Donnis On Da Spot Freestyle

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Donnis was put on da spot this week on Invasion Radio and improvised a couple of rhymes. He also gave Complex an interview and discussed his new mixtape and radio frontin’ on “Gone”.


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  1. Nathaniel says:

    that nigga can freestyle. that shit wasn’t even written.

    …or read off a blackberry. no shots* haha

  2. Jaewon says:

    Many people can write rhymes…few can freestyle…and even fewer can make great records. Donnis is nice but shooting at Drake…not a good look. Drake is in the drivers seat and if you didn’t get at him before last week then you just look like a hater. Drake did great numbers for having is album leak way early not to mention that everyone steals their music now-a-days. Drake never once said, “I am about to freestyle…” and then spit a written. These dumb people who write these headlines and tag these songs and videos put freestyle in the title. And Drake has money on him…he has big money being put up for him…he cant afford to come on some show and spit some weak stuff…no one is hot all the time. Drake is in a position to make money to support his whole family for generations to come. You think he would risk his lively hood with a freestyle that will only matter to people on blogs? You really think that matters to him or anyone buying the records. When you like someone’s records you usually dont care how they freestyle.

  3. Nathaniel says:

    “Many people can write rhymes…few can freestyle…and even fewer can make great records. ”
    “When you like someone’s records you usually dont care how they freestyle.”

    couldn’t agree more. i ain’t a drake fan (and i don’t think he was going at drake, BUT, in a real freestyle, in the heat of the moment that shit just came out. and furthermore i’m sure drake wont give a fuck, lol)

    donnis, once again, can freestyle his ass off. no doubt. but he can’t write rhymes for a great record. at least not yet. prolly because he doesn’t have anything relevant to say. just male bravado and materialism talk. he’ll fizzle.

    i suspect drake will too. and c’mon son… drake is jewish. his family will be supported for yrs to come whether he raps or not. let’s be real. ha! peace

  4. Jaewon says:

    I am not too sure about him not intentionally going at Drake. He may not be trying to get at him but he did reference him. Sure many rapper shave Blackberrys and they too write there rhymes in them. But no one besides Drake has been being talked about on blogs and in interviews lately about it. He also said…”no shots” after he said it. It is like saying “no offense” and then saying something about someone. We really mean it but say “no offense” to somehow make them think we dont mean harm by it.

    Donnis’ mixtapes are ok. He is better then all the new talent in the south. But he has nothing on the OGs. I feel like he should just not reference anyone high up then him in anyway that is not complimentary.

    You are right about Drake not caring about it. Why would he? He is in a completely different position than Donnis. Donnis might never get to the position Drake is in now. Alot of people talk about Drake being soft and a former actor on a lame show or about how he is Jewish and how he is over rated. People say a lot about him. Isn’t him being…Platinum in HIS home country…having 2 Grammy Awards before his 1st official album dropped…being on BP3…having songs with Jay, Em, Wayne, Timbo, Mary J. and others…having success in a whole different career…plus having done close to 500,000 units in his first week after the record leaked weeks before just a testament to his appeal and his skill?

    And him and his family being supported for years to come has nothing to do with it. Not all Jewish people are rich. That is a stereotype and is misleading.

  5. Barzini Meeting says:

    Take away the money.
    Take away the fame.
    Take away the millions of MARKETING dollars put up.
    Take away all of the people who bought STOCK in Drake.

    So now that all of that is gone we can pretty much agree that the only things we have left to base our opinion of a rapper on are….well…..HOW WELL HE RAPS!!!!!!! lol. For just a moment, forget all of those other influences that we SHOULDN’T be considering when we judge a rapper anyway. Now all we have is two niggaz standing in front of each other about to battle. DRAKE WOULD GET DEMOLISHED by someone like Donnis. Drake would actually look like he didn’t know wtf he was doing because you can’t FAKE knowing how to freestyle battle or convince a crowd that your writtens are coming off the top. In the grand scheme of things OF COURSE i know that freestyling isn’t important, but i betchu this. If someone set up a secret meeting for Drake and Donnis to battle…no tv. no media. Just them and a crowd that would all be killed afterwards…lol. if this was setup, for them to battle to see who is the best emcee, Drake STILL wouldn’t show up because he knows he would be embarassed.

  6. Barzini Meeting says:

    Now. Back to reality. Drake has too much to lose to allow himself to be DESTROYED in a FREESTYLE battle by someone who actually knows how to freestyle. As sad as it is, its a lost art.

  7. Jaewon says:

    Barzini Meeting you just talked about a bunch of WHAT IFs. That was one of the weakest arguments you could have put together.

    Try again.

  8. Ben says:

    this nigga can freestyle. but blue boat shoes???

  9. ty says:

    now that’s a mutha phukin freestyle!!!

  10. Barzini Meeting says:

    It wasn’t an argument. It was another point of view. If “weak argument” is how u view it then the point being made is obviously lost on you and not only is that sad, but it also reinforces my point of view. niiice.

  11. […] nights ago, Donnis returned to Hip Hop Nation’s Invasion Radio with Green Lantern to promote Fashionably Late and gets […]

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