Beyoncé’s A Brooklyn Girl

BK may be from Texas, but now she’s a New Yorker. Today, Medina borough president Marty Markowitz crowned Beyoncé an offical Brooklynite. The singer was in town today for the opening of the Beyonce Cosmetology Center at the Phoenix House rehabilitation center. Bey spent time at Phoenix House while preparing for her role as Etta James in the film, Cadillac Records.


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  1. macadon212 says:

    Brooklynite.. she has nothing brooklyn in her, but Jay..fuck outta here Marty..u already got Bklyn looking like manhattan and fucking up the communities

  2. Some just can't get enough says:

    In her dreams. Shes thinks because of Jay she’s HipHop. FAIL

    Biggest Attention Seeker on the planet isnt getting enough of the media.. poor burlesque singer

  3. FACTUAL says:

    She Not From Brooklyn
    But She Has Been Fucked By A Couple Niggas
    Cough Mos Def
    Cough Jay Z

  4. Nas might of tapped her,50 maybe too….god knows who else, no doubt being a hick girl from Texas she banged a few dudes to get her deals….lol

  5. BK says:


  6. lostme says:

    MOS DEF??? Yo i’mma big Mos fan but even I don’t know about that one.

  7. blaqscorpio says:

    Lol @ y’all! Keep hating!

  8. Angel says:

    Yall are some fuckin fags…the post is about the chick doing something positive and you talking like some cackling ass females about who you think she fucked. Shut the fuck up homos. The cause is good to help people get back on their feet. Anybody trying to help is alright with me

  9. FACTUAL says:

    I Don’t Think She Fucked Them I’m Certain
    Jay Z – Is Her Husband/Boyfriend For Years So That A Given

    Mos Def – I When To A Festival I Can’t Remember The Name In 01
    And On The Bill Was Mos Def – Talib – Destiny Child And Upon Leaving
    The Festival I Seen Beyonce Leaving In A Car With Mos Def
    Make Your Own Mind Up What You Think Happened LOL

  10. blaqscorpio says:

    It’s funny how none of y’all have commented on the “good” that she’s trying to do for the community with a rehabilitation centre. Somewhere that women no matter their circumstances can go and learn a trade, so that they can support themselves and their families. All you can do is argue over her “rumored” sex life like a couple of bitches sitting on the block. This type of mentality is what’s ruining the Black community. Instead of BIGGIN’ UP y’all prefer to BREAK DOWN.

  11. blaqscorpio says:

    @ Angel

    EXACTLY Angel! And if she did what does her past have to do with any of y’all. Does your past define you?!

  12. dani says:


    your past does define you.
    bad example.

    but, i just think it shouldn’t matter. she’s a phenomenal artist and entertainer. i’m sure her farts are more creative than most of the people on here.

  13. JKRealize says:

    Peep the dude behind her in that pic…how are you gonna fall asleep with Beyonce in front of you?

  14. blaqscorpio says:

    @ dani

    It might define you but it doesn’t define me, sorry. You can always change.

  15. Jay Fingers says:

    Anyone who says their past doesn’t define them is delusional.

  16. crossover1985 says:

    any grown straight man hating on beyonce needs help. not only is she bad physically, but she makes money!!! tell me one other female star who is seeing the bread she is making. you may be able to name a couple who MAY look better. but im sure they aint seeing her pockets. Jay-Z wins again!!!

  17. Derty Kevin says:

    Is it just me or does she look more white than black in this picture? She gets lighter every time I see her.

  18. The Truth says:

    Big up B, lol @ the shit talkers.

  19. lol @ the people on here, what has she done that was so positive? Put out music, tour and make money of it…..WOW, what a humanitarian! If your a fan of her music, then cool….but people are making her out to be Mother Theresa…

  20. PS, so according to crossover1985 we have to like anyone who has more money than we do? what the hell is in your Corn Flakes?

  21. Dee says:

    Respect to what she’s doing, but she’s not Brooklyn.

  22. Red Forman says:

    @Noles Corleone hey dumbass, this post is about something positive she’s just done… do niggas even know how to read anymore?

  23. _MelG_ says:

    With that much thigh and leg in that picture, how can any of you think of anything negative. At the least, talk about biscuits. MY LORD (C) Ciph & Rosenberg

  24. blaqscorpio says:

    @Noles Corleone

    Can you not read or something?

    The pic posted up top is like from ’06 BET awards or something. Get current YN.

  25. I talk like this cuz i can back it up says:

    Yeah she did date Mos Def and Jay but only one of them ever smashed. How yall gonna blame her for the problems in Brooklyn like she’s the mayor or something????????. smh

  26. Ac@pella! says:

    Damn! My dumb ass. Lol! I know I
    ‘m late and slow as fuck 4 this statement, but THAT’S what Jay meant in Empire State of Mind when he said B.K. is from Texas! X-D I jus got that line! B.K. Beyonce Knowles. Duhhh dumb ass me! LMFAO!

  27. RG says:

    stupidass niggas above me. btw beyonce is looking fIYAAAANE in that pic

  28. Will says:

    Brooklyn People Just Like Compton LA Southside Chicago Harlem New orleans

    we take where we from seriously If werent born or raised from your childhood of age 8 in these cities your not from them

    I dont give a fucc what anybody else say Hell that Marty Bitch is the president but she cant say who reps what

    If I was Beyonce I would Take offense becuz I heard Houston Motherfuccas Rep hard too

    “you rep one city but you conquer the world”

  29. […] Brooklyn’s Finest speaks on the Cosmetology Center she opened up Friday at the Phoenix House in BK. B came up with the concept of creating a salon like the one her moms had back in Houston. It’s a seven month training course for men and women to learn while they are in the process of rehabilitation from drug and alcohol addiction. Applauds Mrs. Carter. […]

  30. […] Brooklyn’s Finest speaks on the Cosmetology Center she opened up Friday at the Phoenix House in BK. B came up with the concept of creating a salon like the one her moms had back in Houston. It’s a seven month training course for men and women to learn while they are in the process of rehabilitation from drug and alcohol addiction. Applauds Mrs. Carter. […]

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