“B.M.F.” & “MC Hammer” Added To Teflon Don

This pretty much confirms that Albert Anastasia‘s prize winners will be featured on Ricky’s Teflon Don. Hallelujah! “B.M.F.” vlog after the jump.

57th ave

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  1. Stu says:

    Big Meech!!!
    U mean BIG LEECH??

    lol!! Dope beat though..

  2. hyper says:



  3. kIZOl says:

    good looking. b.m.f is a street banger

  4. Skateboard CCCCC says:

    teflon don, recovery, good ass job & thank me later. 4 albums of 2010!!!!!!!

  5. koa29 says:

    “The Colossal hit : Super High”


  6. damone says:

    Jay and Ye I wanna hear those like ASAP.

  7. Skateboard CCCCC says:

    @ Koa29

    It was a hit.
    shit was bangin. just because it didnt sell like miley cyrus does not mean its not a hit.
    realize that its little teenage crackers who purchase a HUGGGGE majority of music in 2010.

  8. its actually very telling that a damn near masterpiece like “Super High” practically came and went and never caught on at radio/video…but a simple song, and boy do i mean simple song like “BMF” is what has all the clubs going crazy. people like simple raps that they can memorize and sing along to…which isnt really a new observation, just saying. and oh yeah, is rap going in 5 year cycles now? i swear “BMF” sounds like its a lost track from Trap or Die.

  9. chitlin coon says:

    winning still!

  10. jimmyjams says:

    back to the force fat nigga

  11. Oj Da Cornball says:

    O, so now 5 fail singles.

  12. chitlin coon says:


    doesnt it hurt fags?!?!?!??! does it?
    I mean We in new york with all the big homies!!
    its funny how yall niggas love that victim 50 soooooo much…tha nigga snitched….got a restraining order on murda inc…yall memory is soooooo short!!! ross aint biggie…I dont think he or any one in the south ever said that shit!!!its yall brethren saying that shit!! ny niggas comparing him to biggie!! We aint never say that shit..but he is nice! not the best lyricist…but makes way better hits than pappoose (sorry)! all these real niggas be around ross and the only person in the industry mad is 50 cent!!!!!!! ok HERE IT IS…CAN IT BE THAT 50 AINT NOT REAL NIGGA??? HE A PUSSY WHO LIVED after getting a hit put on him by real killers.. AND GOT SIGNED BY THE RICHEST LABEL ON THE PLANET AND DROPPED A GOOD ALBUM…thats it…he snitches…he stole some other nigga name…just like ross…the only folks who hate ross is 50 fans!!! YALL ARE JUST BAFFLED BY HOW 50 SO CALLED “BODIED THE NIGGA” AND HE STILL STANDING. STYLES P AINT NO FUCK NIGGA…AND NEITHER IS BUN…AND NEITHER IS JAY-Z…AND NEITHER IS BOOSIE, OR JEEZY…i was at atl bday bash(the last home for bmf) and the broad that was with meech ( the fat one who used to run the lil magazine they had) was on stage with this nigga in a BMF SHIRT I UNDERSTAND THAT MOST OF THE HIGH RANKIN NIGGAS ARE LOCKED UP..BUT NOT ALL OF THEM CUZ SHE WAS ONE….this nigga must have some real clout…he must… WHY HAS NO ONE IN SOUTH FL CALLED HIM OUT OTHER THAT TRICK?? WHO THEN REPEALED HIS DISS…ANSWER THAT ONE FOR ME PLEASE?? HALF OF YOU NIGGAS HATIN ARE FOREIGNERS WHO FIRST TASTE OF HIP HOP WAS AFTERMATH!! YOUR GOD FIFTY SAID DUDE WAS LAME AND YALL LINED UP LIKE THE GOOD SOLDIERS YOU ARE AND WALKED RIGHT IN TO FIRE! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! THIS NIGGA CAN GOTO ANY HOOD IN AMERICA!! ANY HOOD AND NO ONE FUCKS WITH HIM!! IS IT CUS OF SECURITY AND THE POLICE?? cant be . plies had both and niggas still ran up on him…so what is it haters??? why has none of your favorite real nigga rappers dissed this nigga???? only the victim 50 got beef with him cus ross called him out and outsold him! I SEE Y U MAD FIF!!!BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    NOWHERE!!!! FIFTY IS WACK CUS HE THINKS LIKE U HATERS! WHEN IS THE LAST TIME THE NIGGA HAD AN UNFORCED CLUB HIT??? WHEN?? “IN THE CLUB”??? he can make all of the internet mixtapes for his blog members he wants! but with no club banger he is finito!! sorry…em can get away with coming out with out a club song cuz he can rap…………………BUT FIFTY CANT RAP!!!!!! OH NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE WEBSITES LOVE RICK ROSS! YOUR KIDS LIKE RICK ROSS(106&PARK), YOUR CLUBS LOVE RICK ROSS!! YOUR BITCHES LOVE RICK ROSS!! and most importantly, all of your favorite rappers love rick ross.

