1. P says:

    Eminem’s album and freestyle on Westwood > Drake’s

  2. koa29 says:

    agree but drake seems like he improved on that off the top shit…but u never kno, coulda been some writtens thrown in there

  3. TYBO2020 says:


  4. Toronto thug says:

    Man when it’s all said and done drake gonna be the best ever…he can rap and sing he is a triple threat!!

  5. jr1987 says:

    haha he forgot his lyrics

  6. boi1da says:

    that was weak drake. step yo game up

  7. del says:

    drake is over rated man. used up all his best materials on mixtapes.

  8. del says:

    @Toronto thug: Groupie

  9. BrooklynRaw says:

    sure not freestyle very ova rated

  10. Haters/Stans says:

    lol @ Toronto thug

    dumb ass nigga said “he can rap and sing he is a triple threat!!” smh

    this is kinda a wack freestyle anyway; glad he left the blackberry alone, but i dont think Ive ever heard someone choke that many times in a freestyle “….um…. and then I say….”

  11. @ablacktv says:

    Yo that shyt was still written u can tell, nigga forgettin the words and shit…and the nigga above said he can “rap and sing” he’s a triple threat? Nigga can u count, but maybe u forgot act. But all i seen that nigga in was Degrassi, and its not hard to act like the loser u already are. This nigga is soooo overrated man, and this aint hating just my opinion..so many niggas out here grinding would rip a tim westwood freestyle or funk master flex freestyle (without a blackberry) this nigga is a great WRITER that is all…

  12. money mitch says:

    @ toronto threat

    that would be a double threat maybe? lol

    How will he be one of the best, hes a trend, a fad, a gimmick, lil waynes time is winding down and his crew will obviously go down with him.

    Look at g unit they ran shit and now nobody checks for them, no one from bad boy is around anymore, besides snoop and dre deathrow isnt around, no limit poof gone, dmx gone, so how can you say a gimmick rapper with that fuckin pause than one word punchline flow the greatest ever?

    I know i said a lot, but i meant to say just climb the cn tower in toronto and jump off b

  13. dirty south says:

    he fucked up for a minute there. but w/e he don’t make his millions freestylin’ he seels albums and mixtapes! so jump off!

    at least he tried a lot of these artists don’t even attempt it.

  14. @ablacktv says:

    Oh yeah @Toronto Thug there are no thugs in toronto…and it aint no real thugs on the internet

  15. Teddy says:

    his a writer not a freestyler doesnt mean he cant be the best rapper he just cant be the best freestyler

  16. Pretty Toni says:

    Best Rapper Alive

  17. thebullfrog24 says:

    You guys act like being a writer means your a horrible rapper. You realize that people like Nas writes also.

    Yall are funny to because yall fault drake for singin, yet ppl like andre 3000 get praised even though he sings all the time. Yall remember a lil corny song called “hey ya”??? …yeah i thought so

  18. ugay says:

    all he good at is writing..singing..and shittin on ppl from his past…he’s like an ugly ll cool j wit no muscles, who sings. strictly for the ladies. Of course if u were ugly all your life, everything u do and write would be for the ladies too …*shrug*

  19. Chi town says:

    @ Toronto thug….first I didn’t know there were thugs in Toronto….but I do know the schools aren’t very good cuz they didn’t teach y’all how to count or how to remember shit

  20. GG says:

    man if your hating on this your dumb..im a Drake hater myself ill admit but this shit is SAUCY

  21. RealNigga Speaks says:

    @thebullfrog24 Dont eva mention Andre 3000 nigga! Hey Ya made that shit go Diamond nigga. DIAMOND! What rapper u kno going diamond!! That platium 10 times nigga, 10 million! Only group to ever do that! He’s a legend! Listen to the end of Love Below the last track…a real freestyle nigga! June 15th aint came yet, this nigga aint sold an album yet…nobody saying he cant write, just give up all that bravado in your wack ass freestyles..Stop riding this nigga dick

  22. gsgs says:


  23. Rickk says:

    Yea man, lookin’ at the footage, Drizzy killed that shit, and i agree, not alot of kats out here can do what he do mann. He takes time in every bar and u can hear that in every song and verse. Y’all just want to see him fail and that’s just sad on ur part, dude came far, give him his props and wish him success…..I like Eminem but Em was in Drake’s position before and alot of u kats can remember when Em was takin’ all the heat and hate. Does anyone recall 8 Mile where Em choked on the mic, we all start somewhere, please chill on the hate

  24. illaDeuce says:

    I’m from toronto.. what kinda dumbass names themselves toronto thug and then makes that stupid statement… do thirteen year olds fuck with this site now??

