New Music: Drake “Greatness” x “Still Got It”

How long until it the same here in the States? Anywho, at the moment the origins of the two tracks below are unknown. The bonus is a Thank Me Later throwaway that was posted a few weeks back, but now without tags. You’re welcome. You’re welcome.


“Still Got It”

Bonus: “You Know, You Know” (No Tags)


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  1. dustin says:

    can someone post a download link for thank me later.

  2. money mitch says:


    ya its called best buy

  3. money mitch says:

    not that I like drake anyway

    *turns back up ex girl to next girl

  4. dustin says:

    how bout you guys fuck off cause im not talking to you homos who think i don’t support the music

  5. six says:

    who cares about platinum in fuckin canada

  6. your a hater.. be honest says:

    haha drizzzy a millie mufuckaa, canada is where he’s from. atta boy

  7. Daniel says:

    isnt platinum in Canada 80, 000???

  8. money mitch says:

    lmao canadian recording industry: 100,000 records is platinum fuckin eskimos singing “over” woow

  9. drizzzyyyy says:

    post dat link up

  10. dashing says:

    “Greatness” sounds like a Justice League track. It’s cool, but doesn’t seem like Drake is at home on the beat. As crazy as it sounds, Ross would have been a better fit for it. Or Jay, or Fab or Jeezy.

    “Still Got It” sounds like it would have fit the album better musically, got that 40 sound with some knockin drums(Kanye on the drums?), but the song is just aight. Hook sounds Kanye-esque too.

    “You Know, You Know” is dope, Kanye-produced, should have been on the album.

    Platinum in Canada is a dope look. He’ll be plat here within a month.

  11. TEFLON DON ! says:

    In Canada gold is 50,000 and Platinum is only 100,000 !!!!!!!!!

  12. Wow. says:

    If the dude goes platinum in the US, then he will have bragging rights.

  13. your a hater.. be honest says:

    he will eventually go platinum in the states. which is big these days for a hip hop artist… especially one that gets so many mixed reviews it seems

  14. Canada says:

    If you think Canada is a bunch of eskimos than you obviously haven’t been there or graduated grade 9 geography dumbass

    Toronto is one of the nicest cities in North America outside of NY, LA, Miami and Chicago. Do yourself a favour and crawl out of your cave, plus dont think that everyone in Canada likes Drake, its mostly teenage girls just like the states

  15. Oj Da Cornball says:

    Platinum in Canada is not 1 million
    I it differs in other countries.

  16. BigLo says:

    GoooooooooooootDammmmmmmmmmmmn!!! Niggas will always find someway to HATE on some good news!!! SMH thats wats wrong with,not just hiphop, but Niggas period…
    Congradulate or Keep it moving!!
    Some niggas dont push 80 thou….so wat u sayin???? not much

  17. Oj Da Cornball says:

    Shut up dickhead
    Whats to hate on when it’s facts?

  18. TheTruthIs... says:

    Canada’s Total Population = 34 million

    America’s Total Population = 309 million

    100,000 out of 34 million is equivalent to 1,000,000 of 300million

    Think about it

  19. lil ol me says:

    All ya’ll sound broke and frustrated, get off your ass and away from your laptop and try to make better music than him if you aint feelin it. Prove everybody wrong.

  20. ynkeesnum1fan says:

    Canadian Recording Industry Association Platinum: 80,000 units << LMAOO

  21. @TheTruthis

    very true makes sense

  22. ynkeesnum1fan says:

    how much would platinum in china be?? lol imagen

  23. M.Mathers says:

    I have made better music then him, its called Recovery out today. Saving real hip hop one cd at a time
    Btw, I sold 100k in 10 hours ( cough cough) I’m just saying

  24. M.Mathers says:

    @ lol me the tickle me almo. I made better music then him, its called Recovery out today. Saving real hip hop one cd at a time
    Btw, I sold 100k in 10 hours ( cough cough) I’m just saying… Haha shady


    damn niggaz goin out there way to shit on him………………….. the nigga just got paid more than yall dumb fucks will make in 10 years lol. i’m gettin mine btw smh.

  26. question? says:

    does anybody know the sample for Greatness? by any chance?

  27. BigLo says:


    im the dick for not hating on one’s accomplishment…
    who cares if it not equivalent to american sales….
    im sayin its alot of niggas not pushin 80k.. but niggas gon hate regardless.
    Btw y the hell u even respond to my post??? oh yea to hate!!

  28. will says:

    lol @ the dumbass Your a Hater

    above who thought platinum in canada was amillie stupid ass nigga its only like 100 k

    going platinum in canada is bullshit you how much bullshit is goin platinum in canada lloyd Banks rotten apple album has a platinum canada plague

    its funny how this nigga get praise for that shit but banks album get laughed at i understand he is from there but if you wanna succ dicc just say im a drake fan but dont act like if this was 50 cent or Lloyd Banks or anybody on the unit yall would be giving congrats out

    if you wanna base success off of sales be unbias

    many niggas have went platinum in canada and have got laughed at becuz they US sales werent shit but if thats what it takes to get your praise 50 went like 3x platinum in ireland and Jadakiss is like platinum in dublin or some shit

  29. Truest says:

    What did i tell yall niggas, This nigga didnt even go gold in his first week, he FLOPD, where all the motherfuckas sayiin they cant wait till the nigga does a millie so they can come here on RR and laugh at the haters? Recovery>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TML HAH!

