Eminem “Not Afraid” To Debut At Number One
May 12, 2010 @ 12:02 PM EDT

Eminem’s new single, “Not Afraid”, will become the 16th song to ever debut at the top the Billboard Hot 100. According to the Nielsen SoundScan, the song pulled in 380,000 digital downloads in just one week. Sit tight folks, the video’s coming sooner than you think. Be afraid.
Fuck this crackhead
em is the king of rap
Bout time, he been number 1 on itunes for about two weeks.
Shady 4 Life!!!
haters can make like bees with no sting-ray and DROP DEAD!!!
Eminem = GOAT
@ E fuck outta here hateroid… Congrats marshall you runnin this rap shit
Congratulations Eminem. You deserve this. You are the best rapper ever!!!!!! Recovery will be amazing
No he’s just the king of white boys! the great white hope…
Em stans grind harder then Gucci’s mixtape DJ’s
Was this the Big news that Eminem tweeted?
Cant spell GREATEST
without an E.
and haters got nothing to say but put “stans” hahahaha
fuck outta here!
it’s SHADY 4 LIFE!!
can’t wait for the big News…..
Eminem, Jay Z, and Ludacris are carrying hip hop on their backs. Yall dudes hatin on EM gonna realize once he’s gone a lot of things, for hip hops sake, are gonna change. Goin number 1 on the billboard is hard enough and to debut number 1 is ridiculous!
Even if u hate Em, what he’s doing for hip hop is needed. Props to Em, keep doing u. As long as u stay off that MTV shit and continue to make REAL hip hop music, u won’t lose.
For the haters: men lie women lie numbers don’t!
For Em: You did a great job.
And fuck this black shit and white shit… Music is colourblind and Marshall is a real talent!!
This is the Big NEWS. Correct?
This means Eminem can release his album in two weeks.
Buc says:
Wednesday, May 12 2010 at 12:14 PM EST
Eminem, Jay Z, and Ludacris are carrying hip hop on their backs. Yall dudes hatin on EM gonna realize once he’s gone a lot of things, for hip hops sake, are gonna change. Goin number 1 on the billboard is hard enough and to debut number 1 is ridiculous!
Nigga are you crazy! You mean 50. You do know hiphop is boring when Curtis is quiet.
I like the lyrics, but the beat is subpar for a Boi-1da joint….
debut 1st? and its not even the most pop-single he ever put. Omg! Recovery gonna rock! Everybody buy his album dont download!
Ps. Too much hate about the colour. What if u had born white? U blind people, for real.
But congrats Em. NEVER a hater, ALWAYS a fan since day one.
What!!!! whats next, a post stating his album debuts #1 & then a post stating he won 3 grammys. (this happens everytime Eminem drops a new album).
Other rappers will get rolled on when recovery drops. They already getting rolled on.
Well damn. Didn’t expect that. I mean, a number one I might have expected down the road. But first week? Lol. Nice.
@ Acapella
I show mad respect for you dude!!
Congrats to Eminem 380,000 In the 1st week wow it aint even been released in the UK on itunes according to my Nigga Ty
Congrats Em!
Eminem is number one in the United States!
Gucci is number in prison’s special gay-class!
i hope his album is good fuck the single
Wheres that So Icy Boi cat at who said “So what if its #1 on Itunes, wheres it at on billboard??”
lol, had to throw that in…………Congrats to Em, best lead off single he ever released for an album
How Ironic is it that all those Silly-Kid sing-a-long joints he did purposely for the pop crowd never went #1, But this and Lose Yourself did??
To all the haters:
”When I die so does hip-hop” -eminem
I like Em but his stans are fucking weird.
Yeah Em has the number 1 single. Act like you’ve seen it before.
em is the king of rap !!!!!!!!!
GOAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol haters getting SO mad & pressed that Em’s on top again and siting on your favorites. Em WON . AGAIN!!!
@ Bigpar
EM’s only other #1 was lose yourself I think, so its not an everyday kinda thing……..His albums always do better then the singles…………Where as Florida has 3 #1’s and has still yet to make a gold album
*Kanye Shrug*
Congrats Em!!!
support real hip hop… dont download, buy RECOVERY!!!
Fuck Eminem……Not afraid suckks……..Im waiting on the slaughterhouse album. Bring Real hip hop back..
[…] at RR via Billboard. Share & […]
lol, congrats I guess.
Wow I mean I love this song, but never expected it to go number one (due to the fact it is not a pop single and rap fans are idiots now a days) Congrats Em!
We gon let these rappers rock until Weezy comes home……..Yall better get it in NOw because after this year is over….Oh YEa Distant Relatives – Album of the Year….Recovery -close second….
But WHY is the question. Please just release the quality Just blaze produced tracks..
Financial advice +Minority issues + Ridicule
wow this is really huge. The only other song I know debut at #1 lately was Britney Spears’s “3”. Eminem really has a phenomenal fanbase.
Congrats Em!!
Is this information really that surprising? The song hasn’t moved since it debuted on iTunes.
Wonder what the big news could be. A tour would be nice.
Whoop there it is ! ! !
Mr mathers congrats . . RECOVERY = EM’S BEST ALBUM
I hope the big news is that “Not Afraid” video is debuting today!!!!!
Where you at Drake? 3 singles off your album non #1 yet. Hmmmm
“Last week’s No. 1, B.o.B’s “The Adventures of Bobby Ray” falls to No. 12 with 36,000 — down 57%. It’s actually the first album to fall from No. 1 to out of the top 10 this year.”
Shady is king
fuck you ya mum and dad are crackheads
This is only the second rap single to start at the #1 spot, since I’ll be Missing You. That was back in 1997. That’s actually REALLY impressive.
