New Music: Fat Joe x Lil Wayne “Heavenly Father”

Fat Joe’s The Darkside Vol. 1 finally hits stores next Tuesday. Unfortunately, the album has sprung a leak. Here is the Street Runner produced cut featuring Weezy. Let us all bow our heads.


Sidebar: Sorry Young Chris.


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  1. So Icy Boi! says:

    The only thing good is the hook FREE WEZZY

  2. Cudder says:

    The hook is a prayer i used to say before i went to bed.

    I hope everyone realizes that.

  3. GetEmSun says:

    ^smh… its the Lord’s Prayer… yea Wayne really did some work on that one… who is Wezzy anyway?

  4. So Icy Boi! says:

    ^^^ Weezy Wezzy its all the same nigga

  5. young chris had this same beat and hook on the network 2

  6. Word says:

    Thats the same hook from Pray to the Lord by Wayne. They recyling hooks man?? Damn rappers recycle everything these days and get away with it.

  7. So Icy Boi! says:

    @Word u right that hook is old i just realize it

  8. Jay says:

    Wow i havnt heard the Chris joint yet but this joint is knockin! Joe’s addressin some things in this

  9. koa29 says:

    Lol..Rappers STAY recycling Wayne’s hooks… see: “My Life” by Game…this shit…SMH!!!!!

  10. koa29 says:

    with that said…this is a dope album…Nice job joey…for once you didn’t lose (nh)


    Wayne is in jail so you know he proly didn’t have a synced verse ready for him, song is still dope.

  12. C says:

    This joint is nice. Its nice to see Joe biggin up Pun and touchin on the subject.

  13. Post no billz says:

    This is cool.. I didnt listen to the whole thing but i like how they freaked that sample.. Couple other cats have used that before i think young buck and some others..

  14. freakshow says:

    I see the “I need Lil Wayne on my album” marathon is still going strong. Rappers are such followers.

  15. Sho Nuff says:

    Fuck what yall talkin bout recyling and shit, this here hot

  16. freeeeed says:

    copycat rat joe ass nigga…50 cent went hard on bisd now you tryin to come back hard too fuck outta here joe nobody fucks wit you anymore its over

  17. iceyjesse says:

    @freeeeed im fuckin wit joey now on this one and i think that Darkside is better than BISD

  18. freakshow says:

    50 cent went hard on bisd now you tryin comin back hard too


    Did you hear the singles 50 Cent came out with on BISD? Don’t let being a fanatic of 50 Cent sway your opinion.

  19. Kid Rock says:

    lmao freeeeed got pwn3d!

  20. TC says:


    Kim had it before all of ’em.

  21. I FART THEY INHALE says:

    weezys hook is from his old song //i pray//

  22. Lucci says:

    Who Cares Fat Joe retire already damn

  23. KJ says:

    freeeeed says:
    Thursday, July 22 2010 at 9:54 PM EST
    copycat rat joe ass nigga…50 cent went hard on bisd now you tryin to come back hard too fuck outta here joe nobody fucks wit you anymore its over


    *lips twisted* C’mon son… you don’t even believe that. This here is a banger, have you even listened to it? I haven’t heard one bad song off of this album yet. I’ll be the first to admit I was mad skeptical when Joe said he had a classic on his hands, but after hearing about 5 or 6 dope tracks, I’m coppin’ on Tuesday. Beats are nice, especially that Premier joint, and Joe has stepped his pen game up. His rhymes are precise, concise, and focused this time; this song, for instance, appeals to me and speaks to me. WTF did ‘BISD’ accomplish? It had a few nice songs, good at best, not great. Nowhere near GRODT material, 50’s heart is not in it any more. Sounds like Joe’s is. What you hear is the result of the culmination of those facts. Stop the blind hating and support hip hop’s good music for a change. Bloggers like you are a dime a dozen nowadays, hating just for the sake of hating.

    *steps off soapbox*

  24. @KJ Agreed. Often being under-impressed with Fat Joe’s work, we’ve been a bit surprised at the consistency and quality of his recent stuff… We never would have given him much chance that he would put together a strong album, but it looks like we may have been wrong.. And despite being admitted non-fans, we are more than happy to change our opinion, in the face of good music, than to continue frowning on his music simply because we did before.

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