1. icedevil says:

    finally!!! the king is back

    gonna be a hot vid

  2. CP says:

    And here we goooooo!

  3. hiphop capo says:

    is just me or is this site a very pro eminem?

  4. Nate825 says:

    About damn timE!!

  5. Wow. says:

    Gonna be a tight ass video.

  6. shaadyyyyyy says:

    the king is back!recovery will be a classic!eminem best rapper ever

  7. mistah_zee says:

    the site reports hiphop/rap this has somethign to do with it so stfu

  8. Zoo Kwan says:


    And btw YN though you’re Interscope’s puppet with Rap Radar being a promotional tool for Eminem and all, crying about Jay Electronica not telling you he dissed Em & Iovine in your worst nightmare Benzino’s DVD spells out BITCH on your part. We’ll see how quickly you jump back on JE’s dick when he starts releasing fire.

  9. DallasTx_Grovside says:

    ^ lmao ” the king” is god you idolworshiping ass nigga smh

    but I guess
    “marshall mathers” is your lord and savior then

  10. HENNESSEY says:

    @Hiphop Capo

    The whole music industry is pro Eminem…..The business part because the dude is sales machine…and the fans part because the Dude is a monster

    And is it just me or does it seems like its kinda late for the first video to drop with only two weeks to release?…My guess is that Em is trying to keep everything under cover so that he can control leakage….But I guess we will see next week cause shit usually starts to leak two week before release….I honestly hope it dont leak at all cause I wanna see this dude hit a Milli first week…But sadly I think that Em will actually sale less first week this time around even though he still has crazy hype

  11. K.o.D says:



  12. EminemfFan says:

    maybe another 1000 comment over eminem post? rofl
    and yeah im excited :O

  13. K.o.D says:

    1000 COMMENTS = 100 STANS

  14. RapMusic23 says:

    This will be a GOOD video.Not some cheap ass green screen bullshit like 80% of the rappers out there does.

  15. THE MAN says:

    Shut Up Im happy

  16. Coroner says:

    About fucking time to drop that video!

    BTW motherfuckers can hate him but… it doesn’t change the fact that he’s a lyrical murderer…

  17. Mack attack says:

    Break out the Vaseline!! The king is back..

  18. llll says:

    Great, this was supposed to drop like 2 weeks ago!Em’s company always kill the buzz…Ask 50!

  19. JamieLondon says:

    This Vid Will Probs Be Like BEAUTIFUL.

  20. Nipsyfire says:

    Hmmm i wonder why he put ‘Patiently Waiting’ Like that? you think it has some meaning anyways!!
    Not big em fan but i guess it good news and great for hip hop so roll on 5th June! i need to see a 2nd single or sumthin

  21. CP says:

    “patiently waiting” as in he knows we’re not patiently waiting.

  22. Fat Boy says:

    I guess that chick on the right is the girl is banging, hhmmmmmm not bad she a freak….. Just kiddin can’t wait for the vid

  23. Thank Me Hater says:

    @hiphop capo yeah you’re partially right. Eminem’s manager is cofounder of this site or something….but Em news is reported like any other hip hop and r&b news. It’s just reacted to differently

  24. Second Single says:

    I don’t care about the video to that boring ass song. I want the second single, Em. Drop that shit like you dropped 3AM.

  25. vbs says:

    i can’t even get through 10 secs of this song because its so horrible… but at leat em isnt dressing like an idiot anymore.

  26. Woords says:

    Finally!! Recovery will be classic.

    Eminem <3

  27. Drucifer1983 says:

    I love how the haters find there way to an Em post to complain but whenever somebody does it to one of their artist, like Drake, the people say “Uhhhhh, If you dont like Drake why click on the page”, take your own advice and maybe I’ll follow……

    And I dont really care bout the video, I’ll watch it but I’d much rather hear the 2nd single, whens that droppin??