  25. wikkity says:

    The reason I can’t stand how they try to pass some invisible torch to Drake: He uses the same flows,talks about the same things(over&over),isn’t versatile at all with his songs(money,girls,heartbreak,love,money) AND his bars aren’t even that great(not NEARLY good enough to be put on the pedestal he is)

    Drake can’t think of ANY sort of concepts besides recycling them all over again in different ways?!?Fukk outta here,I’m sick of this shyt.At least J. Cole’s gaining some commercial hype as well so hopefully he’s successful enough to get this cornball off the planet.Even tho we all know Wayne & Drake’s Jewish pals in the places that ‘count’ won’t let that happen.SMFH.The reason he’s successful: He’s jewish,looks white,can sing and already was on a kiddy show as a teenager….aka he Was hand-crafted for the Pop world by nature,but this Rap world is definitely NOT his(at least by real fans’ perspective).Maybe if he woulda shut up his doubters with a great album….but NOPE,filled with features and radio-ready singles instead of crafting a great body of work.Even Hip-Hop DX just gave the shyt a 2.5/5.Haha.Get over yourself Drake and at least prove your worth

  26. !ShootDontPlease says:

    lol alright so i finally listened to this, and i aint gonna lie it was pretty dope


    its so funny that even when drake is at his dopest he is still corny as hell

    i say uh i say uh uh this is where i say… hold up this comin off the top lol


    i dont know what he was tryin to say with that hollywood cole line but i dare drake to start some shit with j cole, that would be too great, cuz i dont care what anyone says that 3rd verse on who dat was shots at drake and cole murdered him

  27. !ShootDontPlease says:

    @ wikkity

    co-sign everything you said

  28. Felipe says:

    So let me get this straight.

    Drake’s freestyle sucks because Eminem’s was better. Eminem. The fucking freestyle king. Any rapper’s freestyle’s sucks compared to Em’s. Shit, I don’t even like Em and I believe he’s the best freestyler in the game by far.

    Also, this one is rich: criticizing him for forgetting lyrics. After he brings a blackberry and reads off lyrics for one “freestyle” and gets hate for it, he gets hate for sounding like he prepared everything in writing beforehand. Yeah, that makes total fucking sense.

    Alot of rappers are not good freestylers. Give the kid a break. He’s not an album deep and people criticize him like he’s supposed to be the fucking messiah. He’s dope at what he does and actually does it well. Of course he’s not the best, so what’s the use criticizing him as if he should be.

    It’s a pretty good freestyle for someone who doesn’t freestyle much.

  29. wikkity says:

    @ ShootDontPlease

    Thanx, wish mainstream media did.Haha.But I understand how the ‘power’s that be’ work things so when they say something’s a go it’s a GO.He’ll be around for a while whether we like it or not..I see him being a revamped Jewish-Ja Rule

  30. WòŕĐ ṦṁίϦ₮ says:

    I could drive down the street and pick up a bum that can freestyle better than this jew.

