J.Cole Debuts New Track & Verses

Despite the rain, fans packed S.O.B.’s last night to see J.Cole hit the stage for the first time. After finishing his set, Cole gave an encore performance of his street single, “Who Dat” produced by Elite. Prior to that, he premiered some verses. Check ’em out after the jump.

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  1. reef says:

    wish i was there 2 see this!!!! history in the making

  2. i was def in da bldg da homie def has a stage presence… lookin forward to see the kat keep his movement …shout to bdot i swear son following me sike nah!

  3. Ac@pella! says:

    When I grow up, I wanna be like J. Cole. Sike naw lol :-), but 4real, that nigga’s the T-R-U-T-H. Point blank. I’m glad he came around in this time in music cause I was startin’ to give up hope…Wish I was there to see this…Oh well, they’ll be plenty more to come.

  4. That Dude says:

    that nigga is ill

  5. Nick says:

    ahh man im feeeeeeelin j cole (no homo) this is the kind of rap we need. lets put all the punch line shit behind us.

  6. CheckPlz says:

    J. Cole wayy better than drake,, o well yea its the truth,, drake Will out sell him when it comes to the album but quality wise i think J. Cole will get the credit he deserves…..

    Just the snippets above killed “Over” & “Shut it Down” <—– these tittles are a bad omen

  7. R.E.D. says:


  8. MithritadesHD says:

    You done redeem yourself with this post B.dot lol..after all that “Massive” garbage pile!!!!

  9. A.C.E says:

    J.Cole is Rollin with Roc, Nation… SO Jay is just chillin…. Like He said
    “Drake’s up next , see what he do wit it ?.”
    He’s just waiting…Getting J Cole Seasoned… It’s a shame Hip Hop has become a
    “only one man army” but it is what it is…. fizzy Drake ………..

  10. mike says:

    J.Cole’s ALBUM solo first official shyt
    cuz No.I.D iz ON !!!

  11. what the fuck?! says:

    Fayettenam!!!! J. Cole is the muhfuckin truth!

  12. Dashing says:

    I was at this show and it was dope. He pulled out Kweli and Hi Tek and they did “Just Begun.” (Funnily, Kweli and J. Cole tried to recite Jay Electronica’s verse but neither of them knew it.)

    Dude’s got good stage presence and was definitely humble despite the fact that it was sold out and everyone there was reciting every word to all of his joints.

  13. Realniggashit says:

    J. Cole wayy better than drake,, o well yea its the truth,, drake Will out sell him when it comes to the album but quality wise i think J. Cole will get the credit he deserves…..

    This is how i feel also and I fucks with Drake But not over dudes like Saigon, Jay electronica or J.Cole . But when the Drake dust clears J. Cole will be here long term my dude. Drake already dropped the ball some what with Over well to me anyway (no hate)

  14. DDotOmen says:

    B Dot/YN who the hell were yall talking to during lights please? lmao

  15. flawda says:

    I’m a fan of Cole, but dude needs to ease up off the N word and cursing, he does it way too much and it takes away from what he is saying.

  16. what the fuck?! says:

    @ flawda

    Boy, you soft as hell.

  17. Nathaniel says:

    AWWWWWW SHIT! Who Dat! that new shit is gon rock, cole is spittin.


    this is hip hop yo. we been yelling nigga nigga nigga and fuck the world and everything in it for years. if you can’t get past some 4 letter words you belong with the generation before us who got that booboo in their ears to the point that they can’t understand how we communicate. cole is a real dude…and when he says nigga, niggas know what he mean cuz niggas say nigga too. and if you haven’t caught on yet, he’s marketing his music to who? niggas.

    could Cold World (Cole World) be the album title? i hope now…doesn’t do it for me. whatever tho the niggas ill as fuck. indeed…

  18. flawda says:

    I understand it’s a part of the cutlure, but if you listen to his two mixtapes it’s pretty obvious he uses it as a clutch. It’s either “Nigga” or “The Ville”, for an educated cat i would think his vocab is more extensive than that.

