1. Burr says:

    it’s cool, nuttin special…

  2. CARLITO says:

    This has to be unfinished? *blank stare*

  3. ronnie_moe says:

    well it’s about fucking time….

  4. truf says:

    its ok drake selln mor than 50 n wayne combined y u mad lol

  5. [] 99% Easy Rider ~ 1%Free says:

    [] Dre Day ~ Jay-z = The Throne

    [] 99% Easy Rider ~ 1%Free

  6. nate. says:

    im with Carlito, this better be unfinished.

    all you “first” guys are gay as shit.

  7. phil says:

    take it back.. hope it aint done.
    Sorta wack.

  8. Jeremy says:

    Interesting. A new sound…

  9. jmoney says:

    hahaha wht the hell is this?? anyone else disappointed?

  10. Tommy says:

    This is what we’ve been waiting 10 years for? SMH

  11. bman91 says:

    thts pretty ill mabey not worth the 100 year wait but never the less ill

  12. J.Spfld says:

    All that wait, for this… Waiting for Lady Gaga to sing on this, sounds kind of like a techno beat…SMH

  13. Boombapster says:

    What the FUCK?!? Trash. You muthafuckas had to release unfinished shit? It should be called Under Produced or Un Professional. Under Pressure… smdh

    BB$. Damn Leakers.

  14. Brian says:

    wack, beat sounds like beyonce would sing over.

  15. Cola (EVERY HOODs A&R) says:

    someone has to be on the hook……wonder who…hmmmmmmmm

  16. j says:

    WIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZY get ready for 1000 commentz – soon cum!

  17. real says:

    Damn. Think about it…. Dre Day, Nothin But A G Thang, Let Me Ride, Still D R E, xxplosive, next episode…and now this??? Yikes. This is what we’ve been waiting for???????? Back to the drawing board Dre. Embrace your West Coast roots. Sheesh. This shit is garbage.

  18. fourdeucetre says:

    I can see why this wasnt put out sooner. This is definitley unfinished I cant imagine dre releasin this right before recovery drops anyway.

  19. Fat Boy says:

    This song is ok …….. Nothin special , I can tell it ain’t finish….. Good thing theirs like 14 more songs for Detox more and likely

  20. doodlet says:

    this is why the internet and leakers suck. dropping songs when they’re not finished ruins the song and the initial wow factor of a new song

  21. EminemBase says:

    10 years for this LMFAO. Detox is going to disappoint big time.

  22. pmoney says:

    wtf is this shit

  23. flow J says:


  24. Do-THE-right-THING says:

    Fuck yall you didnt care hearing unfinished Drake shit and hating on that! FUCK YOU

    DRAKE>>>>>>DRE>>>>>JAY’s Verse

  25. VerseCutta says:

    shit sounds like some gay disco shit,
    goodness sakes,and to think i thought maybe i was going to be surprised with some hot shit.

  26. GAME rED = CLASSIC says:

    song is trash…..beat is trash

    its suppose to be legendary beat…..that’s some polow da don J rotem type of shit right here

  27. Ultrakid says:

    This song is good but it’s not as good or original as Power.

  28. .... says:

    its trash,eminem is the only good artist on aftermath,fuck detox,recoveryyy baby

  29. Ben says:

    I can’t hear my computer sound drivers are gone. Its wack? Old as mofo’s.

  30. dashing says:

    Yeah, I take mine back too. Was just trying to be first. Not hot. Needs A LOT of work.

    And is jay jumping on that lame metaphor bandwagon. “Got me bringing guns to work. Gilbert Arenas”


  31. jr1987 says:

    This is dope !!!!!!

  32. Word says:

    I like Jays verse. Hmm, well its unfinished…im sorta at a loss for words.

    Well at this point im sure Dre really dont give a fuck no more, I think he just wants to get Detox out so niggas wont keep bothering him about it. The song is ok though, not great or anything but, were you guys really expecting a hot banging ass song right away? Give it more time, I think Dre gonna put out something fire soon….get ready for the next episode!

