PETA V.P. On Kanye & Amber’s Furs

PETA Vice President, Dan Mathews commented on Kanye and Amber Rose’s fur coats on the organization’s blog. “Kanye can’t help making himself look like an idiot, whether at an award’s show or a fashion show. He and his girlfriend look like pathetic creatures from a shabby roadside zoo.”

Don’t feed the animals.


Previously: Kanye & Amber Are Fur Real | Vol. 2

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  1. ssraheem says:

    Question: If they had been wearing jackets, shoes or belts made of leather(like 90% of the other people there) would this jerkoff be making a statement like that? Answer: Probably not, PETA only really cares about cute furry animals.

  2. Cunning Link Quest says:


  3. B.Dot says:

    If one of those PETA fucks had a rat or mouse in their crib, they’d probably keep that shit and give it a name.

  4. Shawn says:

    Cosign that first post.
    PETA is nothing more than a bunch non social, self rightous zealots. They’re full of shit and use famous people to spread bullshit.

  5. james bond says:

    I’m wit’ raheem above ^^^…..I thought leather was in-fact, animal?….IMO, both sides are idiots….you kill ‘gods’ creation to wear (Kanye and others) because it’s a statement and visual of your wealth?…yet, these PETA fucks, put the human life under an animals..?? we are all created from the same thing (as least that’s what I think), so neither side has an upper hand to kill, or condemn …. fuck em’ all I say

    <—cotton guy (even tho I know, great-grandma and grandpa worked hard to produce that)

  6. Deangelobailey says:

    We should enjoy our postion on the food chain; eat meat wear fur.

  7. Ty says:

    By definition human beings are animals too. Where is PETA when there is a tragedy like what happened in Haiti? Has their organization sent money to the HUMANS down there? If not this is what gets their attention? I don’t advocate cruelty to animals but humans come first in my eyes. Until I see PETA at the forefront when it comes to the preservation of human life they will always seem like overzealous fanatics that go too far. Just like the pro life activists that KILL PEOPLE, to “SAVE LIVES”. Get a grip and some human interaction and maybe you’ll become more human than rodent.

  8. piff says:

    peta took the gloves off.

  9. ssraheem says:

    For the record PETA claims to be against animal testing or the use of animal products of any kind but there senior vice president MaryBeth Sweetland is a diabetic and like most diabetics, that don’t want to die, she uses insulin to treat it. The problem is not only is insulin made from hog pancreas it was tested on dogs before it was released to the pubic. If you love animals that’s fine but there are better, more reasonable and less hypocritical organizations to follow if love nature that much.

  10. …and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth,* and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

  11. B.Dot says:

    Screw this, im bout to grab a cheeseburger.

  12. beauty says:

    at a “zoo?” fuck taking the gloves off. PETA showed their true colors.

  13. khal says:

    $20 says if amber rose showed up on the peta VP’s doorstep in a fur, naked underneath, he’d still cut.

  14. Van says:

    People are catching hell all over the world and they’re worried about some fucking fur. They really need to get their priorities straight. All that money, time, infrastructure, and energy wasted. Yes, Ye and Amber look like asshole. Yes, It’s fucked up that a animal was boiled and skinned to make a coat for these two asses. But it’s even more fucked up that 150 thousand people died in Haiti. Its even more fucked up that the economic and educational disparities existing today will create a permeate unskilled and uneducated underclass that will be on some mad max shit in about 5 years if left unattended. How about we make the ethical treatment of people our top priority. Fuck a Dan Mathews.

    . . . cowards (c)

  15. Jimbo Slice says:

    I’m so fuckin sick of these PETA bastards. I would like to see where they fuck with white people for their furs as much as they’ve tried to destroy niggas for theirs. Between kanye, Mike Vick and Kelis. They’re worse than the fuckin police!! I’m getting sick of them.

  16. dunny says:

    I hope they approve my comment

  17. jimbo says:

    I don’t care much about fire, but dude’s right, they look like idiots.

  18. mmkayy says:

    its true tho.. they’re doin it just to do it lol they dont even look good.. much like Kelis

  19. Blakout615 says:

    My opinion-
    Humans > animals
    Even as a youngster, I never really cared about animals. I just always viewed a human life way more important.

  20. casehistory says:

    regardless, she’s got on too much bronzer!

  21. mac DIESEL says:

    @ Dan Matthews



  22. Obama says:

    First of all, this Amber bitch look CRAZY!!!!! I mean look at her fuckin grill!!!! Are you serious!?!?!? Second, judging from the look on Kanye’s face, I’d say that the animals that they skinned to get all that fur they wearing has been firmly lodged up his ass… I’m just saying!

  23. TheTruendLivn says:

    PETA is the new Church.

  24. Mataz says:

    I’m confused did kanye kill the animal and make the jacket? …………. maybe thats a stupid question then maybe another stupid question is does kanye and amber buying fur the main reason the tren/industry exists …. can someone help me out here

  25. uneek says:


    You know that there is synthetic insulin, right? It’s made from a strain of E coli bacteria. It’s better for you because you don’t get any of the allergic or autoimmune reactions you could get from animal insulin. It’s also cheaper than animal insulin. It’s called Humulin and it’s been around since the late 80s. This is also what Muslims, Jewish and Hindu diabetics use since they don’t ingest certain types of meat or meat altogether.

  26. Will says:

    i see they rebelling but wearing all that fur aint a good look cuz look Like Dirty D from Pootie Tang with That Coat and it took me a while to jump on but Amber is Bad she need to grow her fuccing hair out but nonetheless still bad

    yea fucc Peta they take shit too far all that splashing blood on people clothes thats an ass whooping rite there people work hard to pay for that shit and they just hop out of nowhere with Blood in a buccet and throw that shit on people This aint Carrie cuz PETA the type of people that would kill a person for wearing fur LOL Like they trying to protect animals from dying but they will kill human being for the sake of that animal

    man I wouldve beat that asian bitch ass if I was Lindsay Lohan it look like the bodyguards was about to beat the soy sauce out her but the cameras was on them so they let her go LOL

  27. Brooksie says:

    I giggle at that note from PETA wat a moron

  28. ssraheem says:


    Senior vice president MaryBeth Sweetland admitted to using the form of insulin made from pigs there’s a quote out there somewhere of her trying to justify it but I’m too lazy to find it right now so Google it and see for your self.

  29. Drucifer says:

    Well, she was right about one thing……Kanye is an idiot

  30. Bionic Pocahontas says:

    Why do people get so pissed at Peta? Cause they’re calling idiots like these two out? Don’t wear fuckin’ fur. Dumbasses.

  31. ToiletSpatula says:

    i aint feelin peta, but they do look pretty stupid.

  32. Rick Dickulous says:

    yea right, fur is balla

  33. uneek says:


    I just read the blurb about her. There’s some Facebook hypocrite page about her that says that she takes synthetic insulin, which is derived from pigs. That just isn’t true. Synthetic insulin doesn’t contain any animal content as it is made from bacteria, not the pancreas of a pig or hog. I am not sure why she would say that it contains “some animal products”. Maybe it used contain it when the interview was done in 1990 or she was misinformed. The human insulin (Humulin) is most likely tested on animals, though.

    I am not defending her, by any means. All life is supposed to be precious but if it comes to sacrificing an animal’s life in order to save millions, the choice is obvious. That’s what the synthetic insulin has done, as well as other life-saving medicines. I just wanted to bring up the fact about human insulin not containing animal since I know about different types of insulin firsthand.

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