On The Set: Usher x Nicki Minaj “Lil Freak”

Mr. Raymond recently crafted a visual with Young Money’s femme fatale. No Stevie Wonder.


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  1. young hov says:

    Usher= Washed up

  2. t-dub says:

    wtf is up with nicki’s hair? lame.

  3. Ac@pella! says:

    Still don’t see why ppl hate on Nicki…Years from now, we’re gonna look back and put her in the category with those great weird rappers….I’d fuck her, and she’s gotta talk in that weird ass baby voic she does. Lol. Spoiled lil cute ass bitch 🙂

  4. Can says:

    washed up…?

    do you know what washed up means?

    he may not be doing Confessions number, but he’s just as big as he was at his peak before it. which is pretty fucking big. which is still the most popular R&B singer in the world besides maybe Kells. and people don’t even fuck with Kells like that no more.

  5. Can says:

    *Confessions numbers

  6. dickinyamom says:

    So many haters it’s crazy how people that don’t do anything hate on people who do something

  7. King JuggaNott says:

    Nikki is a damn fine ass talented smart ass chick. Got damn I wish I could get a shot at the damn title. Anyway….I believe she’s going to have nice success. I believe that she’s taking the right angles and doing the right songs with the right people. It’s about time the sisters had a decent chick to rock with. Eh….Lauryn is on some other shit so….this is what we have. Oh well….at least she’s easy on the eyes and can rhyme. No depth but eh…maybe we’ll get lucking and she’s grow as a artist?

  8. Lisa says:

    I feel like Nicki Minaj is the Lady Gaga of hip hop. And lady gaga is pretty successful right now.

  9. BAPHOMET says:

    So Yellow Nigger is commenting on his own post?Sad
    This is your site if you wanna say that someone is washed up just say it.
    And yeah he is not stevie wonder.
    Nicki Classless Minaj is no Lady Gaga.Nicki is doing trash gaga is doing art

  10. honeynbees says:

    lady gaga is selling a whole lotta crazy. i’m not buying it. nikki minaj did that cute video w/mariah carey. at least it’s something kids can watch a little bit. the industry should be revamped so that the fans make money. the artists have had a long time of using them for financial fuel with no reward going back the other way.

  11. Karlos Slim/504 says:

    Did Lil Kim not say “Black Barbie dressed in Bagardi”?this Bitch whole style is stolen from Kim Jones fuck this broad i can`t stand her ass!she will never be Kim with her annoying voice,once Lil KIM is ready to come out with another album Nikki will get destroyed just like Remy&Foxy.Believe it!

  12. NIGA U FRONTIN says:


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