Fat Joe Darkside Show At S.O.B.’s

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Fat Joe celebrated the release of his 10th album, The Darkside last night at S.O.B.’s. Rap Radar was co-sponser and with our urging Crack didn’t perform his more popular chart toppers but opted for his underground cuts instead. In fact, during the middle of his set, he told the crowd that if they wanted to hear his “hits” to get the fuck out. Of course, nobody moved. Check out some performance highlights above. Great night! Special guests footage a lil’ later.

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  1. Rhyme says:

    Was that YN hype manning for Joey?

  2. sneakerpimp says:

    thats whats up, he gave the crowd what they wanted.

  3. Jayreckless617 says:

    The album isnt half bad joey really surprised me

    RapRadar give a nigga a job

  4. killakev says:


  5. […] At last night’s celebration for the release of The Darkside Vol. 1, Fat Joe took a trip down memory lane and treated those in attendance to a 15 minute set of him performing nothing but his underground hits such as “Flow Joe”. “The real hip-hop is over here!” Courtesy of RR. […]

  6. Ben says:

    killakev- Joe wish he would sell 20-30k, 7k tops.

  7. Alex says:

    he didnt play “Incredible”??????? WTF

    prolly the hardest underground hit hes got.. i aint really a fan but that shit gos off.. Shit Is Real is also classic..

    i might have to give Joe a chance what should i download?

  8. dal says:

    Dam he got armageddon and prospect to be his hype man,…. thats whats up…

    Dam wish i could have been there

  9. killakev says:

    @killakev stop jacking my fucking name , (im the real 1 follow me on twitter killakev92)

  10. GTFO says:

    Was too lazy to go yesterday. Looked OK.

  11. TEFLON DON says:

    Somebody at Def Jam is going to get fired for not buying enough Officer Ricky CD’s 🙂

  12. Midnite! says:

    No video????Can’t watch it!!!!

  13. JDollaz12 says:

    That new Joe is aight. Starts out tough, has a little downfall in the middle, but ends with that best joint on the album. Like him or not, you gotta respect Joe. He been putting it down for decades. Most niggaz never make it to album #5, let alone #10. Salute Joey Crack!

  14. […] Joe rocked S.O.B.’s last night for the Hot97/RapRadar concert where he brought out the likes of Vado, Diamond D, M.O.P., Buckshot and others. Totally […]

  15. […] Crack brought some special guest to The Darkside last night at S.O.B.’s. Joell Ortiz kicked things off and  channeled Big Pun with […]

  16. iam2smooth says:

    Yoo I was surprise my damnself but crak delivered this go around!

  17. Word 2.0 says:


    Whats better, 5 good ass albums, or 10 wack ones? Not saying all Joes albums are wack, but besides the singles no song on his albums are really classics

  18. […] Joe rocked S.O.B.’s last night for the Hot97/RapRadar concert where he brought out the likes of Vado, Diamond D, M.O.P., Buckshot and others. Totally […]

  19. […] made magic at S.O.B.’s and then you all lamed out. Didn’t really appreciate the heatrocks that Joey Crack put out. […]

  20. […] made magic at S.O.B.’s and then you all lamed out. Didn’t really appreciate the heatrocks that Joey Crack put out. […]

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