Rihanna Performs At Kids’ Choice Awards

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Ri Ri reunited with her robotic buddies, during Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Awards and recited a medley of hits including, “Hard”, “Rude Boy”, and “Please Don’t Stop The Music”. Wise decision editing the performance.


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  1. Uh. says:

    Knowing how sexual Rude Boy is they let her do it at a thing called KIDS choice awards.
    How awkward.
    In that video though, her ass is bangin’. Only if she would stop singing and just stand there. Sorry but, her voice is so annoying.

  2. dman says:

    lool nice message for the kids come on rude boy can u get it up

  3. jitty says:

    dumb fuk dont kno wen to b n not to b sexy…a jumpoffs a jumpoff..if i get a chance to convo wit her if def smash shrs nuttin…niggaz jus cant get to her

  4. DARKAQUA says:

    Uh. says:
    Sunday, March 28 2010 at 11:23 AM EST

    In that video though, her ass is bangin’. Only if she would stop singing and just stand there. Sorry but, her voice is so annoying.



  5. TRUTH! says:

    People hate on this young woman way too much for it just to be about her singing!

  6. dman says:

    but then again.. its just music problem is people let lyrics get to them eminem kind of explained that in stimulate

  7. Shady says:

    @dman. Cosign people 4 get music is like a movie except in 5 minutes and it tells a story and it entertains u.

  8. Markoni says:

    IN this day and age you can’t say music is just entertainment, it does affect peoples opinion and their way of life to some degree(clothing, speaking etc…) and if you go back to the legendary musicians (not just rappers like Pac and X, Bob Marley is a good eyample) you’ll notice they have a MESSAGE that goes ALONG with entertainment. That’s what true artists do.

    This, and all other industry products are here just to entertain, and the sad thing is they do shit like this in front of kids. SHAME

  9. dman says:

    ^true i suppose lil kids n shit shouldnt listen to rudeboy but then again its what u cant hear thats the problem :/

  10. BIG D O says:

    she is not an appropriate artist to have at an event like this where most of the children I assume are between the ages of 11 and 14….

    Once again ppl are ignoring the fact that kids pick up on all this sexualized content and then they go out and experiment…

    Look, I’m thee most conservative person in the world, but Rihanna? Seriously ? The chick that just had a huge publicized domestic violence scandel and has naked pics of herself floating around the web is the person you tapped to perform for kids? Smarten up Nickelodeon producers…

    -BIG D O

  11. obama says:

    The chick that just had a huge publicized domestic violence scandel and has naked pics of herself floating around the web is the person you tapped to perform for kids? Smarten up Nickelodeon producers…

    -BIG D O

    ^^^^^ HA! Yeah the innocent “producers” over at Nickelodeon sure didn’t think that one through… C’mon son! If you think shit like this ain’t intentional I got a bridge to sell you out in BK… Let’s see here… Rhianna to perform at for children at the “Kid’s Choice Awards”… Abusive relationship – check… Blatant sexually explicit content in the songs – check… Sexually suggestive dancing with giant military style robots – check… Pink toy tank and military themed back-up dancers – check… Shit RiRi, just cover up that left eye and you’re good to go…

  12. Julie says:

    I get that she had to censor herself..but she didn’t need to mumble like gucci mane

  13. Cheeeeeeeech n Chonnnggg says:

    If I was a kid in there, I’d jump on stage and start humping her.

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