Joe Budden Mood Muzik 4 Cover

Joey’s prepared to drop the fourth installment of his Mood Muzik series on October 26th. To hear Joe tell it, the tape’s the worst one yet.

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  1. pe2 says:

    no one cares joe.

  2. Young O says:

    Bullshit wait til this drops top five albums this year I predict!!

  3. ronnie_moe says:

    Gonna be dope…..

  4. Slow Ur Roll, Know Ur Role says:

    Hope he raps about gettin punched in the eye.

  5. K GRIZZLY says:

    joey is a good emcee cant front on him..but he need to stop the extra shit…but so far all is good mood music installments have being well received so this one should be on point….cause i know he got alot of shit to get off is mind.

  6. Gwarrior says:

    Finally sum sick fuckin music, SLAUGHTERHOUSE!

  7. On top says:

    The classic shit continues

  8. bret11689 says:


  9. […] Joe Budden Mood Muzik 4 Cover [Rap Radar] […]

  10. pissed says:

    wonder if he’ll take shots at Lil B.

  11. fluff says:

    This album gonna be bangin. Are you in that mood yet? Padded room best album of 2009.

  12. 50 says:


    joe budden best rapper alive

  13. mmkayy says:

    fck yeaaaa…im in that mood

  14. HighGuy_Jeff says:

    Just Got Kcked out of his Show in PROV.City For smoking #Comeonson

  15. BUXDAGREAT says:

    good shit joey….cant wait imma true fan of real music

  16. kid says:

    man this post makes me wanna read some poetry…
    oh i know!

  17. is that dorky enogh says:

    i am in that mood now

  18. Coroner says:

    Nice cover! I hope the music’s gon’ be dope as well!

  19. Nicholas says:

    dont like budden but cool cover

  20. TrapRadar says:

    Whack bullshyt. Agree wit the “turn 4 the worst” part. Pll know thiz clown more for hiz internet bullshyt then hiz music. His flow is whack. Wiz Khalifa would body this clown. If you dont agree youre either A.)A hater, or B.) in denial.


  21. VIll says:

    Wiz khalifa would body Joe Budden with weed songs, fuck outta here.

  22. IMO says:

    Do ur shit joey…Its that on top musik

  23. assasin9 says:

    album and the best mixtape series in one yr ? plus the book– werd.

  24. So Icy Boi! says:

    Only a NY nigga would listen to a nigga who only hit song was 7 years ago

  25. DallasTx_GreedyGrove says:

    Co sign
    so icey boi!

  26. Reasy F. says:

    That shit is going to be a classic.

  27. Obama says:

    Fuck the haters… I think it’s DOPE that Joe got his Grandfather to pose for the cover shot.. Nice way to honor the old folks…

  28. fuck the haters says:

    @so icy boi and @dallasTX …. this is y u south niggas dont know SHIT about hip hop n shouldnt be involved w it. no1 gives a fuck about a hit or not … we about lyrics and good music ova here not fuckin radio plays … GTFOH

  29. Lebron James says:

    ^ lol iam a westside nigga and I feel the same way this nigga has 1 fuckin song “pump it up”
    it doesn’t matter were your from he still has 1 song lol

  30. BUXDAGREAT says:

    damn going by some of u guys logic….soulja boi n flo rida has alot of hits…does dat make dem good rappers ……no…..i wish yall would give good rappers a listen.. u guys da reason why we have such bullshit on the radio now smh

  31. JERZZZ says:

    Leave it to two niggas from the south to hate on a an actual MC. Thats why your regional “Artists” if you can call a Gucci man, or a Wack A Flocka Lame an “Artist” get no respect anywhere over the Mason Dixon Line. Any nigga still talkin bout Pump it Up is lame. Mood Music series is a classic mixtape series and if you dont know that you dont know hip hop.


  32. money mitch says:

    joe is hit or miss but still my hood from mm3 is my shit

  33. suppppp says:

    I think you need Rogaine. Joe Budden, Joe Booty, what the fuck is yo name?

  34. yepANDnope says:

    Top 5 dead or alive.

  35. B_d856 says:

    Niggas is jus frontin the shit will be right in their iPod with the most plays by November

  36. B-Cat says:

    I thought Slaughterhouse was supposed to sign with Shady Records? What’s taking so long?

  37. PlayBoii says:

    minus all the fuckery he do, Joey is one of the illest

  38. shyne time says:

    Mood Muzik 4????? Shit im still waitin on the Growth ha

  39. PAUL GASOUL says:


  40. Joshua T. says:

    What happened to the Great Escape?

  41. ???? still best rite now!! says:

    “……..Joe Budden go cry, make another mixtape and mope over every song” {BASED}

  42. Jumpoff Joey…”Too many blueprints, not enough architects”…this is gonna be crazy.

  43. […] missed it a few days ago, Joe Beezy used the social network and challenged Fab to a feature on his Mood Muzik 4. Well just incase you ain’t know so, Loso ain’t never scared. Fab tells RTNY the […]

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