“The Stimulus Package” Packaging

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Now, this is creative. When you open your copy of Jake One and Freeway’s The Stimulus Package on February 16th, here’s what you’ll get. Designed by Brent Rollins, the artwork comes with a wallet-like-disc holder and other treats. Let’s hope the music is as good as its cover.

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  1. Takes the packaging from The Fix and SHITS ALL OVER IT. THAT is amazing, something to entice heads away from digital copies. Great.

  2. dizzy3413 says:

    Rhymesayers cats always got dope packaging ie P.O.S., Atmosphere etc… the rest of the game needs to take notes. Give your fans reason to drive to the store and cop the real thing. This is def something to add to the hard copy collection.

  3. Van says:

    Peace to Brent and all them ego trip niggas.

    Good Shit.

    Males shouldn’t be jealous that’s a female trait.
    Watch you mad ’cause you push dimes and he sell weight? (c)

  4. rAND says:

    Great concept! Sure in the heck beats the worn out DVD concept that Officer Ricky is trying to do with “Teflon Don”.

  5. Oj Da Cornball says:

    Dope. nothing else to say.

  6. bfears says:

    wow amazing. this is awesome. artists take notes.

  7. CeeMee says:

    rhymesayers always goes hard with the packaging.

  8. L6 says:

    thats the illest cd case ever!

  9. Brian Hughes says:

    I think that the stimulus package have helped a lot in restoring the economy. right now we can see some improvements in the economy. right now we can see some improvements in the eco,”‘

  10. Leo King says:

    stimulus packages are very helpful for kickstarting the economy~*~

  11. we can say that the stimulus package that were issued several years ago have been taking its effect now*-‘

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