist YN is right to remain largely impartial (e.g. giving you space on RR regardless of his own feelings about your music) but does have every right to express his opinion in a “comment” piece. This is accepted good practice in journalism. Good work Rap Radar, keep it up. I wish I could say the same for Lupe.. If Elliot was a hater, I’m sure he wouldn’t give Fiasco the time of day, never mind feature him on this website, but he is a big enough man to put his personal feelings aside.
    Not to mention, you contradicted yourself again… obviously YN wasn’t “a big enough man” to put his feelings about Lupe aside… getcha facts right…

  92. kris says:

    Ya’ll coming at YN on his own SITE. Lupe coming at YN and that’s introducing people to this SITE. lmfao. Fools. YN chilling while ya’ll look pressed and restless.

  93. Random says:

    This is the last time I visiting the site you showed your true colors YELLOW! EW is pussy and your his pussy hairs.

  94. waytogo17 says:

    Man this post has got some really long comments on it, I can’t read them all. But in response to the few people on this post who commented that lupe never had a classic album: Food and Liquor and The Cool are by far, hands down, my two favorite rap albums ever.

    they are amazing, I cannot think of anything better. I don’t understand how people can’t vibe with those two albums. Especially The Cool. I love every song on that album, even the hamburger rap is funny. I hope Lupe’s next album is as devastatingly great as his first two.

  95. Frontrunner says:

    Lupe is overrated. And so is being a hiphop blogger/journalist

  96. ironic says:

    funny thing is lupe’s giving YN cred by taking valuable time out to even mention his ass…I generally used this site to get ‘solid’ info and, like mark said, RR has become one of the biggest disappointments ito hip hop reporting…YN’s weakness as a shoddy reporter and all ego is being exposed. when you’re backed by a mag (xxl) or a crew (ego trip) it is easy to confuse/conflate others’ talent as your own..he’s a weak link, no doubt..nowadays i visit the site out of a morbid fascination and no longer to get actual info…traffic = money 😉

  97. jafijoe says:

    yn is a fucking cornball so is that other bum ass nigga running the site. its funny how much they hate on someone yet post their shit… and not just lupe… they take shots at someone one day then the next day praise them like the fake fucks they are. except for jay-z….if jay-z was in jail yn would commit murder just to get in jail with jay and lend him his asshole so he could have something to fuck.

    i find it funny that the people in rapradar talk all this bullshit like their opinion is so important. you niggas aint og’s, your music taste aint better than anyone… so why talk this shit? cuz you’re a former xxl writer? get the fuck outta here with that bullshit with your byron crawford mouths talking this bullshit…. you should just stick to posting shit and fuck your stupid opinion old ass corny nigga and the other dark skin fruity lookin nigga.

  98. !Chris Hayes says:

    i think its lame as fuck for B DOT to say it was just his “OPINION” … like, save your OPINION for TWITTER , or save it for the COMMENT section…. B DOT is always in the comment section on every post back and forth, but now B DOT just quiet?

    i think ELLIOT needs to read MACHIAVELLI : THE PRINCE . and if you read it before, read it again, take notes….

    anyways, i been wantin to build with RAP RADAR for a minute, call me @ 774-734-7082 , lets DREAM BIG in 2010 ,

  99. yaboitone says:

    “if jay-z was in jail yn would commit murder just to get in jail with jay and lend him his asshole so he could have something to fuck.”

    ^quote of the 2009 came to us as 2009 comes to a close. lmfao. only 3 days to top that one folks! lmfao again.

    WARNING: Yellow Nigga’s Blackout and any and all of his other opinions in no way shape or form represent the opinions of OTHER yellow niggas (complexion not heart) like myself. We came back strong in 08-09 and we shall continue to rise in 2010 as long as cornball nigga’s like the aformentioned stop with their cornballery <(new word for 2010??) lol. Furthermore, Lupe is dat nigga. The rapper every other rapper wishes they could rap like. Thinkin about startin my own blog. Can't think of any other hiphop blogger who's opinion i respect for the most part besides Missinfo. If yall know anybody, put me on.

  100. sofia says:

    Who gives a shit really. I’m surprised he took the time out to even address it.. never mind the essay.

  101. B.Dot says:

    yn is a fucking cornball so is that other bum ass nigga running the site. its funny how much they hate on someone yet post their shit… and not just lupe… they take shots at someone one day then the next day praise them like the fake fucks they are. except for jay-z….if jay-z was in jail yn would commit murder just to get in jail with jay and lend him his asshole so he could have something to fuck.

    i find it funny that the people in rapradar talk all this bullshit like their opinion is so important. you niggas aint og’s, your music taste aint better than anyone… so why talk this shit? cuz you’re a former xxl writer? get the fuck outta here with that bullshit with your byron crawford mouths talking this bullshit…. you should just stick to posting shit and fuck your stupid opinion old ass corny nigga and the other dark skin fruity lookin nigga.

