Cassidy Freestyle At S.O.B.’s

[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”cassidy_freestyle”]

Before Fat Joe rocked the crowd, Cassidy performed some of his notable hits and recited an acapella freestyle. Getcha tape decks ready!

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  1. johnny says:

    Cassidy fell off tho, but I guess its better to stay with good classic songs , than come out with something that just makes ppl go :/?

  2. Uptown Hip Hop Head says:

    fell off ? have anyone heard face to face? that track is dope

  3. […] performed a few of his old hits and this spit this new verse. Here’s some footage courtesy of RR. Share & […]

  4. Hopefully Cassidy makes a strong come back, because I used to ♥ him!!!! 😆

  5. ddave says:

    Hope the album is like your freestyles.

  6. NickeyBlack leaves comment says:

    Cass will murk Eminem allday on some punchlines. Cass will murk quite a few dudes, i wanna see a Banks, Jada or Fab battle Cass, that will be fun. F record sales just reck it well, thats what hip hop missing.

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