Trailer: The Boondocks Season 3

The final season? Nooo! Creator Aaron McGruder posted a link to the trailer of the next installment of The Boondocks. The season premiere is May 2nd at 11:30 p.m. EST on the Cartoon Network.

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  1. boom says:

    Ignorant as usual…

  2. Reasy F. says:

    Some people can’t handle the truth.

    Good shit.

  3. Your Father says:

    ‘the fuck is a Boondoncks exactly?…
    I’m just saying, fam.
    Props on the trailer, though.

  4. dannidavito says:

    does the lawyer finallly go to jail this season????? cant wait!

  5. khal says: says:

    boon·docks (bndks)
    pl.n. Slang
    1. Wild and dense brush; jungle.
    2. Rural country; the backwoods.

    When someone says they live in the boondocks, the idea is that they live out in the sticks, out in nowhere land. Parallel that to Huey and Riley. They grew up in Chitown, and got moved to live with the grandfather out in the sticks.

  6. The Truth says:

    Looks like another good/last season of great satire.

  7. dani says:

    My dad is about to be super excited! I put him on this show and now he loves it more than I do. Lol.

  8. BIG BAWLS says:

    Return of the HEAT

  9. Your Father says:

    @ Khal – Thanks for the definition but I wasn’t seriously asking.
    I know what The Boondocks is. I said that because B.Dot made a typo and wrote Boondoncks.

  10. Nathaniel says:

    the truth is back. can’t wait for this shit

  11. yaboitone aka FIRST KID ON THE WAY!!!! says:

    Greatest animated show in the history of animated shows. Shit got me thru my tour of duty in Iraq. lol.

  12. Da Business says:

    The final season!?!? Nooooooooooo, say it ain’t so.

  13. Post no billz says:

    The shows the shit,its about time im already sick of the old episodes…cant wait. Hope this aint the last the humor..

  14. van says:

    . . .can’t wait, this shit is going to be classic.

  15. Ac@pella says:

    Bout fuckin time! It took 5 got damn years to come out w/ anutha season of one of the best cartoons ever! (Yeah, I said it nigga…) Guess ppl couldn’t, wait, WHITE ppl couldn’t handle that shit being on tv. But Family Guy (one of my fav shows ever) be talkin wreckless about God and niggaz still be lovin that shit. Lol. Anyways, I can’t wait to c this shit May 2nd.

  16. Jay Fingers says:

    Hahaha @ the Boogie Nights reference at 0:25. Nooooo!

  17. […] of The Boondocks. The season premiere is May 2nd at 11:30 p.m. EST on the Cartoon Network. Via:google_ad_client = "pub-0398210647616851"; google_alternate_color = "FFFFFF"; google_ad_width = 250; […]

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