    Sigh. Let’s see, where do i begin? First off, thanks for visiting…again. My records indicate that you usually comment on Joe Budden related posts, Anyways, back to business.

    Keep your homo erotic fantasy’s to ya self. You come on OUR website and tell us to keep OUR opinions to OURSELVES. nigga please. Elliott’s spot in music journalism is already solidfied. I’m sure you’ve seen my byline in XXL, VIBE, GIANT, etc. Infact, you CONTINUE to follow me, here.

    Oh yeah, How’d my fruity ass look in Essence? Tell ya aunty i’ll mail her a copy

  102. 3TOTHA17TH says:

    Didnt quite understand the Lupe “Blackout”. Really had no merit. But we all know its quite the norm in the internet world to speak real reckless about a particular artist and then justify the comment by masking it under the guise of “its just my opinion”. Its rather peculiar that YN didnt post or comment on the statement 50 Cent made about him though. Hmmmm……..if ya gon be an OG, be an OG homie. ………..”its just my opinion”.

  103. Fred Jones says:

    One thing I’ve learned is that you can’t simply shrug someone off because you dont like something about their personality. Nobody is going to be just like you, and if you ignore everyone who isn’t you’ll find yourself pretty lonely. There are things about YN I don’t like, and their are things about Lupe I don’t like, but at the end of the day I appreciate both of them for what they do, and for still caring about hip-hop, and not abandoning the culture.

  104. jafijoe says:

    glad you read that it was my goal to get you bitch niggas to respond.. trust me i know joe budden does stupid shit so it aint me defending just him. im talking about every other while… whether it be nas, 50 cent, beanie sigel… u niggas write slick shit then the next day its like that post where u said this and that about a person doesnt exist. yet when beans came with a bunch of news about how fucked up jay is with the roc all you guys could say is stop the fighting guys, you’re family… then when people got tired of beans you took the opportunity to go in on him. both u niggas are still cornballs i dont give a fuck what you wrote for.

    oh and my aunty aint feelin it but if you wanna mail a copy to my gay cousin who thinks you look fabulous go ahead. he would also take it up the ass like you and elliott wilson would for jay-z


  105. Hova says:

    elliott wilson ole g-string white tee wearing ass nigga
    this nigga and bdot both shook of curtis floppin ass
    why dont you rent a camel elliott

  106. Hova says:

    realtalkny >>>>>>>>> rapradar

  107. B.Dot says:

    *chuckles* again, thanks for visiting.

  108. LO says:

    Ok B.Dot,
    I Understand that everyone has an opinion. I Actually think Lupe is The GOAT(kiss my ass,1st!!).
    But what I don’t understand is why would you put him in blackout basically saying FUCK HIM AND HIS FANS, if you knew his “followers” frequented this site in massive numbers?? You couldn’t possibly have thought that none of the fans wouldn’t comment on it. Either your REALLY stupid or you must have had some hidden plan,big or little! I just don’t understand why you would do this? Please respond , I may be the only Lupe fan that doesnt hate you for hating Lupe!!

    (Yes my last sentence was a Level 3 blackmail tactic)

  109. B.Dot says:

    I think you should forward your message to YN. I didn’t write the Blackout. He did. Whenever I write something in that section, it would have my byline attached to it.

    I could care less either way. Some songs i like. Others i dont. Calling him The GOAT is a reach beyond my comprehension.

    Hate it or love it, Lupe has been the talk of the town for the last, *looks at watch* 24-48 hours or so. I’ll just leave it at that.

  110. BE says:

    I don’t even know where to begin or end, so I’ll try to keep this short. I’m not sure if this site is a blog or some sort of online magazine. If it’s a blog, YN can say whatever he wants because those are usually opinion based. If it’s some type of online magazine (i.e. hiphopdx) then I think it should try to be unbiased. I think it leans towards the former so I don’t really trip on what YN does.

    However, I feel that because of ALL that YN (& B. Dot) has accomplished we expect more. I remember one of the reasons I stopped buying XXL was because it started to get watered down just like this genre/culture we all claim to love. It’s almost like the post below this one about DJ Enuff and the Jay Elec record… it’s all politics in hip-hop now. I’m not going to say that I’m going to stop coming to this website because I LOVE hip-hop music and this is one of the best places to keep up with what is going on. I guess I could just visit nahright (where I found out about this site when it first launched), but I think this is a good site as well.

    I’ll end with this. The fans (those who visit this site everyday and those who visit this site) deserve better. We always complain about how hip-hop isn’t the same.. and stuff like this is why. If you don’t care and you justify everything with “it’s just my opinion” that’s lame as hell and you know it. Like Lupe says it’s bs. Just like those who complain about things in the African American community, yet continue to just let things slide. Instead of checking people and taking an honest look at themselves. It’s really about accountability.