  31. wikkity says:


    People “criticize him like he’s suppose to be the fucking messiah” because that’s what all these media outlets are trying to TELL and BRAINWASH people with.It’s like the fukkin government or sumethin tryna tell us Columbus found America and shyt…WE DON’T BELIEVE YOU!!Haha.We know the damn truth..why not speak on it?At least he has the chance to show and prove but he hardly ever does,he’s always sub-par.If I was him I’d make sure I show my worth to let people know I deserve my damn spot

  32. Rickk says:

    Y’all actin’ like its Drake’s fault he is where he is. Drake never said he was the next anything, never said he was the greatest, that was the blogs, the fans, the magazines. Stop blaming Drake like it’s his fault he’s hot. That is the machine that is pushing him,, NOT HIM. Y’all honestly think its Drake’s fault because he’s hot, yu sound stupid

  33. Toronto thug says:

    F all y’all ….I feel like I’m a thug and I rep Toronto so what……and like I said drake is a double threat rap, sing, act…..and y’all say he has one flow??? He raps and sings which are two different flows last time I checked…..y’all gone really hate him when he start acting again he could could be superman or batman or some other super hero movie the didn’t make yet

  34. RealNigga Speaks says:

    @toronto thug ure the dumbest fool alive

  35. !ShootDontPlease says:


    “Y’all actin’ like its Drake’s fault he is where he is. Drake never said he was the next anything, never said he was the greatest, that was the blogs, the fans, the magazines.”

    Last name ever, first name greatest – the first line off of drakes most popular song… smh

    @Toronto thug

    singing is not a flow… its singing… assisted by autotune

    and lol at you thinkin your a thug, and thinkin drake could be superman… smh at your life

  36. your a hater.. be honest says:

    j.cole raps about being a little nigga from the vill in every song.. so.. lets not talk about recycling…

    that being said.. drake. j.cole. and em hands down will have the best albums this year (excluding kanye, and possibly detox)

    all three of those guys go hard in their own lane, which is different than each others..

    People.. stop hating.. just appreciate what these guys are doing for hip-hop and what your not doing.

  37. Broke Iz A Disease says:

    fuckin up your lyrics ain’t professional B. This clip reminds me of the Justin Beiber Time Westwood post when that lil guy was “freestyling”. Beiber freestyle > Drake’s haha.

    Yo if I hate Drake does that make me a hater? I mean good luck to him, get your money but everything about you seems fucking corny to me. Like I don’t feel like his personality is authentic, it seems forced. I can’t get down with dude.

  38. wikkity says:

    @ Your a Hater..Be Honest
    So Cole biggin up his City in a bunch of his songs is considered recycling now?NOT!….Cole is very clever with coming up with different concepts and song material on a LOT of his tracks….he’s capable of tellin stories, uplifting tracks and etc. etc.

    “Last name Ever..First name Greatest”….nuff’ said….he put the pressure on himself and then can’t even back his own corny-ass saying up.So he deserves to be criticized for being sub-par and singing all day instead of proving himself to be the ‘great’ rapper he thinks he is

    @Broke Iz A Disease
    Completely agree wit ya last two sentences.Drake’s whole lil image doesn’t seem to be him and I’m not buyin it…but oh yeah he is an Actor huh?Exactly!!

  39. !ShootDontPlease says:

    @your a hater

    “j.cole raps about being a little nigga from the vill in every song”

    no, thats called shouting out your hometown, which btw drake never does from what ive heard

    listen to the warm up almost every song is a story or about some incredibly real shit, drake couldnt dream of writing a song like i get up, world is empty, welcome, can i live, the badness etc etc

  40. Rickk says:

    ^ Cus Drake dnt wanna do Cole, he wanna do him, so let him eat, JCole seems to be doing fine from what i see, what are all y’all madd for, wat do y’all want from dude, to flop, disappear, die, stop rapping, wat do y’all want???

  41. !ShootDontPlease says:

    i aint talkin about drake doin cole im just comparing talents

    “wat do y’all want from dude, to flop, disappear, die, stop rapping,”

    i wouldnt mind 3 of the 4

  42. Money mitch says:

    Lmao @ toronto thug

    you got a while post shittin on you lol first you say triple threat and name 2 things than you name 3 things and say double threat, damn son read a book or something oh ya and than kill yourself

  43. wikkity says:

    i aint talkin about drake doin cole im just comparing talents
    “wat do y’all want from dude, to flop, disappear, die, stop rapping,”
    i wouldnt mind 3 of the 4

    Seems like we agreein on and sayin the same shyt in here.Haha.And I must admit I wouldn’t mind two out of those 4 either….A flop, followed by acknowledging himself as an R&B Singer/Rapper instead of a straight-up Rapper would be nice

  44. teejay says:

    The boy did his thing, he was pretty dope. People must put into perspective that he is a human being and he fucks up sometimes.