  33. dashing says:

    Dre really needs to come out the gate harder than this man. Considering how long we’ve been waiting for this damn album. If it’s poppy, I’m not going to fuxx wit it.

  34. CLARK says:

    LOL was this released or is it a leak?

    No way this is finished.

  35. Donn says:

    I don’t wanna judge till its finished, plus i know Ester Dean wrote the hook, ima wait for the finished version. I feel these artist pain when stuff leaks unfinished, I wouldnt’ want ppl to judge stuff like this either. Jay killed it tho as always

  36. Dman says:

    lol what the fuck the myth is true but ehhh i hope its unfinished come on dre this feels kinda off to me

  37. p.dom says:

    man. this leaking unfinished music shit is getting real stupid. i listened to this BEFORE yn put the unfinished update on it. i honestly wouldn’t have listened if i knew it wasn’t complete.

  38. KJ says:

    LMAO!! You a fool for this one YN… ” This used to ring off in the hood! ”

    LMAO @ Dre biting that gay ass shit!! LOL!! Jay’s verse was dope though, I still wanna hear the finished product. I’ll reserve judgement until then.

  39. PITRI says:

    Dre Does got a banger on Ems album tho..

  40. CLARK says:

    and that shit at the end should b the hook

  41. 7v5a7 says:

    Scott Storch did beat anyway. so it wasnt expecting much. BUT YN/ B.DOT please wait til mixing is finished.

  42. gunsdrugsbitches says:

    tight beat Dre…. smh @ niggas already hatin on Dre.

    and WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH DRAKE STANS ??? He’s gonna sell 450k … how is that more than Wayne and 50 combined…? jeezz… ya’ll worse than Em stans. fuckin emo kids

  43. DARKAQUA says:



  44. Zombie says:

    Yeah im dissapointed, but im sure its unfinished but this is probally the club song.? just for the clubs.? idk maaaan.

  45. DARKAQUA says:


  46. Gordon B. says:

    Well he did say he had been listening to Kraftwerk lately.
    Want to hear the finished thing before I judge it.

  47. ronnie_moe says:

    This track is ass and ya’ll know it. I tried to give it a chance, listened to it 3 times in a row and it’s still ass. Stop “Stannin”!!!!!!

  48. Eminem says:

    WTF is this Dre?

  49. HOVA!! says:


    For some reason, I don’t think that this is Under Pressure because I never actually heard them say those words (under pressure). Jay’s verse was ill but WTF was Dre thinking with giving Jay this type of beat? Maybe I’ll change my opinion after a few more listens.

  50. Danj! says:

    @ KJ… YN was bein’ serious… it did.

    Wow @ ‘hip-hop heads’ not knowin’ about ‘Trans Europe Express’…


  51. Lil Wayne says:


  52. KJ says:

    Yeah he does….. I think he’s (Dre) just trying new stuff. You can’t be considered the GOAT, or one of the GOATS, if you’re not willing to push the envelope musically. Em did it with ‘Recovery’, and the finished product is nothing short of greatness.

  53. Coolin says:

    I’m gonna wait for the finished version before I fully judge it, but so far its ehh. I really hope they get rid of the weird circus sounding thing that builds up into the chorus.

  54. Puerto-Black says:

    7 out of 10.

  55. 2Pac says:

    Boy, Negative comments marching right up. Get your shit together Dre.

  56. BIGGIE says:


  57. BIGGIE says:


  58. P. Diddy says:

    Wake up in the morning feeling like Ke$ha

  59. Ola says:

    Dre is trying to tell you that is a grown man and can’t be releasing a track like still at age 45 and I kind of respect that. The song will be better with the hook

  60. NotoriousRambo says:


  61. amazinace says:






  62. KJ says:

    @ KJ… YN was bein’ serious… it did.

    Wow @ ‘hip-hop heads’ not knowin’ about ‘Trans Europe Express’…



    I’ve heard of Kraftwerk, Bambatta sampled them with all of the electronic music being made that indoctrined hip hop. With that being said, I was born in the same year that all this was going down, but that doesn’t mean I dig all that shit. And that shit is corny to me. And unlike my comment reserving judgement for the song, I won’t do the same for you and label you ‘ the corniest mu’fucka on this site’ for thinking we’ve regressed thirty years. Get a life homie, it’s 2010. Check your favorite rappers lists, I’ve never seen Kraftwerk in it… have you?