  28. teejay says:

    I mean, I don’t see much hate on eminem at most websites. The dude is pretty widely respected, of course there are always haters, but the dudes who respect em greatly outnumber those who hate.

  29. dajumpoff44 says:

    Keep hating…..I love it!The G.O.A.T!!Get ready to be upset because he is back to put his crown back on!It’s amazing how these idiots can diss a true LEGEND but have Rick Ross dick in their mouth!!!Go listen to that fake ass wack motherfucker!!!!Us real HIP HOP HEADS will Bump EMINEM!!Shady Motherfuckers!!!Recovery=Best album 2010!!!500,000 1st week!!EAT A DICK HATERS!!!

  30. Elton John says:

    @ Hip Hop Capo – Paul Rosenberg owns the site, so its always gonna be pro-eminem. YN is just a tool

    And they should have dropped the video for this weeks ago. Dropping it two weeks before the album is kinda stupid especially when the song is already dropping steadily down the charts

  31. Matthew says:

    Hi Haters ! I see you guys and lol at you !!! HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA Worried about Eminem’s potential sales are we ?! 800-000 + first week!!!

  32. Matthew says:

    Of course the single is dropping steadily… People hate Eminem’s success and dont want to play his song even though its better than the other rubbish on the Billboard.

  33. Elton John says:

    SMH at delusional Em stans. The song is dropping fast down the charts because of very low radio play due to the fact that nobody is responding positively to it. The song sucks, nobody wants to hear Eminem trying to sing his heart out

  34. Well says:

    Hailie’s Song was good. Eminem literally ripped his heart out of his chest on that one. Eminem can sing his heart out all he wants, so long as he means it.

    But yeah, Not Afraid sucks. If it weren’t for the obvious fact that it was made purely for business, it might be a decent song, but everything about it reeks of the kind of mediocrity Eminem made a point to avoid early in his career, when he was still hungry, determined, and brilliant. It’s a souless track pretending to be introspective, and is dull in every way imaginable.

    Hopefully the second single doesn’t suck. I’m looking forward to Cinderella Man, Space Bound, Won’t Back Down (I like Pink), and W.T.P

    Part of me thinks the last one stands for “Where’s the Proof?” I hope so, anyway. I want a Proof song.

  35. Real Talk says:

    Watch this shit get a 1,000 comments!!!
    I bet half u guys on here would suck em’s nutz if yall could!

  36. Lil Wayne '' Fuck Today " Music Video says:

  37. NYC_top says:

    Ayo em aint that bad lookin 4 a whiTE dude!

  38. Aftermath sound says:

    Haters eat elephant dick

    the king is back

  39. Foots says:

    @Elton John

    Nobody is responding positively to it? Right true, becuase it’s only the second rap song to debut at number one on te hot 100. And it only sold about 400,000 units in the digital sales. And complex put together a panel of people to examine the song and it averaged 3.5/5 from those sites. Yet nobody is responding positively to it? You don’t see all the stand jumping up and down for it? Even non stand gotta acknowledge the rhyme skills. It ain’t his best, but then again nobody is topping themselves these days. Not Jay, not T.I, not Drake…nobody.

    @ that one dude too, If you can’t get through 10 seconds of the song, how do you know the song as a whole is horrible? The first 10 seconds is him talking anyway.

  40. this song is wack says:

    no offense my homie plays this shit…n it is fukin embareesin to listen to when ur around people…….and it sounds corny as hell….I ain’t a hater it’s just this version of da song is wack cuz Maino’s version of this song ‘survival of the fittest’ is a 100 times better than this………just my opinion….

  41. YeahBoiiii says:

    Please tell me your a chick.
    White people are sexier than black people.