    now go eat a dick with no seasoning. hater.

    South still winning.

  13. kid cool says:

    b.m.f is a monster of a track!! crazy out there

  14. BK says:

    We all know that you’re an illiterate fuck, but why do you keep proving us right on every post?

  15. BK says:

    @chitlin coon
    We all know that you’re an illiterate fuck, but why do you keep proving us right on every post?

  16. Money mitch says:

    I’m from the south, this chitlin coon is not the general opinion of people down here, just some solja boy liking faggot

  17. WAHT IT DO says:


    Was that huge wall of text really necesary?? Goddamn, aint nobody gonna read that shit…but im sure you repping Southerners in that post, since your obviously from the south. Only souther niggas I fucks with is Jeezy, T.I, J.Cole (Yes, he is from the south. Not NY like some peoiple think), Ross (Deeper than Rap only) Wayne (for the most part) and Andre 3 Stacks. Fuck everybody else forreal

  18. K GRIZZLY says:

    @chitlin coon u right on all points rick ross is cold with the lyrics cant even lie but fifty just knows how to hustle everybody going to remember than vitamin water deal but out of all fifty enemies he the one still standing…MC HAMMER AND BMF TOTAL BANGERS

  19. Gusto says:

    BMF is a dope track from Ross but Super High is far from a colossal smash hit… that shit was mediocre at best, hence the “came and went” situation. Then again, Ross stay’s delusional so it’s par for the course.


  20. K GRIZZLY says:


  21. E_ says:

    rofl, smash hits ?…..Roflllllllllllllllllllll….he’ll probably move plies #’s

  22. MC HAMMER says:

    @Waht it do

    You should listen to scarface, bun b, and delvin the dude, they go hard in the paint and they also from the south.

    A good rapper is a good rapper no matter where they from, people really miss out when they region hate

  23. petey wheatstraw says:

    @ chitlin coon

    cool story brah.

  24. So Icy Boi! says:

    Lmao @WAHT IT DO

  25. Waha says:

    All I can say is, just let this fat delusional nigga do his thing ‘coz you can’t stop a delusional nigga when he’s “Super High”.

  26. Miky mike says:

    Rick Ross – Teflon Don
    MMG/DefJam 2010
    No. Title Producer(s) Length
    1. “Mafia Music 2” (feat. Chrisette Michelle) The Olympicks 3:28
    2. “Super High (feat. Ne-Yo) DJ Clark Kent & The Remedy 3:53
    3. “Maybach Music 3” (feat. Lil Wayne) J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League 2:58
    4. “Live Fast and Die Young” (feat. Kanye West) Kanye West 3:07
    5. “Tears of Joy” No I.D. 5:14
    6. “Maybachs & Diamonds” (feat. Ryan Leslie) Ryan Leslie 4:03
    7. “We Are Miami (Clubbish)” (feat. Magazeen) J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League 3:14
    8. “Incredible” (feat. Jay-Z) The Inkredibles 3:14
    9. “B.M.F” (feat. Styles P & Jadakiss) 4:09
    10. “MC Hammer” (MC Hammer speaks) J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League 3:15
    11. “Our Time / Last Chance” (feat. Raphael Saadiq) Raphael Saadiq 3:51
    12. “Let’s Talk About (Money Again)” (feat. The-Dream) Tricky Stewart 3:28
    13. “The Untouchable” (feat T.I.) T.I., DJ Toomp 4:04
    14. “Drama” (feat. John Legend) The Runners 3:01
    Bonus Track

  27. Waha says:

    SMH at these illiterate nigga’s who’s trynna type a page.
    Hiphop police run this! WAHAHA!

