Kanye West’s Blog Disclaimer

Have you ID’s ready. Apparently, flicks of nude models were too much for the youth. So to thwart any parental groups, Yeezy threw up this disclaimer on his blog. I wonder if Tipper Gore had a hand in this.

heads up: atb

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  1. CtrlAltMalik says:

    Can we figure out why his caps lock button is broke next?

  2. BNevo says:

    lmfao all Ye does is look for porn all day…

  3. Buxdagreat says:

    hmmm.. i understand to the artform and creativity for his site.. n i must say i like it very much….but what is dis for… whats the point? lmao

  4. KidKalig says:

    The new Unkle video they posted on the site might have something to do with it. . .

  5. Eyo says:

    Who gives a fuck about Kanyes blog?

  6. Gus says:

    the whole site has something to do with it lol
    kanye is one crazy dude tho..

  7. Ohsyx says:

    Slow news day?

  8. Abdiesel says:

    That shit is porn. Really not an art from, in one of the pics a chick is bent over and an old dude is sticking his finger in her butt….yes real creative…

  9. sideshowRaheem says:

    It always amuses me how quick people are to dismiss something they don’t like by saying it’s not art. Obviously Abdiesel likes hip-hop if he reads this site and probably would argue with anybody who would dismiss rap buy claiming it isn’t art but here he does the same thing.

  10. Abdiesel says:

    ^^^ ok come on. A dude sticking his finger in some girls butt. Please tell me where you see any art, creativity or anything else. I’m just calling it the way I see it. It looks like a still shot from a Porno…

  11. lboogie718 says:

    kanye west doesnt care about young people :/

  12. mistah_zee says:

    i don’t call it sex i call it art.

  13. sideshowRaheem says:


    Art at it’s most basic definition is the manifestation of creativity so the very fact that someone had the idea to take a picture of, as you put it, “A dude sticking his finger in some girls butt.” and then followed though to create his or her mental image means it is art. It is up to you to decide if it’s good art or bad art but you can not debate whether or not it is in fact art. The point is there are plenty of people out there that don’t think what Jay-Z or 50 Cent or Kanye do is art and they make the same argument you did against that picture “how can as song like Tip Drill qualify as art when it’s basically the musical version of A dude sticking his finger in some girls butt.”

  14. Rachael5922 says:

    well dang that was some expansive porn that kanye just gave us for free.

  15. Abdiesel says:

    ^^^Ok you got a point. IT is art the way you described it, but can we agree that it is very basic or borderline shitty art? *Pun intended*

  16. Ac@pella! says:

    He’s not creating it, he’s jus posting it. I mean, wtf r kids doin on that site anyways? Lol.

  17. sideshowRaheem says:


    I think the picture is purposely provocative so when most people look at it and are shocked it garnered the desired effect. To me that means it good art because it was his goal to manipulate your emotions in a certain way and it did. Would I hang it in my house? Probably not, but I think the artist achieved the desired effect.

  18. AO says:

    So the question now is: ‘Is porn art?’

  19. Ac@pella! says:

    And no disclaimer is gonna stop an underaged kid from clickin’ on the enter button. Lol. U can agree with the terms and see the site anyway…

  20. jim says:

    yall niggas sound like a buncha fags mad about naked pics of women…smh

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