    The only thing outright wrong with this freestyle was that he did one so close to when eminem did one at the same place. Like someone said, em is the freestyle king. Snoop, mos def, and krs-one are among the very few who can compare off the top. Drake is nowhere near that level at this point. Give dude a break.

    That said I thought his album sucked and he’s not that great a rapper. But ya know, you all are hating for all the wrong reasons.

  45. Rickk says:

    Eminem has been around for years, u can’t even compare the two, honestly. I like Em, Cole, alot of ppl out. I just wanna see everybody win, have fun and do their thing. Thats where im’ coming from. I was a big Em fan and when i saw that movie of him choking on the mic, i thought to myself, damn. Everybody’s gotta start somewhere

  46. your a hater.. be honest says:

    I love getting reactions..

    Some people just hate on everything. They are so narrow minded..
    People..people just open your ears and actually listen to what they rap about. decypher it.. understand that MORE THAN 1 RAPPER CAN BE GOOD.. and both j.cole and drake have show that with their respective ways of going about it…

    if it doesn’t appeal to you.. thats to bad.. “cause either way you put it bitch i made it…” -drake

  47. RealNigga Speaks says:

    Why wont he battle a real nigga, instead of calling out Lil Kim…even Lil Kim would eat this dude

  48. wikkity says:

    Good point and I don’t mind everyone succeeding either…I just take offense when the media outlets and shyt try to brain-feed us this guy like he’s something so incredibly special, then he buys into it himself and portrays the same image.THAT…I don’t like.I’d rather just see someone gradually EARN the respect and love from others instead of ‘other’ things push him on to the forefront due to affiliation

  49. your a hater.. be honest says:

    “I’d rather just see someone gradually EARN the respect and love from others instead of ‘other’ things push him on to the forefront due to affiliation”

    Prior to So Far Gone… Drake put out 2 Mixtapes and a failed single with Trey Songz that BET had on the air for a week before throwing it in the trash.. then So Far Gone.. he earns Jay Z’s respect. Kanye’s, Bun B’s, Lil Waynes.. now.. he’s an icon..

    stop hating on things you will never have.

  50. !ShootDontPlease says:

    @your a hater.. be honest

    youre a dick rider.. be honest

    i dont care if you like drake thats cool but so many ppl overrate him and thats when it starts getting annoying, same thing with wayne

    you calling drake an icon when he has accomplished nothing is a prime example of that

  51. your a hater.. be honest says:

    I’m not a dick rider haha.

    I don’t even like drakes album? I’m simply stating the truth? I’m an avid hip-hop fan.. I never said drake was the greatest rapper alive? or he’s gonna sell a millie?

    I’m simply stating what Half the world thinks.

    soo.. in response..

    you’re an idiot…be honest

    research your fact before you come on here spitting some dumb shit. It’s alright you can think what you want about drake or any rapper. its you’re own opinion.. but the stats show very clear what drake has accomplished and thats what I posted. not an opinions.. FACTS dumbass

  52. !ShootDontPlease says:

    lol ok, i guess im a dumbass then, please inform me on what drake has accomplished so i can become as enlightened as you…

  53. Ben says:

    Spittin’ that Degrassi fire!

  54. yeah dey call me a camel says:

    i gotta add my 2cents…..that freestyle was courney, it would have been better if he had a memorize verse or his blackberry….GET HIM OUTTAHEREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. yeah dey call me a camel says:


  56. your a hater.. be honest says:

    where to start.. nominated for many awards (including 2 grammys) off a mixtape. dozens of album covers

    been cosigned by nearly every rapper in the game..and is recognized as the next big thing

    brought a new dimension to the game that everyone has acknowledged..

    thats just a few.. get at me on the 15th.. I’m not saying a millie. but many albums will be sold.. which will be huge for a debut album and in this day and age selling a millie is redic.. wayne was redic. eminem’s recovery will be firrrrrrrre and i think that may sell a millie

    but again. don’t hate is all im accepting. just realize the guy is making good music for HIS fans.

