1. Toronto gangsta says:

    I’m first Toronto G’s stand up

  2. nick says:

    Still doesnt compare to the “shampon” and the other promo but pauly shore is a funny dude

  3. Yo Moms says:

    Perfect! This the first em album ima buy in a loooong time, I’ve been trying my hardest not to listen to the leaked tracks so this is good news coming from Pauly.

  4. Word!!!! says:

    In This White Man World We The Ones Chosen…….

  5. BadMeetsEvil says:

    haaaaa, they should do one interviewing Paul or Royce and saying how they hate it lol

  6. phil says:


  7. Fat Boy says:

    I wonder if these will actually be on tv lol

  8. PITRI says:

    haha i saw this on youtube and almost every single Stan was goin ape shit and telling this dude off lol Literally Writing Paragraphs Explaining why they dint like the accent lol

  9. j305 says:

    lmao em is going all out huh, seems like he pulling at all his resources

  10. shayden says:

    I love that paul rosenberg is using internet to Em’s advantage its smart marketing and its so 2010 the you tube generation

  11. BussaTruss says:

    @krack what are u the fucking catch up teacher/blogger? Who sent u nigga, eskay?

  12. Sin says:


  13. THAT NIGG says:

    Anyone stupid enough to think for ONE second Eminem isn’t behind this is slow in the head, and they prolly went to special ed as a kid.

  14. llll says:

    LMAO, thats just hilarious. And its a response to the people who are saying Relapse is more enjoyable and better!Yeah some people said that…..LOL!

  15. fourdeucetre says:

    This is the best acting job Pauly Shore has done since EVER!!!

  16. killah says:

    c´mon son this bitch is crazy… seriously he didn´t even know the name of relapse… he´s an idiot get the uck outta here with this bullshit

  17. fukYoUrFaVoriteRapper says:

    Oh boy

  18. Joshua says:

    White Trash Party= Zero Black Audience No B.E.T NO Radio Play
    He will never be the G.O.A.T The Elvis Presley Mick Jagger of Rap

  19. !ShootDontPlease says:

    @ joshua

    Take 2, and try to make sense this time

  20. tigrot says:

    i really hate relapse cause of that stupid accent.

    this album is perfect man…Personally, I rate it as his third best album, after Marshall Matters and Eminem Show

  21. Roy says:


    I don’t know man. SSLP is my favorite Em album. It’s so raw.


  22. Dman says:

    LOL good shit but problem is there r so many retards these days they actually wont get this…. n will get the wrong idea

  23. JERRY says:

    @Dman yeah I agree with that statement. I feel that Em is just having a lot of fun at this point in his career and doesn’t really care if these silly commercials hurt him or not

  24. wickwickwack says:

    white america wanna see the goofie eminem lol
    Eminem fans are not your typical hip hop fans

  25. Thank Me Hater says:

    @wickwickwack I think Em’s got a good mix of goofy and serious content on this album

  26. Oj Da Cornball says:

    I get it, but it’s really not that funny, especially at face value.

  27. six says:

    @toronto gangsta, i told you on that tupac post every time i see your ass im gonna bomb on your bitch ass. faggot ass drake dick ridin ass bitch. gangsta bitch boi, aint shit in toronto but lil homo bitches like you and drake. thats all.

  28. Ben says:

    Relapse is way better than Recovery. Wickwickwack is a homo.

  29. Geox says:

    I love these little skits are actually being played on tv. I haven’t seen this one yet but I saw the shamwow one a few times but it didn’t have the shampon part.

  30. 8tip says:

    funny but on sum real shit, relapse had bad spots but overall was a very creative album and recovery just sounds to me like EM has sold his soul to the industry.. i mean a lil wayne feature and no 50 cent??? garbage

  31. six says:

    fuck you bitches that think tha relapse was better than any shady record, he even said him self that it was garbage. do you fags even know what the fuck your talking about if not please shut the fuck up!

  32. ~~` says:

    haha all the retards leavin comments yellin at pauly. you mother fuckers must be some of the dumbest ppl to breath air. EVER HEARD OF ACTINGGG?

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