Rihanna’s Basketball Date

Ri-Ri took her baseball-playin boo to the Cavs-Clippers game last night in LA. It was close but Bron Bron’s squad won a nail-biter 102-101.

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  1. Sick of seeing this chick, guess she realized the album is wack and there’s no need in promotion.

    Not to mention she’s gettin passed around like a plate of biscuits.

  2. The Dynasty says:

    True that???? Whose the other person other than Chris Brown and this baseball player she’s been with? I’m not claiming to know who is everybody she’s dated but y’all are….

  3. Mike Dreams says:

    @The Dynasty

    You’re right…people just love to call women hoes just because.

    But I mean, we will never know how many guys she’s been with other than Chris and this guy though.

    The only other rumor was Drake and then the Jay-Z rumors are just speculation. LOGICAL speculation, but still speculation nevertheless…lol.

  4. Cammie says:

    @Boney Starks-Her album is much better then that lame flop womanbeater put out. Plus she has already gone Gold in the US and Gold OverSeas. Besides Fist Brown who else have you seen her with…the only thing getting passed around is the bullshit on your Post

  5. blaqscorpio says:

    Can this ish be anymore staged? lol

  6. FUCK JAY Z says:

    RAPPER GOES IN ON JAY Z !!!!!!!!!

  7. INDOCHINE says:

    staged? can she go out to a game without you hating?
    passed around? STFU. all virgins stop posting comment.
    she’s not everything, but you ninggas acting like u are.

  8. Damn I didn’t know you folks were so sensitive about your Rihanna, matter fact I’ll give you this. Next time you see her make sure you buff her labia too because you guys are on her jock ridiculously hard.

  9. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtcdMtfLTpo&hl=en_US&fs=1&hd=1&border=1]

  10. noone says:

    rihanna what did yo momma tell u bout doin ur own hair. he aint claiming her anyway.

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