Ice Cube Unfazed About Playing A Cop

With a new television series and album in tow, Ice Cube’s got a lot on his plate these days. And this summer, he begins filming his next movie Rampart. The film stars him as a Los Angeles detective investigating a corrupt cop. Ironically, this is the same guy that recorded “Fuck Tha Police” two decades ago. But Cube isn’t bothered by the role. He tells Rap Radar that it’s all in a day’s work.

“Movies aren’t real. Basically comes out of that. It’s just a movie. If I want people to take me serious as an actor, I got to take myself serious as an actor. So it’s just a movie. Just a role. And its a good role. I’m playing a homicide detective who think a dirty cop did the murder. So, I’m on a dirty cop. So, it’s cool to get a dirty cop thrown in jail.”

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    If your a good actor, it doesnt matter what fuckin role you play. even if its the guy who killed your closest family member. its not real, but its your job to make it real.

  2. Ghost says:

    Exactly, so who cares if he’s playing a cop. He’s acting. Like Rick Ross does on his albums.

  3. Where Wallace At? says:

    No, what Ice Cube should say is I sold the fuck out … but they got to pay me booooooyyyyyyyyy

  4. B.Dot says:

    He’s acting. Like Rick Ross does on his albums.
    *spits out water*

  5. […] in which he will play a Los Angeles detective investigating a corrupt cop. He took some time to talk with RapRadar about this new role and the irony about it in regards to his past with N.W.A. (“F*ck Tha […]

  6. EZPimpn says:

    lol @ B.Dot

    Except Ice Cube is a rapper ACTING like a cop, and Ross is a cop ACTING like a rapper.

  7. the grime says:

    freeze cube between 90-92 and you have the greatest rapper of all time. lyrics, depth, street life, realness, and ability to speak on the black communities problems.

  8. HawthorneFinest says:

    hahahahahahahaha @ Ghost
    that was just mean!
    cops should take notes on how to be a good cop like Cube tho…lol

  9. Justin Poindexter says:

    @the grime
    He the greatest rapper alive…

  10. Cheap Beats says:

    He is West! And he is an actor, there is no big deal with playing in this movie

  11. Ghost says:

    Ha sorry about that. If you need a writer rapradar I’m here………

  12. Mars Blackmon says:

    1st Ice-T now Ice Cube. Who’s next DMX? Oh wait he alreay impersonated a cop.

  13. bread215 says:

    We all know cube certified so this aint bout shit

  14. yaboitone says:

    who KNOWS cube is certified?
    and what does that mean exactly?

    people pick and choose who they accept. One hypocrite, liar, actor, manipulator and fake gets a pass while the other gets crucified?
    all with no REAL evidence that supports either side of the opinion.

  15. […] is currently filming in Los Angeles and also stars Woody Harrelson and Ben Foster. Via: RR Related Posts:Ice Cube joins cast of cop film […]

  16. OOPH says:

    So, actually being a cop would be bad? Ignorant ass muthafuckas…

  17. […] få kasta en korrumperad snut i fängelset.” —Ice Cube diskuterar sin nya film Rampart [RapRadar] — Mattias Hinderson […]

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