  30. your a hater.. be honest says:

    @ will..

    in comparison.. going gold in canada is rather big due to their much smaller populations. canada has about the population of new york or less.

    so.. drakes album sales being around the 500000 mark in the united states is good in this day and ages.

    i’m actually from Northern Ireland and am hip-hop fan, you just a hater when a nigga makes it you pissed cause he just made your whole life and then some in a couple days. get of 50’s dick and show some respect for what people are doing TODAY not 2002 please..

    and yeah eminem will probably outsell drizzy but its not even a competition.. only to the people who make it one.. they both respect each other as artists and they love what each other do for the game.

  31. Mikey Haze says:

    SMH at a white dude from Ireland using the word “nigga”

  32. six says:

    fuck canada & drake….. just saying

  33. Big Homie says:

    No where in this post did I put numbers. So I’m still safe ha!

  34. Joshua says:

    You can download these songs from It goes right to your itunes

  35. Interscope Employee says:

    Plat in Canada = 100K

  36. Sin says:

    Yall kan argue but at the end of the day plaques ain’t about what u sold. It’s about what u shipped.

    “…plus all these stores ship us platinum, now how the fuck did this metamorphosis happen…”

  37. bic boi says:

    im from canada and i dont give a shit about drake man eminem all the way, people were saying how they like drake just because hes canadian and i was like fuck it man, he still sucks…
    RECOVERY !!!!!

  38. Ganzz says:

    @ your a hater.. be honest: nice lines & legit facts.

    To all the dumb-fuck Yankees who can’t do the math or see the comparisons between #’s in Canada & the US, you prove your ‘intelligence’ to the rest of the world, once again. Instead of taking the time to talk smack about a guy like Drake, who just sold about 100 000 more records than anyone posting on this link, in Canada…. or the US; take the time to read a book and step your game up. Or at least hit Google for a quick check the facts before you start flapping your gums on a post which you obviously no nothing about.

    TML & Recovery are both great albums, go out and buy them… support HIP HOP


  39. the one says:

    lol!! lol!! you killing them Drake they talking #’s not even about your tracks…. I guess you really made it….lol!!! I guess the thanks will really come later . lol!! Keep going kid that last track on that list was fire!

  40. mac DIESEL says:




  41. will says:


    nigga he sold more records than you too nigga stop acting like you sold 100 k records end of the fuccing day Your a Hater nigga you irish you shouldnt be calling anybody a nigga all im saying is whats the hype when Lloyd Banks Flop is Platinum in Canada and jadakiss was a flop but was platinum in another country so whats the fuccing big deal is what im saying what so special about selling platinum in a country that damn near ever rapper go platinum in

    Rotten Apple was one of the most waccest albums and it flopped commercially and the shit went platinum in canada 1st week so whats so special abotu nothing nigga

    Rotten apple was 2006 dumb ass and BISD was 2009 nigga so what the fucc you talking about 2002

    stop succing dicc Nigga thats all im saying

  42. many24 says:

    FUCK CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. will says:

    and @ Your Hater

    Nigga yo Post say a millie so why would you post a millie if you knew that is was a 100 K nigga dumb ass niggas on here dont know how to count you probably that same dumb ass who said 10 k people buying 1 album would equal 120 k units

    nigga take a algebra class cuz

  44. AUTOBOTFRANK says:


  45. graffiti kid says:

    plat in canada is different that going plat in the us

  46. ha ha ha lol says:

    he only did…. 143,059 in states (so far, i think the final number will be updated tomorrow)

  47. Dr. Del D says:

    I LOVE Drake!!!!! I really hope he does a milli week 1….. Please stop the hating!!!! If you don’t have anything nice to say, please don’t say anything…

  48. […] posted here: Rap Radar :: New Music: Drake “Greatness” x “Still Got It” window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: '102745413111681', status: true, […]

  49. PaAkKaA! says:

    Going platinum and yet your album was still leaked … that’s interesting

  50. Ganzz says:


    Your internet gangsta-ness has got me too shook to respond hahahaha

    Keep that hate train rolling

  51. John John Mescalero says:

    Gold in Canada is 40K
    Platinum is 80K

    Not hating, just wanted to save someone the time of looking up the info. 40K is more records than I’ve sold and impressive.

  52. pressdacheck says:

    Platinum in Canada isn’t even 100K no more, they lowered it to 80,000 lol.

  53. @ will

    hahha i just came from another drake post and u were saying a bunch of negative shit about him there, too. i see, now.

    i do that with B.o.B., though so i ain’t mad at u for being mad. u sound like you are clearly team Em, team 50 and whoever’s associated with them. that’s cool.

  54. will says:

    @billy rae

    its not that I just had to ether teh dumbass who thought Platinum in canada meant the same as US Platinum I mean Rotten Apple was platinum in Canada Kardinal Offishall has a platinum canada album

    going platinum in Canada is like going platinum in Mexico it dont matter like who outside of mexico bet pesos and who outside the Canada bet canadian money my nig his label is a US company so why does it not matter with everybody else ww sales but with him his ww sales come into play


    Nigga did under 500 k leave it alone nigga its over only shit he got popping is getting on the countdown on 106 he has yet to get a number 1 record and has recorded with alicia keys eminem maryj blige and jay all that hype for 400 k i know you hurting right now with yo 10 copies of that overrated ass album

    @your hater

    why you quiet about the a millie post nigga becuz you kno you a dumbass and thought platinum in canada was a million i mean why put a millie if you knew it was 100 k huh dumbass nigga

  55. many24 says:

    Man i could take a shit in a paper bag and sell that shit in canada

  56. Reasy F. says:

    Greatness was nice… Should’ve made the album.

  57. RB says:

    Its expected Drake been made it

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