    SMH @ old ass niggas still thinking it’s 1982 and Kraftwerk are ‘them cats’.

  63. oh snap this is what the world has been waiting for!

    The Music Majors
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  64. ATTA BOY says:

    wtf u thinking andre? fucking joke. weve been waiting 10 YEARS?? attttttta boy dre

  65. llll says:

    WOW…This is full of bitten lines and punchlines!!WTF DRE!
    It seems like he got Em wrtiting the bigening then Game finishing it!LOL!
    And he jacked 50’s line there!

  66. tp & esco says:

    You haters!! This is awesome!! remove the vocal tags, get a chorus on there (which is sung by that chick Ester Dean) and a 3rd verse and this is smashing the radio waves.. great JOB DRE! AND JAY Z

  67. President Obama says:

    Hes a JACKASS

  68. Word says:

    Dre’s beat on Recovery for So Bad was dope as fuck, so im thinking theres gonna be better production on Detox when it comes out for sure.

  69. blaqscorpio says:

    Obviously NOT finished.

  70. […] Dre & Jay-Z – Under Pressure (AUDIO) Rap Radar :: New Music: Dr. Dre x Jay-Z “Under Pressure” __________________ http://www.E-MilCreativeServices.com Webdesign & Online Promo at its […]

  71. Mokh says:

    y’all can say what ever you want. BUT, I Love THis! 😀

  72. Troll Face says:

    Obviously NOT fire.

  73. yuriy says:

    mann fuckk thiss just look at all the singles of 2001 and then compare them to this bullshit.come on this shit is just wack and lamee

  74. Kanye West says:

    Now Dre, I’m really happy for you, and imma let you finish, but I‘m one of the best producers of all time. OF ALL TIME

  75. eastpointvet says:

    its obvious this is not mastered

  76. Dissapointed says:

    Elliot Wilson …If you know Dre or someone that does PLEASE tell him we want him to go HARD on the detox and forget this dance sound light crap!!!!

  77. Interscope Employee says:

    shit is hotttttt!

  78. prodcutofme says:

    joint is OK

    agree wit Clark that the bridge is the best part. should be the hook and it will be a great crossover record.

    im really not feelin how jay is rhyming wit the young money flow. stop it 5. dont stoop down to these kids.

  79. Dissapointed says:

    Bring back classic hard hip hop not try to conform to the new soft garbage.

  80. Honest Feedback says:

    I was expecting to be disappointed! come on son. how old is the guy now? He wont have the same caliber that he had back in the days. anyways, this is ehh. looking forward to the finished project.

  81. ssraheem says:

    This is what we all got hype about a few months ago? This is the song that Interscope record exec were so excited about? THIS!?! I don’t care if it’s unfinished I don’t think there’s anything he can add to make this good. Dre’s been working on this Detox album for what? 6 or 7 years, if this is the best he’s got for use I hope it never comes out.

    That beats not even good enough to be on Diddy’s album.

  82. After 10 years we get this, with Hov doing that terrible new rhyme scheme (its going down, basement / Like girls wit lil class, half days) O_o

  83. meThATSwho says:

    Jays verse was aiight, Dre needs to quit… Definitely could use wayne or em on this bad boy… we shall see

  84. Hollaatchaboy says:

    someone take out the garbage.

  85. SCOTT LAROCK says:

    you can tell it’s not mastered it’s ok nothin special.

  86. TheTruthIs... says:

    No Hook Can Save This Track

    If these are the only verses on the track that is wack as fuck … Those verses suck …

  87. Oj Da Cornball says:

    Play this on some bass speakers. It knocks.

    Has that Dre drum for sure. I like so far. Will wait for complete version with the bassline. I heard it. 🙂

  88. Psycho says:


  89. Eyo says:

    That Nas album “Hip Is Dead” will push a mil next week.