  19. Nathaniel says:


    it’s not about education. and if you listen to what he’s sayin its clearly more than “nigga” and “the ville”. think 2pac (not to compare)…straight potty mouth. but mad subject matter.

    for those listening. if you’re a delores tucker / al sharpton type…maybe it ain’t for you.

  20. Dan says:

    Wow. Damn, I just hope that this nigga maintains these standards. He killin’ all the rappers near him right now.

  21. […] last night, J. Cole dropped a new song, presumably called ‘Who Dat,’ and B. Dot over at RapRadar got it all on tape. Check it out […]

  22. Plain Fat says:

    OK dick riders ..

    This is pretty average shit..

  23. Realniggashit says:


    Lauryn Hill – Add a motherfucker so you ignorant niggas hear me.

  24. […] night J. Cole shut S.O.B.’s down with an epic performance and The Double R was there to capture the moments. Here we have Cole performing a track from the new album possibly […]

  25. gissell says:

    i really love J Cole, he isnt the typical rapper who talks about grams, scales and O’s, he has depth to his music his mixtape was so dope

  26. ayoooooo says:

    “Can you sign my burned CD? Nigga please. An album 10 dollas you act like it’s 10G’s” This kid is fuckin’ dope.

  27. willie mcfly22 says:

    homie is killin it, dayummm…other than Relapse 2, im patiently waiting for this niggas album to drop, but for now im ridin to that warm-up….

  28. younghov402 says:

    Damn I seriously can’t wait for Cole to drop. I def think he’s more lyrical than Drake. The thing is tho, Drake makes better songs, can’t deny it. I look at Cole and Drake in the same light as Nas and Jay-Z. I’m a straight up Jay stan, I’ll admit it, but I can also admit that Nas is probably more lyrical than Jay, and he gets mad love and respect for that, but Jay makes better songs. They are like the yin and yang for each other. Like Jay is totally mainstream but still gets love and respect from the true hip hop heads, and Nas is a hip hop heads dream, but he still gets mainstream love and everybody respects him on that level even though he’s not as big of a cash cow as Jay. They both continue to have excellent careers and I see the same thing happening with J. Cole=Nas and Drake=Jay-Z

    Roc 4 Life

  29. […] 5 PostsJ.Cole Debuts New Track & VersesPosted by: B.DotNew Music: Royce Da 5′9″ Ft. Crooked I x Bun B “Nobody Fuckin’ […]

  30. CheckPlz says:

    If you aint know yea big Lupe fan here & just to put J. Cole in a good perspective; the second video feels like Beautiful Laser…..

    Maybe its the beat? Or not
    Cole killed that verse, he one of the few thats gettin my $10 + tax this year

  31. derek says:


  32. ReppinHard says:

    Niggas need to start bein very afraid!

  33. az5lyrics says:



  34. mac DIESEL says:



  35. ABF says:

    love this guy!dope mc!

  36. GUEGZ says:

    Man HOV signed the right guy!!! DAMN, great move, great show!

  37. […] the second time, here’s another clip of J.Cole performing his street single at the USF BullStock 2010 in […]

  38. […] seen Jermaine perform this numerous times, and earlier this evening, Funk Flex bombed away the CDQ. Not final mix but enjoy […]

  39. […] seen Jermaine perform this numerous times, and earlier this evening, Funk Flex bombed away the CDQ. Not final mix but enjoy […]

  40. […] seen Jermaine perform this twice already and earlier this evening, Funk Flex bombed away his street single. It’s not the final […]

  41. […] “Who Dat” in New York was when he debuted it at S.O.B.’s three months ago. Ahh, memories. As many saw on last night’s stream, Cole performed this (and other tracks) before a packed […]

  42. […] “Who Dat” in New York was when he debuted it at S.O.B.’s three months ago. Ahh, memories. As many saw on last night’s stream, Cole performed this (and other tracks) before a packed […]

  43. ill will says:

    No lie this n****s rhymes is like crack every time I hear something new I want to hear more new sh*t. I can’t wait for his album to drop it will really be a Cole World

  44. […] freestyle from that night after the jump. Download Video or MP3 -Iamnotarapperispit.comProps to RRVia:google_ad_client = "pub-0398210647616851"; google_alternate_color = "FFFFFF"; google_ad_width = […]

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