  28. Shrek richards says:

    @ E_

    listen to candy shop you stupid fucking cracker
    50 & em ain’t going to give you a medal for defending them! You no nothing about hip-hop. Stay of this site

  29. Midnite says:

    @chitlin coon !Why don’t you go ask that fat fuck for a job as his hype man!He is hot garbage a fraud and straight wack!!!!Just because you say he makes good music that makes it true????GTFOH!!!This dude came into the game on some lies and stays sucking white meat!Albert Anastasia???Teflon Don???Sweating the Itralian Mafia!!Please homey,this dude is going to flop,oh my bad your going to buy that bullshit album with this dude feeding you fairytales!!Go ahead,dickride the wackest dude to to try to ryhme……you and the other 8,000 fans he has that believe he flips keys and has the hottest bitches and he knew the real Noreaga blah,blah,blah,pleasssssssssssseeeee!I would rather listen to 50s’ old shit than this new BULLSHIT!!!It’s not hate either or any of that i just don’t like trash like this fat fuck feeds you so called knowledgable heads.Oh my bad,you can’t be that smart believing this STORY TELLING CARDBOARD “G”!!!!!TRICKY FALSE!!You go eat a FAT DICK With cum dripping off it!!!!

  30. DAN0 says:

    who gives a shit rick ross is a bitch

  31. RECOVERY says:


  32. nowayjose says:

    how does an ex c.o. make a track shouting out dudes that’s locked up? what part of the game is that?

  33. NewMoney says:


  34. Samsohn says:

    this guy’s entire life is disgusting


    SHREK RICHARDS shut up u fucking coon nigger

  36. ???? still best rite now!! says:

    Deeper Than Rap was a dope azz album! But i cant support this fraud anymore!

    Teflon Don?? r u serious? First, your being sued for your moniker because you’re a fraud, then ur next moniker is from an Italian who was racist?? smh
    and this idiot is screaming “moolies” on his mixtape? thats a deragortary term for blacks dumbass.

    Its a shame a fraud makes decent music…

  37. Chris says:

    Wish he landed a collabo with Nas and Jeezy on the album. I like the cuts theyve done togetehr

  38. D says:

    must grudgingly admit I sort of like the BMF song but I’m praying the Real Rick Ross wins this lawsuit and fat boy has 2 change his name 2 Albert Anastasia

  39. MYSTERY says:

    B.M.F and MC HAMMER are colossal hits thats for sure,when they dropped at the club the place went bananas but damn Rozay got people talking these days, he must be doin sumthin right, why so much hate tho?

  40. meThATSwho says:

    I feel sorry for all you guys who look up to rappers… the shit is called ENTERTAINMENT, you clowns! ALL rappers are fakes and lames… look at your favorites…. Eminem… super lame… dude is rich and famous and can’t keep a bitch, where dey do that at? 50 cent… dude talks maad shit about Ross but they are soo similar… 50 is a documented snitch… he stole his name from the real 50 cent… and dude has no friends… also a rich nigga that can’t keep a bitch… gucci stole his last one…

    Ross spits… Dude can rap better than MOST rappers…. live with it…

  41. Midnite! says:

    @meThATSwho !Whatever dude!Go see if Trick False needs his dick held while he pees!GTFOH!!Gucci?????WACK!!!FALSE????WACK!!!!EM would MERK both lyrically so please homey!tired of all the bullshit,not every rapper is fake,just the 1 you seem to be knobbing!!!SHadyyy!!!!Recovery!!!!Teflon Don?????GTFOH!!That shit is going to BRICK!!!

  42. ST says:

    He ought to add “Sweet Life” as a bonus cut…that shit is hot also…and yes, Super High was a colossal hit YES..unfortunately, the haters brought the momentum of the track down. same as Sweet Life with John Legend. Im glad BMF and Hammer are included. both are fire!

  43. Chris says:

    Didnt Diddy say 3 tracks from Albert Anastasia were getting Mastered?

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