  90. sideshowraheem says:

    Is it too late to take away that Vibe greatest producer if all time award. The fuck is this shit!?!

  91. Sucka says:

    newmusiccartel = complete faggot.

  92. HOVA!! says:

    1. Within two minutes of the song leaking, people will have already decided the song “sucks.” Because you can honestly form an opinion on a song after one listen. Right?

    2. They will then go on to say, “This is the best Dre can do after all these years? F*ck Dre. F*ck Detox. F*ck my life.” Yes, Hip-Hoppers are very sensitive.

    3. Maybe four or five days later, my favorite, the classic “it’s growing on me” phrase will begin to surface. Growing on you, huh? Of course it is.

    4. Next will come the video, which is sure to have more behind-the-scenes clips floating around than one person can fathom. Dre will talk about it, then Jay, then Jimmy, then Memph Bleek, then the video’s director and then finally the random intern. Hell, if we’re lucky, Suge and Beans, too.
    Truthfully, this song could have been produced by Jesus, featured Tupac (HBD! bro) with a Michael Jackson hook and a foreward by Martin Luther King and that same four-step process would have went down. It’s the world we live in.

    Then again, that may be life’s way of Detox‘ing itself. You be the judge.

  93. prodcutofme says:

    anyone sayin Dre’s verse is weak should realize Hov wrote it and put the blame on him. its his demeanor all the way thru.

  94. 106 says:

    I like it a club song not finished though. Jay killed again.

  95. SilkCityP says:

    Can’t dig it… This beat ruins it for me… Come on Dre… Back to the Lab

  96. Donn says:

    You guys have to understand that music has changed, im sorry, ur not gonna get the classic hiphop artist from back in the day, the world is much bigger than HipHop and these artist have to appeal to more than just you guys if they wanna remain relevant in the music industry. Just the facts. Sounds have to be switched up

  97. yeahitsawrap says:

    thats dre dre hook i think

  98. yeahitsawrap says:

    this is fuckin flaming hot cant wait until the tags is off

  99. NotoriousRambo says:


  100. yeahitsawrap says:

    this is just a sample this will sell crazy on itunes since drake is only selling 475 k how does it feel dickriders not milli for him game bun b snitch ti yall were all wrong you to wayne

  101. Wow. says:

    I think it sounds alright, but..everything on 2001 is much better than this, even Pause 4 Porno, hah!

  102. yeahitsawrap says:

    this aint even a song lml detox will leak early soon as its mastered

  103. yeahitsawrap says:

    its to early to judge detox

  104. FLASH says:

    this shit SUCKS…… release another track cause this ain’t cutting it

  105. R says:

    Why dont they let that Knight Rider Sound F U K N Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  106. junk juice says:

    nah, this can’t be finished….no hook, no chorus, verses sound random, though hov was dope, and beat was bangin….

  107. killacrack says:

    this shit sucks

  108. Nickey Black says:

    I think it’s fly….go Hov

  109. ST says:

    for it to be unfinished, it was not a bad as yall ever increasing haters are making it out to be…..it jams…hopefully they will add some 808 or 909 BASS to this joint so it can bang harder

  110. Jonan says:

    That beat is hot, but there’s something missing still.

  111. james bond says:

    *listening to it – just passing Jay’s verse*

    this shit is mad fuckin weak…no matter what you say..nigga, it was dinosaur prehistoric times when yall heard Detox was droppin…and this the shit he cookin up when everyone in the world sucked his dick for new music… ha! bitch laugh at THAT!… YN, you deserve a big fat fuckin L for even endorsing it and stirring in yo weak ass side Note:…fuck outta here..lmmfao

  112. eminem4ever says:

    not so bad

  113. wickwickwack says:

    i take my hat off for the guy who leaked this
    now dre will be forced to put it out

    put some music out or retire mr DR .i m tired of people promoting detox


    yo this shit wack ass fuck nigguh

    jizz on em hoez

  115. NotoriousRambo says:


  116. Psycho says:

    You guys have to understand that music has changed, im sorry, ur not gonna get the classic hiphop artist from back in the day, the world is much bigger than HipHop and these artist have to appeal to more than just you guys if they wanna remain relevant in the music industry. Just the facts. Sounds have to be switched up

  117. TOR718 says:

    WACK…..no wonder they didnt want to put it out……..