  42. PrettyChicoWhatDeyCalledEm says:

    lmao at this nyctop dude he posts in every topic talkin bout how hot that person is, he’s clearly fuckin around cuz its too blatant to be 4 real but its still funny nonetheless haha

  43. Ac@pella! says:

    Oh God…let the Eminem mania begin. And I’m not a hater towards Em. He’s in my top 5. I’m jus sick of all the traffic on here 4 him…C’mon, 1,000 plus for a fuckin tracklisting??? I’m kinda pissed about that…don’t have a valid reason for it, jus think its unnecessary…Now let the “Stanning” begin…

  44. Ac@pella! says:

    And “Not Afraid” sucked. Its a terrible 1st single…sorry Em…

  45. radd says:

    I’m just gonna say this because it’s true, the people who hate eminem are niggers who don’t like seeing a white dude do it better than they’re favorite rapper and white faggots who are secretly stans but hate him anyway because they want the “old eminem” back.


  46. PITRI says:

    To Me Not Afraid was dope..A Good 1st single..

  47. Ac@pella! says:


    Eat a “nigger” dick u bigot ass faggot…and that’s on behalf of the RapRadar staff as well as the faithful commenters on here…Gtfoh…Take that racist shit elsewhere…And I bet u wouldn’t call a black person a “nigger” to their face fuckin coward…

  48. Aftermath sound says:

    hhh you fucking stupid Eminem make $$ money and the king of rap +not afraid the bst song N° billboard and you hate like Donkey .

  49. Right says:

    This Shit Going To Suck Donkey Ballz

    Mark These Words

    This Is Another Relapse All Over Again

  50. Nah_Roots says:

    There are more people posting hateful comments against Eminem then there are fans. Just goes to show how people love to hate him, even though he’s clearly on top of his game at this point in his career.

    Funny how envy works, isn’t it?

  51. gran turino says:

    not afraid is a wonderful song,i hope the video too,recovery 22.june

  52. Real Talk says:

    Wow…..radd i bet u would suck off em if u could! I bet u worship the ground he walks on. Probably got a shrine of em in yo closet.
    Fuck outta here u faggot!

  53. Whatever says:

    @radd grow up. And learn the use of “their” and “they’re”, please.

  54. Yaz says:

    Nah they just hate it when a white boi topz there champ.

  55. Or... says:

    They’re not hating on Eminem, just the piece of shit “Not Afraid” song. You realize that you can like Eminem without liking everything he puts out, right? I’ll wait for a good Recovery single while all of you stay bumping “Big Weenie” in your cars. Dick riders.

  56. Nah_Roots says:

    Explain to me how it’s a “piece of shit song”. How can “My Name Is”, “The Real Slim Shady”, “Without Me”, “Just Lose It”, or “We Made You” even come close to touching the quality of his latest lead single. Like seriously-, the verbal intensity, lyrics, flow, rhyme schemes, double meanings are all over “Not Afraid”. Find me a lead single from another current mainstream artist that has all that. You can’t. I like Em and I respect other artists always, but calling it a piece of shit just shows how ignorant and disrespectful of talent you really are. As I said before, the fact that there are more “haters” commenting on Eminem-related posts shows that he is making every other rapper out there look silly.

    But anyway, Eminem said it best- Haters can make like bees with no stingers and drop dead.

  57. dajumpoff44 says:

    The song is not wack!If you think this song is wack then every song these other Crappers put out is HOT GARBAGE!!They have no substance…..At least Em gives you real emotion the way a good song is supposed to….Go listen to your popin guns and riding rims,fliping keys nonsense that none of these rappers do or ever really did!!!!Shady Baby!!The G.O.A.T!!!Hate it or Love it,he eptiomises the word ARTIST!!The greatest of the decade!!!EAT A FAT DICK HATERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!Recovery 2010!!

  58. Interscope Employee says:

    Fuck The Haters!! Em is runnin this shit

  59. Or... says:


    I’m “ignorant of real talent” because I’m not falling for the uninspired crap that is “Not Afraid?” Come on now, is Eminem’s dick so far up your mouth that it’s starting to crack through your skull and cum all over your brain? It must suck having all that jizz fucking up your brain cells.

