Warren G Announces Regulate…G Funk Era: Pt.2

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That’s right, another album sequel. Earlier, Warren G announced that he is planning to release a follow-up to his ’94, Regulate…G Funk Era. Despite Nate Dogg’s condition, there’s no word if he’ll be included on the project. Get well Nate. Mount up with the throwback below.

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  1. Blue Boy says:

    Mehhh…a new concept would be betta Warren…

  2. Hollaatchaboy says:

    this ship has sailed nigga.. celebrity fit club pretty much summed up your chances of a comeback..

    nigga if you could blow back in the day when the first album was out, you ain’t blowin now.. none of yall niggas lived up to your first album..

    snoop’s doggystyle> every other album he did
    warren g regulators g funk era> every piece of shit he put out since then
    dogg pound dogg food> then any album they did since then

  3. DARKAQUA says:


  4. Black By Popular Demand says:

    next thing you know MC Hammer is going to make a sequel to his hit album.


  5. flawda says:

    Oh great, another washed up rapper tryna duplicate their hey day. Coughs * AZ,Raekwon,etc.

  6. Hollaatchaboy says:

    yup.. i see it now.. “U STILL CAN’T TOUCH THIS”.. lol ha

    remember when that nigga M.C. Hammer tried to drop the M.C. and just called himself HAMMER and then had on ski caps and shit tryn to be all hard.. “we don’t believe you, you need more people”.. lol

    Dave Chappelle said the truest shit ever in an interview.. “you can’t get unfamous.. you can become infamous, but you can’t become unfamous.”

    these niggas to famous to do regular shit and not get harrassed like a mutha.. but not famous enough to be relevant and make paper.

    they in celebrity purgatory.

  7. three2theSecond says:

    hate is easy

  8. Oj Da Cornball says:

    Love Warren’s classic, but these sequels is getting out of hand.
    Why these artist feels the need for a part 2 to their most successful project yet it never get close to matching? They think the name will make us buy it automatically?

    Kiddies, he sold 4 mil with prt 1, btw. Drake & Wayne can’t do that. hehe

  9. studiothug 2010 says:

    let’s not forget warren brought def jam out of the hole they were in at the time when they didn’t have a hit since mama said knock you out @ the label was in the red like 40 million. quote russell on that.

  10. Tim Lee VA Stand Up says:

    This is NOT GOING TO SUCCEED. Sorry G

  11. Post no billz says:

    dont do it warren… 1st one was a classic…

  12. pe2 says:

    raekwon, what have you done?

  13. Dez says:

    but he already dropped Return Of The Regulator… don’t do it G

  14. jucks says:

    Oh god.

    Pt.2 = Cashing in your chips…unless it was planned before (not this case)

    I can understand Blueprint/Blueprint 2/Blueprint 3… or Relapse/Relapse 2*…. or Hunger For More 2…..

    But Regulate 2 and OB4CL 2 are clear attempts of desperation. It is NOT the g funk era and it’s impossible to re enact that album or time… as with OB4CL2


  15. pissed says:

    I wish some of these dudes would realize they all can’t make an OB4CL 2…this sequel shit is gettin out of control. Plus that aint gonna be no sequel without Nate Dogg on it. That’s just fact.

  16. iiiiiii says:

    input this U.R.L:
    (==tinyurl.com/2a39ok8== )
    you can find many cheap and fashion goods
    (NI KE s-h-o-e-s)
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    (D&G s-u-n-g-l-a-s-s-e-s)
    (ED har dy j-a-c-k-e-t)
    (UG G b-o-o-t)
    (==tinyurl.com/2a39ok8== )

  17. Oli The-Regulator says:

    That’z wat I’m talkin’ bout!!! 😀

  18. Playa says:

    Stop hating
    Let him do his thing.

    Can’t wait for part 2, suck it bitches.

  19. unnamed says:

    yeah nut’n but love for big geezy. gonna laugh at haters when part 2 goes platinum

  20. ill says:

    damn some sayin desperate but i am desperate for some new funk.
    sick this fake ass techno bullshit they callin rap nowdays

  21. Renee says:

    I’m can’t wait for it!!! Warren you’re the best, i love your music it’s so positive, you’re not commercial and that’s awesome! I’m your best best fan for years and i listen to your songs every day! You do what you like and feel and that’s the best! Greetings from Poland 🙂 luv ya!

  22. rumplestiltskin says:

    It’s hard to quit music when you love making it. You dont have to be stacking chips to be happy doing what you love. And everyone dont have to buy yo shit. I’m sure warren knows that a part2 wont even go gold. He’s just doing what he loves for those who love it. These kids who think it’ll fail should go on and buy some gay ass drake shit. Cant wait for this shit here.

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