  118. teejay says:

    good god why did this have to be posted as soon as I got to work. Fuck!

  119. teejay says:

    I haven’t heard it yet so I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt.

    I remember in ’99 people trippin about dre comin back with the parliament samples replaced by orchestras. I have a feeling its gunna be the same sort of deal. People will get over that dre has progressed and we’ll all be better for it.

  120. SUPER STAN says:

    Dre’s beat on Recovery; So Bad > Under Pressure

  121. JDot says:

    Cool, want to hear the master tho. Reminds me of Red and Meth’s “da rockwilder” record..

  122. Trilla In Manilla says:

    Haters are hating…..but funny how yall take your sweet time to comment huh? ROTFL
    this was ‘alright’ not worth the 10 years tho….this BETTER be the weaket song on detox, I’m expecting some west coast shit when that album drops!!!!!
    as for Under pressure…this is Def. Unfinished, it leaked Too early, they’re still need to add the hook.
    the Finished track will be out by next weekend.

  123. flow J says:

    @super stan agree that so bad song was dope……i wonder whos on this album all i know Eminem, jayZ, ice cube, and snoop

  124. snafu24 says:

    Seriously, that shit was garbage. I like everything Dr. Dre does, but not that techno bullshit. Maybe it’s the circle of life and he has gone back to his World Class Wreckin Crew days.

  125. teejay says:


    Haha yeah, people sayin they don’t like dre’s new sound are stupid, this is way old school dre!

  126. Afrtermath Rules says:


  127. nyg718 says:

    (flow sicker every record, watch shine,glock 9 nigga heave necklace)–Hov

  128. dave says:

    you’re all a set of bitches. this is better than any of the shit that’s out at the moment and it’s not even finished.

    all you faggots who love drake can go suck a dick and sit with the r&b pussies

  129. Patrice says:

    i kinda like it…sue me

  130. BUY RECOVERY JUNE 21 says:

    this is actually quite dope.

  131. JERZZZ says:

    Underwhelming, but Detox may actually come out before Dre dies.

  132. phil says:

    Scott storch (pretty sure that’s how you spell his name..) sucks.

  133. Theloneus says:

    Hahahaha wtf is this? I feel sorry for all the Dr Dre fans because they been waiting 10 years and all they get is this track that could’ve been made in 2 days.

  134. ironic says:


  135. […] New Music: Dr. Dre x Jay-Z “Under Pressure” “Got me bringin’ guns to work, Gilbert Arenas” Finally! There is a God. […]

  136. WòŕĐ ṦṁίϦ₮ says:

    Why are the vocals so low, all i hear is the bass thumpin and dre and jay mumblin. as far as the beat, im not too sure it just sounds so bland. The single needs to be a Dre beat since its his album and a cut with snoop. The dynamic duo has never failed why change it up with jay. This shit just sounds like a generic club song.

  137. Thank Me Hater says:

    WOW “Where the fuck is Kanye when you need him?”

  138. Fat Boy says:

    @Thank Me Hater Lmfao!!! Bitch you get No Love

  139. mcielandish says:

    Did Kanye steal and post this song? Come On Kanye Let Dre FINISH

  140. teejay says:

    Just listened. It actually kinda sounds like his world class wreckin cru and nwa and the posse shit haha

  141. MrWhite340 says:

    stop bitching until you hear the finished version. I think its a good start and has a lot of potential. The beat isn’t awful as you guys are over reacting to

  142. […] would be released in a few weeks. Now, not quite as promised, an unfinished version of the track hit the net today (June 16).   “The long-await to ‘Detox’ trick, ’cause maybe I don’t […]

  143. […] Dr. Dre ft. Jay-Z- “Under Pressure.” […]

  144. the super from ur building says:

    why would gay ass dre being the perfectionist that he is release this shit un finished.fuck dre gay mothafuckyou

  145. Jaewon says:

    This si the best comment I have seen on this site ever…

    Boombapster says:
    Wednesday, June 16 2010 at 3:59 PM EST
    What the FUCK?!? Trash. You muthafuckas had to release unfinished shit? It should be called Under Produced or Un Professional. Under Pressure… smdh

    BB$. Damn Leakers.

