New Video: Young Jeezy x Plies “Lose My Mind”

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The good folks at Viacom got the go head to premiere Young Jeezy and Plies’ new video, “Lose My Mind”. Hopefully TM 103 is released before we go insanse in the membrane.

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  1. mike says:

    Dis iz TM103 sh!t right here

  2. mike says:

    Dey said that Real as it gets will be a single
    but now i think that it’s over…
    but that would can be
    a fuckin’ dope idea
    plus a good video wit jayz & jeezy on it, for the first time
    offishally i mean “on to the next one” jeezy did a lil guest cameo…
    i jus hope “thug motivation part III” as great as 101 : let’s get it OR The Recession

  3. DIGGSY!!! says:

    all those trailers for that?

  4. luden says:

    that was hott!

  5. HawthorneFinest says:

    LOL WTF was that!!?
    Plies sounds like fucken Dj khaled screaming!
    Plies should just quit, nobody likes him..fake ass thug!
    Jeezy is tha sh!t tho!!!!
    I’m looking forward to that “Jealous” track tho…my favorite out of all new jeezy tracks..

  6. mike says:

    top five emcee ever
    big pun

    ps: big l honorable mention cuz not nuff material

    but u can pick out someone and put big l if u want. i mean that’s the top ish

    and 2pac was more iconic than lyrical. krs, kane, rakin and grap was lyrically betta right?

  7. HawthorneFinest says:

    Damn Mike your a big Jeezy groupie.^
    out of 7 comments, 5 are yours LOL

  8. Den says:

    If the whole album sound like this Jezzy can’t miss! this is fire


    video of a guy walking thru a club and rapping?!?!!? omfg!!! that is the freshest s**t ive ever seen!!! i cant believe noone has formatted a video this way before?!?!?! oooh s****T!!!!! im blown away!!!

    on another note, that camaro is niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. after that video is butt. song is still hot though….minus plies. ha.

  10. luden says:

    anyone could have done the club scene, Jeezy made the video though. The last half of the video was the best. Why does Plies always sound like he’s screaming????

  11. Rickk says:

    Besides the illuminati symbolism, it was a dope video, i think it was hott, 🙂

  12. Sin says:

    I hate when niggas bring up they top 5. Like wat do u base ur criteria on..? YN if u do an editorial about that I BET u get over 200 comments

  13. King JuggaNott says:

    Where is the Trap or Die 2?

  14. will says:

    a that jaccet plies got is fake? I never seen Louis Vuitton with a jaccet like that is that real?

  15. james says:

    lol @will u probly a broke nigga thats why u aint seen that jacket haha jk man but yeah its real i seen it in the LV store. but fuck plies he shouldnt of been on this song. Jeezy went hard and the song is hella hard too. TM 103 on the way!


    nigga u havent been in the LV store. stfuwdb.

  17. will says:

    Cuz @James and Yaboitone

    aint neither one of you niggas guap as long as mines nigga Im located downsouth the only Louis V store I got is the Web

    Can either one of you niggas afford that Bitch No While I just found the shit and its on the way to the house

    Dont ever talk money with me Nigga Nigga trying to act like they balling on a comment section with no icons fucc Niggas

    Some of yall Niggas is str8 Pussy’s real talk nigga asked a question

  18. will says:

    A Nigga cant ask a Serious Question I Have another Question do any of you Niggas Have the Jaccet? Exactly

  19. james says:

    lmao yall niggaz gettin mad hurt off of a comment on the internet. @will lol you do know jk stands for just kiddin right? and @yaboitone suck my dick hoe ass nigga ill bet my life and say i have more LV shit n i mean real shit, then youll ever have nigga and the first kid on the way to nowhere i cant stand when niggaz be havin these dumbass nicknames, more like 10 feet in debt wit your broke ass

  20. james says:

    and @will dont call me cuz too use your fake gangsta internet persona on somebody else. i know real gangstaz and they dont be on blog sites homie.

  21. J.R. says:

    lol, u niggaz is some characters. Anyways, enuf of yall pussy fight, can someone post the model number / serial. Since one of you niggas got that hoe on lock and got mad lous and all dat shit.
    Only way i found this shit cause its in google. So Main question, MODEL NUMBER PLEASE. I called LV store and they did not know wtf i was talking about. Hell i dont know how to describe it with that ol dark ass video.

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