Four New Memphis Bleek Freestyles

Memphis Bleek’s The Process should be coming sometime this summer. But until then, here’s four tracks from his freestyles EP. Get low!

“Last Night”

“That’s Life”


“Steady Mobbin”

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  1. yaboitone says:

    Can anyone explain his lack of REAL success for me?
    – He’s had SEVERAL nice albums.
    -Several NICE singles for each?
    -Cosigned by the G.O.A.T.
    -Nice lyrics
    -Catchy flow

    Yet Diggy Simmons is whats hot right now? i really dont get it?

  2. yaboitone says:

    oh. forgot some of the ILLEST BEATS IN THE HISTORY of this thing? damn? smh.

  3. Cudder says:

    This dude like a roach…refuses to die.

  4. Devsky says:

    dis nigga bleek is str8 cold garbage… he was nice, was dope, was the shit like 8 years ago… cmon son… yall niggas listen to dis and not give AZ and Slaughterhouse a shot?? gtfoh .. 1

  5. studiothug 2010 says:

    @devsky bleek wasn’t even hot 8 years ago he’s always been trash lol. his best verses was when hov & beanie was on the song with him which he had no choice but to spit a hot verses. he could never make albums for shit.

  6. Obama says:

    @yaboitone – yep… I can… He’s a hypeman… Definitely not a star. I can’t recall a single solo album of his, not by name, not the artwork, nothing (and I actually owned a couple and listened to them)… I can’t recall any of his “NICE singles”. He hasn’t been cosigned by “the G.O.A.T.” so much as overshadowed by him. Nice lyrics… Sure I guess… But that’s not gonna make you successful these days my dude. Sure, “real hip hop heads” will value that, but they aren’t dictating the trends in pop culture… The coveted youth demographic doesn’t give a shit about lyrical prowess or content.. They want swag! They want SIMPLICITY! Real talk… That’s not just my opinion, check the stats on who’s selling an who’s hot right now. Catchy flow… Ummmmm… Considering that there’s a debate about his relevancy, I’d say maybe not quite “catchy” enough. Cred and real… I’m not sure how to respond there. I don’t know enough about dude to label him “real” or not, an as far as I can tell the most relevant “cred” he carries is the fact that he’s Jay’s hypeman, he’s been on Jay’s albums, and he’s toured the world with Jay (and I would agree that experience should count for something). Loyal? Well, therein lies the crux… Depending on who you are loyal to, loyalty can DEFINITELY be a flaw as opposed to an admirable trait…

    As for Diggy… I think you’re jumping the gun in calling him “hot right now”.. The only exposure he’s gotten so far has come from his own (highly paid) publicity and marketing force. Will he actually catch on remains to be seen… But given his cosigns, catchy flows and credentials he’s certainly got a good shot at it. Personally I’m not running out to buy a fucking “Diggy Simmons” album or tickets to his show… But I’m in my 30’s. His appeal is to children and that’s who he’s being marketed to…

    I believe that there’s a fundamental problem with rappers who’ve been chasing stardom since the 1990’s and are now in their mid-30’s, out there trying to be the “next hot artist”… If they would just have the courage to play their role they would be able to make a decent living…

  7. mcduphrey says:

    still no distant relatives post, RR hates nas

  8. Jermz Dash says:

    @ Obama
    believe that there’s a fundamental problem with rappers who’ve been chasing stardom since the 1990′s and are now in their mid-30′s, out there trying to be the “next hot artist”… If they would just have the courage to play their role they would be able to make a decent living…
    ^^^^^^ thats what he is doin no conry gimmick singles , no hov all ova da album, he is just rappin n reppin, n bein real to who he is no matter how big he is but his position n mark is part og being on one of the hottest labels, rappin with sum of the best artists, rockin sold out shows, beefin wit Nas, classic songs n he still loyal to his guy. 98% of artist today wish 2 have a career close to Bleek’s.

  9. Devsky says:

    @studiothug lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao i never liked him but he did have an ok buzz back then lmao omg u just made my day thank you lmao

  10. EL PRIMO NEGRO says:

    no disrespect but, bleek should have me write for him. he’s ok. he just never lived up the potential.

    under the purple rain

  11. […] coming soon. To read more check here or check out @OffTheTraX on Twitter for updates. this trackwasheard onRap RadaronMay 19th […]

  12. Legacy says:

    I cant believe niggas hate on Young Memph Man. He better then 90% of these lame niggas out right now, Nigga stayed overshadowed by Hov his whole career. Along with the rest of RocaFella, The Real RocaFella, Pre 2005

  13. Tim Lee VA Stand Up says:

    @ OBAMA…..who in the fuck are you dude??? where did u come from??? the south??? Geezus….You basically just told everyone that “The Understanding” wasnt a hot album…..Just to run a few sick fucking tracks by you
    I Get High, All Types of Shit, Is That Yo Chic, My Mind Right, Theyll Never Play Me, In My Life, Round Here….just to name a few.
    Granted i will give you the album 534 was garbage….not jockin.
    But damn man, M.A.D.E. was still a hot album….I suggest you re-look and RE-LISTEN this catalog you Nig Baby.