  57. che-el-pibe says:

    daaaaaaaaam son mad sad right now………… i was really fellin this nigga even tho my boys was hating but i guess they r right this niggas freestyles suck not cus the content is wak but cus hes not from the top n forgets his shit………… hope u get bak on ur gangsta shit drake like fear

  58. blazen says:

    he did ite.. u can totally tell it was written though. Nothing special.. he did have a few good punch lines then he forgot his shit n fucked it up.

  59. I.S.A.A.C. says:

    ANYBODY who thinks that anything but those last 4 bars were off the top is IGNORANT.

    Decent written i guess (at best) but u can’t be forgetting ur lines especially acapella.

    I don’t think he was even trying to make ya’ll think it was freestyle til he actually made up an ending off the top… which is more of a diss to ya’ll that got fooled than to Drake.

    The past couple days i revisited some of his classic mixtape tracks, dang that man is talented. But on the real, his album is soooo disappointing. and it’s NOT because of the singing either.

  60. Slow Ur Roll, Know Ur Role says:

    Don’t really feel dude but triple threat, rap, write n sing

  61. young reezy says:

    drake i hope u realize dat ur lyrics r wack keep freestyling like dat and u about to get smacked, just cuz u ride with wayne dont mean youll get to reign, u homos making it rain ill come and hit u on the side of your brain, nikki in da car dat bitch giving me brain, once she done ill throw dat ho out the range, everybody knows u tryng to be like jay, but since degrassi every one knows dat u gay, u remind me of game a lil bit of fame and u got sick on the brain.

    ha ha enough said.

  62. !ShootDontPlease says:

    ^you played yurself

  63. Rickk says:

    @ Young Reezy, yea defintely played ur self, dude dissing somebody via BLOG, like Drake gon’ read it LMAO ROTF #fail

  64. Young Reezy says:

    My point was that his freestyle sucked and dat anybody could come up with hotter shit ya dig????? Still had u niggas reading

  65. Afrtermath Rules says:

    disney channel freestyle

  66. gary cole says:

    Man u lot need to get off his johnson and just appreciate what the lad has going on around him. When was the last time rap/ hiphop was portrayed in a positive light on main street!! He aint shoot no body so why hate, ya’ll need to realise the games evolved and guys like him are at the forefront so GIVE HIM ROOM. You know what they say ‘ you know you doing something right when the haters appear’. Like fat joe sez jeolous ones still envy!!
    Gary,manchester UK

  67. random says:

    did anybody else smell that subliminal diss in the first line “who else wanna fuck wit hollywood cole” drake youre making a big mistake here I mean we all know you could take on lil kim but J. cole is really raw and if you beef with him hell lyrically expose you and youll raise his buzz to all times high so just slow youre roll with that shit

  68. […] Affion Crockett and Mark Douglas channel Drizzy’s Tim Westwood freestyle. From Mark’s impersonation of Tim and Affion’s Drake hand gestures, this is pretty […]

  69. hahahaha says:

    and then i say….. and then i say…. ‘fuck outta here with that bullshit. go to any block in any major city and i bet theres 20 rappers that could lyrically murda this fool. go make r&b records you are NOT a dope mc. and im not ‘hating’ im just stating the obvious.

  70. […] time, Comedian Affion Crockett channels Aubrey with a parody of  Drizzy’s Tim Westwood freestyle. With Mark Douglas‘ impersonation of Tim and Affion’s Drake hand gestures, this is […]

  71. […] Not A Human Being EP droppin’ on his born day in September. If you recall Drizzy gave Westwood a taste of the […]

  72. […] Not A Human Being EP droppin’ on his born day, September 27th. If you recall, Drizzy gave Westwood a sample of the lyrics two months […]

  73. […] over in the UK, Drake spit a few bars during his chat with Tim Westwood. No Blackberry. No problem. Check out his Weezy impersonation after the […]

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