@ wow
Nah, Lauren hill did it with “Doo Wop” in 98 too…….Still been a while
not surprised at all,keep doin your thing em its all for hip hop. black v. white we off that
“Timing is everything”
@ Drucifer1983
But that was an R&B single.
To debut at number one is pretty damn big!
Thats cool Em
@ Wow
She still rapped in that song tho, I guess they just counted it as R&B, which does really make sense to me
*Kanye Shrug*
@ “wow”
it’s no the 2nd single to do so.
both yall need to do yall homework a lil better.
Crack A Bottle did better than this and debuted at 418,000, one week, #1 week on week. A wona grammy
Let’s not forget T.I. did with a recent record. Others as well.
Damn I just checked that billboard website and this is a BIG ASS DEAL. He’s on there with the likes of Michael Jackson, Celine Dion, and Elton John….
@ OJ
I forgot about Crack a bottle, But I dunno what u mean bout T.I………I like T.I, but which of his singles debuted at #1
eminem living legend,best rapper ever,love him,recovery will be a classic
@Drucifer1983 Oj is confusing DEBUTING with REACHING number one apparently….only a handful of artists have debuted at number one
Man jay nd em is the best
damn,eminem has a very big fanbase,not afraid is sick,love the single,22.june recovery
The song is uplifting, the message in the song sounds like something Pac would do.
Yo all you fucking racist bwith the white shit need to ease up.Im noy white and i can admit talent when it’s right in my face.This man is talented and no m,atter what you racist haters think he is better than your tight pants wearing non lyrical im so icey ass wack rappers who are destroying Hip Hop!So eat a dick you assholes!!!Shady is just that nice and he isd The Soundscan KILLER!!!!!Shady Baby!!Lyrical MONSTER!!!!!!!!!
sorry for all the typos……the racists on this site got my blood boiling.Go suck Ross’ dick being that you like wack ass rappers.Don’t hate so much!!By the way #s never lie!!!Shady!!!!!!
Congratz, Em!
Number 1 is great, but in the first week? I think tahts gotta be the first REAL rap record doing that ever!
Eminem is the best rapper alive. No doubt!
@OJ Da Cornball, Crack a Bottle did not debut at number 1. It reached number 1 but didnt debut there.
Wow I mean I love this song, but never expected it to go number one (due to the fact it is not a pop single and rap fans are idiots now a days) Congrats Em!
thats sick,i hope he knows that the fans love him
[…] at RR via Billboard. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Eminem’s “Not Afraid” Will Enter Hot 100 At […]
Congratz EM Best Rapper Alive
Damn can we get a better pic though?
cant wait for that video!
His twitter says: The announcement is tomorrow. It’s gonna be a big “hit.”
A track recorded by D12 called “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” has been confirmed for the album, next single perhaps?
Congrats to em.. Im lovin’ the new music..
Every rappers dream to hit number 1 on the hot 100 then drop an album asap. Em hits the mark in 4 days and he’s still got 5 weeks to promote recovery. Anythin over 500,000 first week is huge in today’s climate but I think he”ll do it! Not afraid hasn’t been released yet in Ireland but when it does watch it go str8 to the top. He’s bigger here than he is in America, and he’s headlining oxygen!!
….. i love em.. but hate this song.. not afraid huh?? really? everyone is afraid.. damn.. even u were em.. damn..
Props 2 Em. Good look for hip hop.
@ Mack attack
Yea he’s got a huge fan base in europe. 7 number 1’s in the UK and 6 in Ireland to name a few.
@Justin Poindexter
You’re kinda missing the point of the song son.
guyz Crack a bottle was number 1 on billboards hot 100 or what? And did it debuted no1 or on the way it went number 1. If u know plz tell me:P
this single was doodoo .. Hop off the white man nuts, I am looking forward to the album though
Congratz Em!!! i want RECOVERY!!
just go to billboard.com if you want the article…crack a bottle went from 78 and jumped to number 1 it did not debut there…
3 Kings . . . Jay Z , Eminem and last but not least King Of Tha South T.I. !!!
FUCK YEAAA!!!!!!!! about time he debuted at number 1!! show the world where real music is at!!!!!! RECOVERY JUNE 22nd!!
Funny ass dudes.
@ slim i doubt he will make it one of his 3 lead singles! there was a few confirmed Alchimest confirmed ‘Insult To Injury’
^^ i doubt hes keeping that insult to injury song..but who knows…
Damn Eminem is just plain dirty. His flow is krazy.
[…] Eminem “Not Afraid” To Debut At Number One Eminem’s new single, “Not Afraid”, will become the 16th song to ever debut at the top the Billboard Ho […] […]
‘grats Em, you deserve it man.
Drake where ya at?
No Other Rapper Can Do That!!
i hope he breaks amill the first week..
he deserves it..
tells you real rap fans are gonna support em and real rap dont matter black white real rap is makin a comeback.
@Drucifer1983 he got the number #1 pop song nothin but white people request it just lik nothin but white people will buy his album ….how come he aint even in the top 10 and Rap songz on billboard? because aint no mutha fukin listening to dat but white people
key words “DEBUTED AT #1” yea Crack a bottle was #1 but it didnt DEBUT at #1 and Lauryn Hill did it but that was not considered a HIPHOP album… So people telling other people to get their facts right need to get there facts right hahaha
i laugh at the racist people on here because you sound soooooooo dumb…You think only white people listen to EM which is totally wrong. All your favorite “Black” rappers because of the white community…Many many many many many rappers know who really lines their pockets with money and that is white people who buy their music and they admit it. All people buy their music but the majority is WHITE…so gtfo with that argument.
Eminem yr just so wonderful powerful i love u.