Lupe & Alicia Keys Song Confusion

We knew it was too good to be true. Yesterday a song entitled, “Letter To The Beat” featuring Lupe Fiasco and Alicia Keys dripped onto the net. Unfortunately, the track isn’t authorized nor will it appear on Lu’s next album, Lasers. According to Alicia’s engineer Ann Mincieli, the song’s producer Chad Hugo secretly passed off AK’s Pro Tool sessions and vocals. Apparently, the recordings were leftovers from 2007. As retribution, Ann posted Neptunes drum kits to download via her Twitter account. You’re all welcomed?

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  1. rhymestyle says:

    Nobody ever said it was for Lasers, all the blogs who posted it just assumed it was and went with that as news.

  2. B.Dot says:

    never said it was neither. speculated that it might be.

  3. Boombapster says:

    ^^^^therefore EVERYBODY said it was for Lasers. except the folks who knew the truth. Damn @exposing Chad Hugo’s back end shady shit. I guess we can fill in the lines where “I’m Beaming” got leaked from. Ha!

    BB$. Downloading Neptunes Drum Kits as we speak. Thx Ann.

  4. King JuggaNott says:

    Thanks…downloading the drumkits right fugging now….Ha! Straight to my fugging library!! Thanks !

  5. King JuggaNott says:

    Getting it in before they shut that shit down. LOL

  6. rhymestyle says:

    No I know, I was just saying all the other blogs did

  7. […] EDIT: This is not official. It’s been confirmed that this is not meant for Lupe’s album, just some leftover stuff. Details here. […]

  8. Boom says:

    Fuckin Hysterical!

  9. Moose says:

    lmmfao…this lady pulled a CLASSIC “don’t fxck wit me” move Bet u Pharell and Chad are geting heated in 5,…4,….3,….2.1!

  10. […] rather, assumed.  As if the blackout wasn’t bad enough, Lupe is sure to really hate YN and B-Dot now, […]

  11. SMH says:

    Hell yeah! Downloading NOW!

  12. King JuggaNott says:

    Sounds Official……Buawhwhhwwahahhaahhaha!

  13. dannidavito says:


  14. alan2000xl says:

    damn zshare is being lame can some up this on mediafire or usershare

  15. Boombapster says:

    LOL@King JuggaNott

    Now let’s call The Clipse and set up a studio session.

    BB$. You know I got it for $free.99 cheap.

  16. King JuggaNott says:

    LOL @ Boombapster…..I mean I have a deep library already..but shit, you can’t pass up on those bargains. LOL

    I was laughing the entire time I was downloading the shit. What a fucking kick in the nuts. don’t get me wrong…the Neptunes sounds are all digital really to be honest…now if you got something like a fucking Just Blaze Library….that would be like a fucking A Bomb Dropping in the Staples Center while the Lakers were playing. LOL….most of his shit is prolly all chopped up off of albums. Not so with Neptunes shit.

  17. LB says:

    @alan go to anns Twitter page. there are mediafire and megaupload links 😉

  18. Big G says:

    You have to admit though, the song still is dope. I wonder where Lupe’s vocals came from though. It just talks about Alicia’s vocals.

  19. _MelG_ says:

    Wow. I have the fake Neptunes kits that ppl make by chopping sounds off of songs and this is something different. @AnntasticLV just got a follower. Holy shit. There are so many different kicks and snares in here. Now if she could just Megaupload Pharrell for these key arrangements…

  20. 1ne says:

    Think I ain’t finna take these drums? Shit….lol.

  21. Dark NYte says:

    that drum kit is fake.
    just a bunch of sampled drum sounds from Neptunes songs.
    and the kit from Modern Beats. so yeahh

  22. Your Father says:

    Ann Mincieli LOSES for real.
    Sounds ain’t official.
    Like Dark NYte said some of the kits are from Modern Beats and snipped off songs they produced.
    On top of that.
    There’s a sound from Fabolous’s Can’t Deny It (Prod. by Rick Rock) and Mystikal’s Tarantula (Prod. by Scott Storch.
    Shit doesn’t even make sense.

  23. The Noid says:

    The kit is a bit ummmm shitty I have a Neptunes kit that is not cut from songs…It’s whats in the songs…Now if we can make Chad too play some Keys to sample that would totally make up for The “Tunes” indiscretion’s (been waiting to throw that in somebody’s face) The Day of the Gechi has returned Pharrell….

  24. HipHopper says:

    @ RapRadar

    where’s that J.Cole track “Who Dat”. The CDQ is up!

    y’all be behind all day, no hard feelings though!

  25. Ac@pella! says:

    And what’s funny about this is I got a Neptunes drum kit from my boy earlier today. But what’s EVEN FUNNIER is how many ppl on this site produce. Shit’s crazy. Lol.

  26. King JuggaNott says:

    @ Ac@pella……true.

    What’s up with people jumping on here to discredit it as being the actual kit or not….I’ll put it to you like this….they have some GARBAGE sounds, but in my Library half the shit I don’t use…just skimming though the shit NOW I have a great deal of sounds that I didn’t have before. Who gives a shit if they are for them are not….the shit is FREE so GET THAT SHIT. Delete the bullshit you don’t want.

  27. Alex Medina says:

    These drums are fake. I’ve used those drums for years. As was said they are mixed with Neptunian Drum kit from

  28. King JuggaNott says:

    @ D-Roc….no disrespect but you make Brick Squad (Gucci, Wacka Flocka, OJ Da Juice Man) Sound hot bruh. What was that about dude?