  146. Reasy F. says:

    I want to hear the finished product before giving a full assessment.

  147. FIREEE says:

    Jy doesnt give this beat any justice, his flow sounds better on a softer melow beat. If it were cube, he wud of murdered this shit!!!

  148. ....... says:

    yal sayin dre fell off…… HOW NIGGA? MY LAST ALBUM WAS THE CHRONIC!!!!! not really but i could see dre droppin sum wack shit (aka shock value) b4 he drops some fire just to lower the expectations a lil… remember that shady/aftermath are professionals as far as advertising and promotion go. they know how to inform and dis-inform the media

  149. ....... says:

    i take that “wack” shit back…. its starting to grow on me. i want to hear the finish product…

  150. Theo... says:

    Love the intro! It a old house cut…..Trans Union Xpress ( I think ). Sounds unfinished and not even mixed, but it’s still a ” Dope Collabo “. Looking for the finished product Dre!

  151. trap101 says:

    reason it’s unfinsihed is somebody probably hacked dre’s system… that’s what you get for keeping the people waiting for so long, a leaked song and now the expectations and perception of ou have plummeted

  152. CantGetRight says:

    I read some of the comments before I listened…………………and this shit aint as bad as u niggas making it out to be. I will never listen to it again but its not garbage. Akon said months ago that the song was on sum dance shit so what was yall expecting? Ohhh yall want him to start rapping about 6-4’s and khakis again right? Who knows,maybe he will but dont act surprised that dude is jumpin on some other shit. Of course Dre can come wayy harder but I aint mad at it.

  153. MRZIGZAG says:

    who cares this fool 5 years too late….bring on RECOVERY!!!!!

  154. verge says:

    shit is straight trash by two fags

  155. Sleepy says:

    Not really what I expected from Dre. Hopefully the mastered version comes out soon.

  156. Arie Prawira says:

    nice music, I love the instrument.

  157. hmm says:

    i know this is unfinished since there’s no hook, but overall those verses are nothing special at all, beat isn’t that bad tho i can see this being bumped in the clubs

  158. Elementz Emcee says:

    I can tell that mostly everyone that commented on this song doesn’t even go to the club LOL! Hell, I don’t even go to the club but this is a CLUB BANGER!!! And trust me, I don’t listen to Gucci, Waka, Travis Porter, none of em!! But this shit is going to hit….you watch!

  159. Just Dizle says:

    God damn ya’ll need to calm down it’s just music i mean wow

  160. SmokeDoggyDogg says:

    Ya’ll whack yourselves. After a few listens, unfinished or not, it’s pretty hot and something different. Not to mention this is ONE song and ya’ll crucifying detox already? Haters who just jump on all the bandwagons. Just like the haters who hated on Snoop. We the real fans right here. Go listen to your R n B Drake, cause this Detox stuff is gonna blow everything and anything out of the water.

  161. […] the internets got a hold of a premature version of Dr. Dre’s “Under Pressure. The Doc retreated online and addressed the […]

  162. mctate1706 says:

    Who cares about a Dre and Jay Z Track, when the roots droppin Nasir’s Back.

  163. […] collaboration leaks The Dr. Dre/Jay-Z collaboration “Under Pressure” officially leaked on the Internet last night, with Rap Radar posting the full […]

  164. Vincent says:

    First time I post here , I must say how much this is garbage to my ears.Wasn’t even able to listen more than 30sec , and i’ve been waiting 10 years for that ? Fuck It , Em isn’t dope anymore with all is shitty beats and hook and dre is producing shit while wayne is making top charts ? Where the fuck are you at “hiphop” ?

