1. Ac@pella! says:

    I tried. I tried…I tried to listen to this nigga. NO! It’s cuttin it 4 me. He sounds like every other new southern nigga…And y tha fuck does everybody have to call themselves the don all of a sudden??? Nigga, get a viable reputation, drop a couple GREAT albums, make some changes in ppl’s lives, THEN call urself the “don”. Until then, shut tha fuck up. And no, I didn’t jus come on here to hate. This nigga really sucks balls musically.

  2. […] system also coming soon. To read more check here or check out @OffTheTraX on Twitter. this trackwasheard onRap RadaronMarch 11th […]

  3. real says:

    i second that @Ac@pella!

  4. Rick55 says:

    @ Ac@pella and real both ya’ll niggas some pussys and probably gay as fuck! School boys. If you a real nigga from the street you feelin this nigga and the whole movement pussys. Lauderdale fucks wit Alley Boy for real. Thats Florida bitches

  5. Ac@pella! says:


    1st off, I’m nowhere near pussy unless it’s fuckin’ my bitch. 2nd, I’m from Detroit, don’t shit scare me playboy. I’m from the hood, westside all that shit, blah blah blah. I see it everyday. I don’t wanna hear that bullshit over and over again. It’s repetitive as fuck and if u ain’t puttin a twist on it, it’s pointless. Everybody CAN’T and SHOULDN’T rap, and that goes for this ass ass nigga. I don’t give a fuck if ur from the east, west, south, or midwest, do somethin’ different. Say somethin that’ll make me spark interest in ur hood on a different note. Ain’t sayin tha shit gotta be sugarcoated cause the hood don’t sugarcoat shit, but give it up nigga. This nigga sucks and that’s tha mufuckin truth. If ur e-thuggin’ sensitive ass can’t take anutha man’s criticism, then shut tha fuck up. Even if u can, STILL shut tha fuck up, pussy.

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