  29. […] Check back tomorrow (Tuesday afternoon) for a more detailed blog. However, In the meantime check: Lupe & Alicia Keys Song Confusion […]

  30. herbsaac says:

    @King jugganot.. how can you say no disrespect but then say he makes wack flaka and juice man sound hot.. some gucci is tolerable so i cant dulge into complete hate for the man like you

  31. SMFH says:

    So lemme get this straight… Someone leaks two Lupe tracks (it sure as hell wasn’t Lupe; dude fucking hates leaks and bitches about it 24/7- no offense or anything but it’s true), and one of them is an unauthorized track that Chad slipped to Lupe, who took the song assuming it was made for him, and spat a couple of lines.

    And somehow, in her twisted head, this is the fault of LUPE? And Lupe is being disrespectful for being the innocent man shot inbetween, as indirectly stated herself?

    Fuck this noise.

  32. SMFH says:

    Plus all that “thank Lupe!” shit doesn’t make sense if she knows Lupe didn’t leak it, and that it’s Chad’s fault.

    I swear she’s just using twitter to advertise herself.

  33. SMFH says:

    And I’m starting to rant here, but it sure is fucking professional when working for an amazingly kind, good-natured artist such as Keys and leaking shit that belongs to others as payback. I can’t believe a word she says, and if anything is true, she still looks fucking retarded. There are more professional ways to handle this.


  34. King JuggaNott says:

    @ Herbsaac…..did I offend you? Did he not say “Judge for yourself” ? I mean this is how the fucking game is full of lack luster ass artists….niggas keep popping up being yes men telling these cats they are hot. Man cut that out…..if you thought it was nice, then tell him it was nice and stop riding me for MY opinion on the shit. SMH….dude is offended. LOL

  35. illaDeuce says:

    Thank you to the engineer, Neptunes gotta switch their drums up, on to the next one, ima fuck with these drums.

  36. Casper says:

    They All Look RETARDED for being so CARELESS….How can they allow Un-Released tracks to be LEAKED….Have some Responsibility….Its Everyone’s fault….If you keep getting your songs leaked then its partly your fault….In all due respect….Ever since Pro Tools started to be used in Studios, there is no system that the Labels came up with to Protect and keep track of files….Back in the day with 2 inch and dat machines things were different….I work as an Assistant at a Studio and Producers are so careless with files….They leave songs on hard drives, they leave there hard drives, they give copies of things they have no business handing over….Neptunes should know better they are Veterans in this Industry!

  37. Ac@pella! says:

    Thanx Anne 🙂

  38. Ac@pella! says:

    @Everyone rantin’ about the drums being fake:

    Who’s to say what drums are fake and what drums are real. Truth be told, any REAL producer would know that damn near EVERYONE in the game of rap recycles the same damn instruments! It’s not about the “famous name” that’ll give u quality drums, it’s how that “famous name” TWEAKS their drums. From Dre to Dilla, Kanye to Pharrell, Preemo to Timbo, they all tweak their sounds a different way, whether it be live drums, stock drums, or w/e…So step ya’ll game up. This drum kit ain’t gonna necessarily make ur shit hot unless u use ’em to their full potential…

  39. J says:

    Neptunes and Lu took a L.

  40. LB says:

    @SHM, ur um… wrong. Lupe is just as much at fault. in the beginning of the song, lupe says Chads name, his name AND Alicias name. as if they recorded it together and it was an official release. thats just as bad as what Chad did. Lupe knows damn good as well him and Alicia never recorded this song together. never had a conversation. never had an agreement. sure its chad beat, so if he had given him that, ok. but those are still Alicia vocals and even more, her words. so thats publishing. whos to say Alicia wasnt gonna use it later. they screwed her and got what they deserved

  41. TRUTH says:

    So lemme get this straight… Someone leaks two Lupe tracks (it sure as hell wasn’t Lupe; dude fucking hates leaks and bitches about it 24/7- no offense or anything but it’s true), and one of them is an unauthorized track that Chad slipped to Lupe, who took the song assuming it was made for him, and spat a couple of lines.

    And somehow, in her twisted head, this is the fault of LUPE? And Lupe is being disrespectful for being the innocent man shot inbetween, as indirectly stated herself?

    Fuck this noise.

  42. […] I dont think either one of these will be on Lasers.. These tracks are actually the reason for a whole studio engineer vs. Lupe & Neptune’s Beef…Read whole controversy HERE… […]

  43. […] Via: 0 var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname="Lupe Fiasco & Alicia Keys Song Confusion"; a2a_config.linkurl=""; a2a_config.onclick=1; a2a_config.show_title=1; […]

  44. New Guy says:

    she just took sounds from all the other neptunes drumkits around the net and put them in one big file. Those sounds have been on the net for years now.

  45. […] homies or e-mail hackings wouldn’t seem peculiar. Zany things like that seem to happen to him all the time. I expect it. He’s like the Lucy Ricardo of rap music. But, in a good […]

  46. I dont think either one of these will be on Lasers.. These tracks are actually the reason for a whole studio engineer vs. Lupe & Neptune’s Beef…Read whole controversy

  47. […] Yes, they are really his. The same ones from all those songs. Yup. Going through the folders I heard tons of recognizable sounds. From Jay-Z hits to Kelis weirdness. After rummaging through the digital mess I picked my favorites and made this kit! Hope you enjoy! If you want the details as to how we got a hold of Pharrell’s drums read the full story at Rap Radar. […]

  48. […] 2: Rap Radar points out that Alicia Keys’ engineer Ann Mincieli is pissed. She claims that Chad Hugo gave […]

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