    Yeah, let’s talk about the amazing, deep, double-meanings of Not Afraid. The world is gassed up…feed it beans. Oh, wait! He lifted the whole liquor counter up, you know why? Because he’s RAISING THE BAR! (Ooooh). Oooh, oooh, but I got a better one, you even used it: haters can make like bees with no stingers and drop dead. Honestly, that one blew my mind. Not for being out of the blue and worthless, but because it was just, wow, it was amazing.

    My Name is and The Real Slim Shady were witty, funny, and intelligent. If you want to say Not Afraid is on a lyrical stand point with those two, go ahead. I’m not going to go through all three songs line by line and show why the first two shit all over Not Afraid. Hold Eminem’s hands and walk with him through the storm, make a stand together, feed the world beans, watch bees drop dead, raise the bars, you know.

    And to the Stans: I’ma huge Eminem fan, but you all need to stop spreading your butt cheeks before jumping on his lap. Seriously. There’s no depth in Not Afraid. Hailie’s Song, Say Goodbye Hollywood, If I Had are deep songs. This is radio play, and dull radio play at that.

  60. GTFO says:

    Not Afraid is dope…JUNE 22 RECOVERY

  61. Nah_Roots says:


    You expect anybody to take your opinion seriously when you go around saying people have Em’s semen on their brain cells? I can’t even believe I just typed that, but hey, you said it.

    You clearly missed the extension of raising the bar, as he definitely referred to it before as raising his children. There’s your double usage. “raising the bar” is a metaphor when it stands alone. Yeah, get it? Em references shit WITHIN his songs. The bee stinger line is a GREAT line btw, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just in denial at this point. It makes so much sense- bees are only bothersome with their stingers- haters are only bothersome with their unjustified criticism, and when either is without them they have no purpose. ( you should have no problem understanding that as you are a self-proclaimed hater). But whatever, go ahead, keep reaching for reasons that he sucks. You also missed the exorcise/exercise demon double meaning. Guess that one went over your pea-sized head.

    As for his older singles. Sure they were funny and witty…10 fucking years ago. If he tried pulling a single like that now you would be all over him for being unoriginal and played out. The beauty of Eminem is that he constantly evolves and changes as a rapper. With every album he drops he tries new things, switches up his style, and keeps it FRESH. Nobody wants to see the shaved head blonde Em running around on TV anymore. “Hailie’s Song”, “Say Goodbye to Hollywood”, and “If I had” were not even singles, let alone radio-played ones.

    Also, “Not Afraid” is exactly what you said it is- a radio single. Meaning slower delivery, less explicit content, and more open audience friendly. Anyone from a hardcore Eminem lover to a casual R&B listener can appreciate its content. That’s the beauty of a lead RADIO PLAY SINGLE. It’s used as promotional tool more than anything to draw attention to the album. So please stop trying to belittle his talent based off one song, cuz we both no he’s lyrically gifted. Did we all of a sudden forget he dropped despicable? “Heir to the throne” is an amazing line.

    Keep trying, hater. It’s actually pretty amusing debunking your logic.

  62. wonjo says:

    @ elton john
    of course eminem is dropping down the charts.
    have you seen the top ten?
    usher with omg is number 1. i mean seriously that’s the number 1 song in the us?

  63. K-Lam says:

    Ac@pella don’t you got something better to do with your life then sit on a damn Eminem post and bicker with Eminem fans because we like a song and you dislike him because he’s white? Fuck outta her soulja boy and hop on that young money wagon because that shit crashed about 2 years ago

  64. sms says:

    Now it’s six days to go! Can’t Wait!!!

  65. Chit town says:

    I’m black.. eminem is the shit..can’t wait for the video…..I think the people who hate eminem are people who on some level care what people think of them

  66. For Real says:

    Finally it’s time!!!