  165. NINA says:

    “All these little haters got me back with the nina…”


  166. SnubOne says:

    Put your BEATS by DRE on and listen to this …ISH… Bangin… Beeeyotches…. Dre’s never been a lyricist… that was REN and CUBE…. SNOOP and EM…You can’t knock the hustle… THIS IS NEW ISH!!!!

  167. ck says:

    i liked it….nice bounce!!

  168. […] up. We want to do something, but have no idea where to begin. The situation is worse than the new Dr. Dre/Jay-Z track. And while we’re trying to figure out how to fight back, we keep getting […]

  169. jd says:

    Wow, that is awful, I really am disappointed in Dre, BUT I will say this and a lot of people hated on me for it, I said it that Detox was going to suck, it is what it is, and I’m glad I called it, I knew he was not going to change the game again, he said this album was going to be the most advanced hip hop album, sounds cheap and whack, I can make this beat in half an hour on my mac… weak and jigga has not been cool since 2001, recovery is awful as well, what a joke… where is Madvilliany 2???!!!

  170. jay says:

    aftermath has a few new artist that are going to come up here pretty quick cashis slim da mobster haze .detox is gonna be sick when it comes out dre is dre come on now.

  171. Smoug Di says:

    What A Fuck? Why the best producer does such Shit? It not music, it Shit

  172. […] and that’s something I can fully support. You can listen to a streaming version of the track here for […]

  173. REALLY?!?!?!?! says:

    “Rapper Jay-Z (b. S. Carter) died today at Sloan Kettering hospital in Manhattan, NY. The rapper has spent the last 2 years fighting an ongoing and quiet battle with prostate cancer. “We had such hope” a family member speaking on condition of anonymity explained. “He had gone into remission some time back, maybe 2 years or so but lately he just wasn’t looking right.” Jay-Z along with Eminem were set to co-headline two very special performances in Comerica Park and Yankees Stadium in Detroit and NY respectively. At this point it is unclear of the exact cause of death. He is survived by his wife, Beyonce Knowles. He was 40 and will surely be missed by the hip hop community. We will update you with more details as they emerge”

  174. Scott_NM says:

    It is NOT a new sound! I cannot even count how many times Kraftwerk has been sampled in pretty much the exact same manner…even this particular song (Trans-Europe Express) has at least 20 songs in the last 20 years that heavily borrow from it.

    It isn’t bad at all, and it is cool to hear Jay-Z and Dre on the same record…but please don’t say how new and exciting it is…on top of the sampling, the lyrical content isn’t that solid. Just kinda the same stuff which was disappointing. It’s like Dre and probably all his fans know that he’s not going to branch out as far as lyrics and exploring more personal issues but because he only drops an album like every 10 years, we forget about that and forgive him because we’re all so happy that the album is finally out.

    Anyone agree?

  175. Im-Bishion says:

    In fact the best from Dre was during the old real G-Funk era and his last good stuff was on Get Rich or Die Tryin, it’s been a long time since KanYe bet him… (and Shock Value 1 was great too to me)

  176. PHELAN says:

    What part of UNFINISHED TRACK don’t half you retards get?

    This track will kill when it’s…


  177. […] the finished version of Andre’s “Under Pressure” still has yet to make it’s way around the internet, it can be heard in Dr. Dre Beats edition […]

  178. Peter says:

    I’m both an artist and producer and I’m always careful with whom I bring to my personal studio. In this situation someone decided to upload the unfinished Dr. Dre/Jay-Z track. Obviously, these are just their vocals over the beat, with no backround/double voices, effects and mastering. Dr. Dre… becareful who you bring to the studio bro!!!

  179. Horrible.. Just horrible says:

    How the hell anyone can like this shit? it sounds like some gayish swedish techno or some sort of shit. Dr Dre fell off, now its official. BTW this track indeed is unfinished, it is missing an horrible chorus like Dre himself said so: gtfo dickriders!

  180. Darrius says:

    That shit bangs cant wait till the album drop! Hataz fall back!

  181. […] up. We want to do something, but have no idea where to begin. The situation is worse than the new Dr. Dre/Jay-Z track. And while we’re trying to figure out how to fight back, we keep getting […]

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