    The blackout was stupid. “Food & Liquor” is CLASSIC. “The Cool” is damn near, if not CLASSIC. Lupe is one of the greatest lyricists I’ve ever heard… if not the greatest. Internet hype? LMAO. Sometimes I wonder who you guys are cool with or what group of people you keep in your circle. I would attribute 50 Cents current (again.. current) career to internet hype. He wears wigs and starts unnecessary beef that in now way helps the culture. He’s pretty much irrelevant in my opinion. He sets no trends. His “thug” persona is played. Like I said on a previous post.. this site has something against new artists. I remember reading a slick comment about “The Cool Kids” several months back. Dah well. I’ve already said too much.

    I was all over the place but I hope some of it made sense. ONe1.

  111. jafijoe says:

    no problem i’ll keep visiting and giving you guys hits and keep making you get mad through comments because i know at the end that sticks out more than the hits im giving you.

  112. Chris says:

    Well its just Elliot’s personal opinion so no one can have a problem with that. Although, it does say volumes about the fact that YN, one of the most credible Hip-Hop journalists of our generation (and I do mean that) seems to be more engrossed nowadays in openly stanning for Rhianna rather than not being into one of Hip-Hop’s promising young lyrcisits. I dont know what its but between his posts and his podcast…I kinda feel like Elliot isnt even into Hip-Hop anymore 🙁

    Come home YN, come home…

  113. BE says:

    ^ Co-sign. That pretty much sums up what I was trying to say about expecting more. lol. Real talk Chris.

  114. geck014 says:

    YN Really? What did Lupe actually do to you? I am lost here. Did I miss something or did Elliott just feel like starting shit because Lupe does not kiss anyone’s ass? He does not go to Knick games and chill with Mike Kyser. He does not hang in the clubs. He does not leak exclusive. Get the fuck out of here. Dude is true to himself and don’t have time for stupid ass journalists or so called once upon a time niggas.

  115. mike says:

    There are artists that I don’t feel either….like Wale…he’s just boring to me. But I will admit that he can rap. He has dope lyrics and loves the culture and the craft. He bleeds hip hop and I respect him for that.

    The point Im trying to make is, of all the wack ass niggaz in the game right now who should have never picked up a mic, why pick Lupe? You dont have to like him but he brings something that is really needed in hip hop right now…lyricism!

    Diss the boosies, gucci mane’s, webbie’s, new boys, d4l’s and those other wack niggaz that fuck up the game….as many shitty ring tone rappers to go at, YN picked Lupe,….SMH

    Eh, it’s his opinion….all I can do is respect it

  116. teejay says:

    i disagree with yn, but he has the right to an opinion. and i really dont understand why lupe felt the need to respond.

    I don’t see how one can hate on lupe but dig gucci’s album…

  117. LO says:

    Ok B.Dot,
    I Understand that everyone has an opinion. I Actually think Lupe is The GOAT(kiss my ass,1st!!).
    But what I don’t understand is why would you put him in blackout basically saying FUCK HIM AND HIS FANS, if you knew his “followers” frequented this site in massive numbers?? You couldn’t possibly have thought that none of the fans wouldn’t comment on it. Either your REALLY stupid or you must have had some hidden plan,big or little! I just don’t understand why you would do this? Please respond , I may be the only Lupe fan that doesnt hate you for hating Lupe!!

    (Yes my last sentence was a Level 3 blackmail tactic
    WOW I feel real Stupid!!!
    But…..I feel LUPE is the GOAT pertaining to lyricism not hiphop/rap all together. But if he keeps it up he will be…NOT *Mainstream* 11 number one albums wise but as far as being the dope i think so…I wud say Eminem currently holds that honor but most of his songs he plays around in them. Soooo Yeah anywayz…
    List anyone, someone that can match the lyrical capabilities that Lupe has??? Excluding Em and Nas…No ONE period..
    And I can say that is my honest opinion…Put LUPE on a track with ANY1 and he will Outshine them. Now!! Disagree?

  118. Nathaniel says:

    i think its fair to say that, lyrically, lupe can do what any of the lyricists in hip hop do effortlessly. if you disagree, i’d like to know why. the nigga’s diversity is on some whole other shit. Twilight Zone comes to mind, Knockin at the Door, Glory, Real Recognize Real, THE ENTIRE STORY BEHIND “THE Cool” and all of its characters, Hurt Me Soul, What It Do, National Anthem and Fireman (Yoga Flame) from the new mixtape, Lupe the Killer, Conflict Diamonds, even the creativity of Gotta Eat…a play on the poor eating habits/diet in the black community.

    only a few years in and the nigga (lyrically) has proved he can do anything.

