RR’s ’09 Worst Singles: #9 Robin Thicke x Nicki Minaj “Shakin’ It 4 Daddy”

Curse the day that the man from Marcy suggested to Alan’s baby boy that he get Young Money’s Barbie on this booty track. I swear this Nicki chick is real hit and miss. And here’s she’s off like John Starks in an NBA Finals game. “Ball like Yao Ming-a-ling”? Get the f-f-f-fuck outta here! But the real blame of this earache has to go back to the funky Caucasian. You couldn’t tell dude this track wasn’t fires. (Pardon the terrible two-stepping.) I swear I walked out of his record release party at Butter before the foolery above happened. Shit, I’m a man with p-p-p-principles.

Before: RR’s ’09 Worst Singles: #10 Jadakiss x Oj Da Juiceman “Who’s Real”

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  1. Chipped Tooth Condition says:

    damn nicki minaj looking ugly as fuck in that pic. nice body but that face is just fucking ugly.

  2. 106th says:

    LMAO at Nicki Minaj’s face in that photo…. wtf LOL

  3. Dashing says:

    co-sign putting this song on the list, especially since Robin Thicke’s last album was on some old school jazz, r&b tip. “Lost Without You” “Magic Touch” That’s his lane…This is a bit outside his comfort zone.

    and i agree with chipped tooth, Nicki looks wack there. She actually looks better when she dresses classy with less makeup, like at that awards show with Drake.

  4. Chipped Tooth Condition says:

    word up Dashing. she looks real ugly when she’s trying too hard.

  5. Rhyme says:

    once again you guys are correct. I never even attempted to listen to this song.
    it has a bad odor coming from it LOL

  6. Ty says:

    I missed this joint haven’t heard it …….. anything she’s on though it isn’t hard to believe is garbage LOL .

    Can we get a snippet of the joints in question (especially the more obscure ones) if not the whole song so we won’t have to leave the sight to find ’em ? If not it’s coo .

    BTW does anybody else feel that as far as Minaj and Drake go , that they’d both better lay off of the features and just drop their own albums ? Cause the more they both do, the more limited they reveal that they both are . Leave some mystique intact guys, make the world at least buy your own albums before they find out you’re both one to two trick ponies at best .

    That’s just me though, or is it ?

  7. Chipped Tooth Condition says:

    yea Ty, they’re gonna burn out like Wayne last year with all the features.

  8. devon says:

    Why is this chick’s buzz so strong?I’ve never heard her spit a hot verse & after seeing her on 106th & Park looking like a ghetto super hero I thought wow they had a bidding war over her,

  9. QUEENZ says:

    Word, this shit was terrible. Thicke is an amazing vocalist and he needs to just stay in his lane. Fast paces / “club” songs aren’t his forte and I hope he learned from this album. It seemed like a desperate attempt to sell records to a younger audience but in the process he turned off the audience that loved his prior two albums (im not even including “A Beautiful World” his first album). Thicke, if i were you I’d take note when I watch Maxwell. He stays in his lane and he owns that lane. Find yours, stay sober behind the wheel to keep from swirving out of it.

  10. B. Digital says:

    I have never heard this song, and I refuse to listen to it.

    I think Robin Thicke is a very good ‘blue eye soul artist’ but Nicki Minaj’s voice to me is like nails to a chalk board.. It’s just mad annoying.

  11. Chipped Tooth Condition says:

    devon, sex sells and nicki got plenty of it

  12. Nathaniel says:

    minaj and drake are taking the lil wayne approach (possibly under his advising) and trying to flood the market like he did. we all know that was his very successful plan of attack…..BUT…

    lil wayne is a veteran. he had a catalog and TWO strong efforts (carter 1 & 2) before her went bananas with all mixtapes and features leading up to the carter 3’s debut.

    these rookies ain’t got shit. (no drake, so far gone and your other two don’t count). they need albums…and they’re both too lil wayne-esque. the boy drake is void of a brand, even. that YM persona doesn’t fit him….he ain’t cut from that cloth, he’s posing.

    and the barbie shit is just wack. no explanation needed.

  13. Joe Blow says:

    this song was dope.

  14. bozhena says:

    maybe you just need a little more time to recognize the brilliance behind this Barbie. MATRIARCHATE is back!

  15. mac DIESEL says:



  16. Shortman says:

    What are you talking about? This track is dope as hell, a sure shot in the clubs. And Nicki kills it…she is the only interesting female rapper right now. Who cares about all the Barbie-stuff, she can spit like crazy, and that’s why she has a buzz.

  17. mac DIESEL says:

    @ Shortman



  18. Dee says:

    This pic pretty much sums up what Robin Thicke and most people think of when they think of Nicki Minaj, and that is paying attention to the goods and not what comes out of her mouth.

  19. Ac@pella! says:

    Damn….I feel bad for actually likin’ this song…Maybe it’s the beat and the constant image of Nicki clappin’ her ass to it in my head that keeps me bumpin’ it in my iPod…Sorry…My girl hates this song too. Guess everybody is sth’s at me. Lol. 😀

  20. RRcoolJ says:

    “Maybe it’s the beat and the constant image of Nicki clappin’ her ass to it in my head that keeps me bumpin’ it in my iPod…Sorry”


    *bury me now*

  21. […] Before: RR’s ‘09 Worst Singles #9 Robin Thicke x Nicki Minaj “Shakin It 4 Daddy” […]

  22. Shortman says:

    @ mac DIESEL

    I wasn’t hating on your opinion in particular…but the song is hot, and so is Nicki (as a rapper). And I don’t even find her attractive at all, but her flow is ridiculous. Sounds like she’s always drunk or something, gotta love that. This is clearly not one of the ten worst singles of 09. But whatever…

  23. IrelandRepresents says:

    All in all, I would ride this wee girl silly. With my big willy. Even if it was I was f-f-f freezing cold in ‘Philly. lol

  24. […] #9 Robin Thicke x Nicki Minaj “Shakin’ It 4 Daddy” […]

  25. gsgd says:

    this was not a single

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