  14. rocstar says:

    say what u want about bleek but hes been around since 96 and he’s still droppin hot shit. that still ill song n video was dope. these freestyles are dope too. niggas just hate on him cuz they think he got it made bein next to jay, but if u listen to his albums ull kno that he can actually spit. and he is better than half these fuk niggas rappin these days

  15. studiothug 2010 says:

    @Legacy gtfoh lyrically bleek was garbage compared to his peers on the roc. and the sad truth is he was the 1st artist on the label after jay. I bought the coming of age cd and literally after an hour and a half I sold it to a nigga in the street it was so garbage. he had me hyped cause he would go in when he was on a song with jay early in his career. but his albums were weak. he disgraced himself even more when he tried to go at nas. his best songs (solo) mind right, holla (on the dynasty album) I get high, and he had a song on coming of age called regular cat but other than that he was a bum!

  16. gurulive4ever says:

    bleek still trying to come out?


  17. Obama says:

    @ Tim Lee – I hear you fam.. But my point wasn’t that his shit was never hot.. I personally think he had (an probably still has) some heat.. But you having to remind dudes of his albums, their titles (The Understanding doesn’t even really ring a bell, honestly), and his sick fucking tracks (wasn’t I Get High by Styles P? Try comparing those two tracks) only solidifies my point… Which was that he lacked REAL success in the sense that he never left a lasting mark on the game and never dropped a true classic album or song… Real talk? Is That Yo Chick is the only song you mentioned that I can clearly recall without going into my iTunes or onto youtube to hear it, and that’s a sad statement… I seriously doubt that dude wants to be remembered for that song. But 534 an M.A.D.E. really don’t ring a bell with me, at all… And your suggestion that I “re-look and RE-LISTEN this catalog” again illustrates my point that his “star” has faded to the point where if you wanna sell somebody on how hot Bleek WAS, you gotta convince a nigga to go back an give his body of work another listen… As in WE DON’T REMEMBER HIS SHIT… I personally don’t have time or desire to do that homey. No hate… He’s clearly got talent, I wouldn’t deny that… An I’m definitely not from the south my dude… I’m born an raised in NY…

  18. yaboitone says:

    Damn, @OBAMA. I have the perfect rebuttal for everything you said, but I just don’t have the time. I came back to glance before heading to the airport to make a trip to D.C. for a week or so. Hopefully i care enough to look at this when i get back. lol.

  19. young hov says:


  20. mr. jones says:

    niggas is too young or str8 lying if they cant name albums by name or singles come on, im not sayin he a star, clearly isn’t had sum rhymes still does, MEMPH BLEEK IS…thas a classic…he got classic features, you me him her? he aint have the best verse? i suppose it is debatable but anways niggas lying

    he is a hype man yes, but it aint like he cant rhyme and never put out nice music

  21. So Icy Boi! says:

    lmao @Cudder

  22. Sin says:

    The process of what: runnin on a treadmill

  23. Joe Isuzu says:

    I fucks with Bleek and all and the nigga can spit, don’t get that fucked up, but these freestyle are str8 wet ass cheeks! Calico bodied him on his own shit, not cool! Just go the Flava flav route my nig and say goodnight Irene! One ya life…

  24. LATraffic says:

    Bleek has always been nice. Not the best but always drops some good stuff that doesn’t have jay all over every record so you gotta give him that.

    But yo, I can’t be the only one that STILL to this day thinks that rocafella chain is ill. It’s been like 10 years and I still want one. Haha. Maybe I can snatch it if he’s ever at the House of blues.

  25. […] Previously: Four New Memphis Bleek Freestyles […]

  26. Reasy F. says:

    I’ve been a fan of Bleek since the early days of the ROC. It’s not his fault that Jay-Z kept saying that he’s just “one hit away.” Since he was the so-called “second coming” or whatever, he’s been put in that light that he has to be great.

  27. genuinista says:

    Bleek knows how to deliver his lyrics, and rhyme’s heavy. He made sick album the “Understanding” before, so we all know he’s capable of doing it again. You can’t hate on him. However, his downfall is feeding off of the hater and blogs. His lyrcis sounds like he stooping to their level instead of burning them with something big. I mean we all know you get the prettiest b*tches, groupies, and hoars..A broke average can get the same thing. Come back with a lil big cockyness and wisdom.

  28. genuinista says:

    Bleek knows how to deliver his lyrics, and rhyme’s heavy. He made a sick album the “Understanding” before, so we all know he’s capable of doing it again. You can’t hate on him. However, his downfall is feeding off of the haters and blogs. His lyrics sounds like he is stooping down to their petty level, instead of burning them with something big and hot like fire. I mean we all know you get the prettiest b*tches, groupies, and hoars. A broke average man can get the same thing in 2010 even though he is a handsome young man. That’s not talking about much though..Like Jay says: “What We Talking Bout”?!? Come back bigger, cockyness and wisdom always set’s the tone.

  29. Tim Lee VA Stand Up says:

    @ LA TRAFFIC……..dude i STILL want one as well, if i cant get one im getting that shit tattoo on my back haha naw but for real theres something so ill about that logo, its sick.

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