  119. Nathaniel says:

    and when i think about Liquid Swords, Supreme Clientele…those GZA and Ghostface, joints…which are iLL beyond reason, i wonder if these “lupe is too complicated” ass niggas that know these albums as well would say that about ghost and the genius.

    half the time i don’t know what the hell ghost is tryna tell me in summary, but he’s dope. lu may take some deciphering at times, but i wonder if thats why it took Illmatic an entire year to even catch on.

    over niggas heads. in 1994 nas was ahead of his time. in present day, like Mistah FAB said, lupe is ahead of his. it’ll be sometime after he’s finished that we go back and give him the respect he deserves.

  120. BuckyLove says:



  121. ATCQ says:

    YN, I usually agree with you. However, I can’t roll with you on this one. Lupe is dumb nice. Period.

  122. what was the reason for the blackout anyway? lupe is a great artist and takes pride in the culture and not just for the music. sometimes i think the blackout section is used for shock value and traffic like lupe said.

  123. Respect Where Its Due says:

    LO says:
    Monday, December 28 2009 at 7:49 PM EST
    Ok B.Dot,
    I Understand that everyone has an opinion. I Actually think Lupe is The GOAT(kiss my ass,1st!!).
    But what I don’t understand is why would you put him in blackout basically saying FUCK HIM AND HIS FANS, if you knew his “followers” frequented this site in massive numbers?? You couldn’t possibly have thought that none of the fans wouldn’t comment on it. Either your REALLY stupid or you must have had some hidden plan,big or little! I just don’t understand why you would do this? Please respond , I may be the only Lupe fan that doesnt hate you for hating Lupe!!

    (Yes my last sentence was a Level 3 blackmail tactic
    WOW I feel real Stupid!!!
    But…..I feel LUPE is the GOAT pertaining to lyricism not hiphop/rap all together. But if he keeps it up he will be…NOT *Mainstream* 11 number one albums wise but as far as being the dope i think so…I wud say Eminem currently holds that honor but most of his songs he plays around in them. Soooo Yeah anywayz…
    List anyone, someone that can match the lyrical capabilities that Lupe has??? Excluding Em and Nas…No ONE period..
    And I can say that is my honest opinion…Put LUPE on a track with ANY1 and he will Outshine them. Now!! Disagree?

    Canibis or canibus or whatever… he may be a fool for goin against Eminem (and his flow sucks!) but his lyrics are arguably as good/better than Ems. (Old Eminems still my fave rapper…)

  124. Respect Where Its Due says:

    ^ Just added that last part so I wouldn’t be labeled as a hater..

  125. Hova says:

    john legend on steriods lookin ass nigga

  126. joe says:

    wow…what a crybaby….lupe stop herbing yourself idiot.

  127. LO says:

    U have to be kidding…Canibus LMAO..he cant even handle Royce! There is no one that can match Lupe’s incorporation of metaphors, double entenderes,Freudian slips, flow and al make sense flowing with the verse. NOBODY

  128. […] Lupe Reacts To “YN’s Blackout” Last night, Lupe Fiasco responded to Yellow Nigga’s “Blackout” rant at his home base. Sorry folks, […] […]

  129. Akshon says:

    when yall going to realize what the “young bucks” really want? i give you a clue, it’s not B Dot and YN personal opinion.

  130. Random nigga says:

    i jus hav 2 say that i heard bout this site wen i read the lupe blog… then i realize this so called “OG” is the editor and cheif of XXL a mag that the only time i have ever opened it was for the voluptuous women on the cover, i didnt even know it was a hip hop news mag i always thought XXL was a metaphor for voluptuous women, mostly for their big asses. What i really cant understand is YN reasons of dislike, ego dnt match the catalogue. like come on nigga you really dislike him bcuz you aren’t fond of how he carries himself. those kind of emotional reasonings are a female trait. We are men and our statements are factual and practical. there are proper ways 2 do these things dislike a musician based on their lyrical ability, music quality, message, organization, etc C’mon aren’t u a writer? you shud know this. also by the way, one’s inability to comprehend a musicians piece is not the musicians fault, but none other than the ignorance of the listener. yo if u cudn’t analyze shining down, then you shouldn’t be listening to lupe. stick to catchy souljah boi hooks. shining down was basically in layman’s terms, he was basically saying that he was on a higher plane… hence the title “Shining Down”… smh

  131. Respect Where Its Due says:

    LO says:
    Tuesday, December 29 2009 at 1:17 PM EST
    U have to be kidding…Canibus LMAO..he cant even handle Royce! There is no one that can match Lupe’s incorporation of metaphors, double entenderes,Freudian slips, flow and al make sense flowing with the verse. NOBODY
    I nearly agree with you. he can’t take anyone.. but his lyrics are amazing…; his flow+voice are weak.
    If ya want too, take some time and just google “Canibus lryics”

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