  67. Or says:

    @ Nah_Roots

    I loved Despicable. Show me where I hated on Despicable.

    And as I’ve said, I like Eminem. I’m not hating on him. I’m hating on the boring ass Not Afraid track. I bet he wouldn’t have written the piece of crap if the Interscope folks didn’t come to him and ask for a nicer lead single. And I understood the metaphor. It doesn’t make them any less corny and slapped on, just like the entire song.

    I can’t bother to write another long post, though, because it’s clear from the dick sucking going on in your last one that everything Eminem does is genius in your eyes. “Constantly evolving.”

    Yeah, right. He’s been writing about the same topics since he began. Not that I mind. I like the majority of his work. But Not Afraid will always suck.

    PS: If “We Made You” were on par with The Real Slim Shady and My Name Is, yes, I would have eaten it up, as would have everyone else.

  68. Or says:

    Oh, and the reason I didn’t mention the exercise line was because it was the only good one in the song. I was picking out the bad examples and trying to keep it short. So, admittedly, I liked that one. It’s just too bad he had to waste it in a crappy song.

  69. Mack attack says:

    Fact.. Not afraid>>>>> than Any trademark 1st eminem single

  70. Or says:

    If you say so. Lose Yourself > Not Afraid. Same with TRS and MNI.

    Anyway, Nah_Roots, I apologize. I have no idea why the fuck I was so belligerent in my last posts. I just don’t like Not Afraid. I think it’s fake, corny, etc. Still looking forward to Recovery.

  71. Ac@pella! says:

    @Aftermath Sound (groupie ass name)

    Learn how 2 pronunciate ur words first BEFORE u type them, thennnnn learn how 2 type grammatically correct sentences, instead of typing how u talk, u fuckin’ dunce…lol!


    1st off nigga, I’m one of the hugest Em fans on the fuckin’ planet Earth. I could give a shit less if he’s white, he’s dope period, but I’m “not afraid” 2 admit when one of my favorite artists puts out a wack ass 1st single. Sure, it’s different from all the goofy ass 1st singles he’s put out in the past, I get that. But I call shit how I hear it. The rhymes are dope to me, but the beat is fuckin sub-par. I damn sure don’t listen 2 Soulja Boy’s wack ass. I’m outta high school AND college playboi, I listen 2 real shit, and I don’t fuck with those Young Money clowns either. I’m notchu, sooooooooo hop off my dick please, and keep my name and nuts outta ur mouth. Thanx! 🙂

  72. BEAMERINO says:


  73. BEAMERINO says:


  74. Wow. says:


    If you look closely he isn’t holding hands with her.
    I don’t see how both of his hands are in his pockets, and holding her hand at the same time. Crazy!

  75. PrettyChicoWhatDeyCalledEm says:

    hes not even holding her hand dumbass his hands are in his pockets

    and em has fucked more bitches than youve spoken too fag

  76. VE says:

    im a huge eminem fan but you gots to admit this is a meh song, i hope theres alot better on the album, i guess im just a sslp and mmlp eminem fan that raw stuff was better

  77. Dman says:

    the 1st single was pretty dam sick in my books he had nice punchlines the hes rappin with emotion he’s tellin the truth only thing id say was bad was the bridge

  78. Ben says:

    I’m looking forward to Recovery. I agree that not afraid sounds corny, I’m not comfortable blasting it through my speakers. However, I’m glad to see a new eminem, he couldn’t have switched his style at a better time. The Slim Shady mentalility was getting old and the retarded accent should’ve never been born. I think that is why this is the first single, like he’s forewarning all of you who like his music bc of the f*cked up stuff that he says and does, instead of appreciating his lyricism; that it’s not going to be what you’re used to. This is the album I’ve been waiting for since The Eminem Show. ..I hope.

  79. Chris says:

    Support Eminem and Buy his new Album!

  80. noprobson says:

    this video will be awsome :)))

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