DJ Khaled “All I Do Is Win” Goes Platinum

Chalk up another W for hip-hop. DJ Khaled announced yesterday that his single “All I Do Is Win” has earned him another platinum plaque. What can we say, he makes hit records!

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  1. Who Makes Hit Records ? ROFL
    He Collects The Hottest MC Of The Year
    And Places Them On His Produced Record,
    I Didn’t Know Khaled Was The One Singing
    The Hook And Rapping On It ?

  2. Coroner says:

    Congrats Kid…Khaled… You was awsom…awful on that record. LMFAO!

  3. Seth P. says:

    Ha ha! And fuck all you haters who can spell “everyone”, “officially”, “platinum” and “celebrate” properly! Sell a million records and then come talk to me! Broke motherfuckers!

  4. Jackie D says:

    Doesn’t really matter since well you know the album is a brick.

    He can save a lot of time and money if he just puts out singles, don’t even worry about an album and since he’s not really an artist it isn’t like he need’s a lot songs to go on tour with.

  5. BIZ says:

    good for him, but the song sucks assssssssssss!

    So, he went platinum? Who said there were not a ton of people that have shit taste in music?

  6. BIZ says:

    why does Diddy look like a crackhead?

  7. Hot Rod says:

    He put three or four albums, only one song out of those three or four albums goes platinum

  8. Ac@pella! says:

    Ehhh…a SONG goin platinum again, instead of the ALBUM?…like I said, ehhh…

  9. Black Shady says:


  10. Midnite! says:

    Yo straight up im talking……Fuck Kahled…..We the best, my BALLS!!!!He sucks,that whole crew eats dick!!!!GTFOH!!!

  11. mac WEASEL says:



  12. kidpotential says:

    congrats man….selling a million of anything whether its an album, single, or big macs is an accomplishment…especially these days…

  13. WilliamJacob says:

    coonery is once again awarded
    when will power go platinum?

  14. ookay says:

    i dont understand exactly what dj khalad does… 99% of the time he doesn’t even produce the song. hes not on the song. what exactly is he good at aside from asking people to be on a song with his name?

  15. fuck_haters!!! says:

    hated that fuckin song…

  16. BK says:

    Props 4 selling a milli whatever nowadays. Wack song IMO but a million think otherwise so ah well.

  17. DallasTx_Greedy says:

    the Song is Wack

  18. DARKAQUA says:


  19. Sarcasm says:


  20. So Icy Boi! says:

    That sound was tight the hook and the energy of the beat made it hot ..

  21. NickeyBlack:"u made me hate Eminem" says:

    dope song….. im glad Khaled did it big with the collabo

    Why is this new generation filled with 50cent hate in they blood? Cant we congratulate and move on?

  22. BRIX says:

    No 1 could really give a shit ’bout Khaled, honestly! My gripe is with these fucking Eminem super “STANS”! We ALL know Em is dope, granted, but why bring him up in every fucking post?! Cockride much?

  23. TEFLON DON says:


  24. Prajnaimmovable says:

    Prajnaimmovable >shervin da peeple, stayed tuned.

  25. The Coon says:

    Since when did A&R’s go Platinum???? GTFOH with this Coon.

  26. So What says:

    MC Hammer the rapper sold 10 mill and he’s one of the wackest lyricist that ever did it

    Vanilla Ice sold ten mill and he was just as big a fraud as Rick Hozay

    If U remember rap was always based on skill not sales. The ones that really had talent couldn’t break into the mainstream as easy as some of the less talented rappers could.

    Many times people in the mainstream who didn’t understand hip hop generally listened to the beat and the hooks and wasn’t in to lyrical content of skills as much

  27. Mr Garcia says:

    HAterS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…. its an epidemic!! suckas!!! platinum is still a hard feat to conquer now a days, album or single!! so fuck what a hater got to say!! spread the love!!! Congrats DJ khaled!!

  28. wtfffffffffffffffffffff??!! says:

    who da fuk buys this bitch ass’ music??? who??!! he is fukin fake n his music is fukin rubbish…played out ignorant bullshit…..first it was “we da best”…den “victory”…now “all I do is win”…..nigga u ain’t invincible like Superman…ur a fat fukhead!!!

  29. ha says:

    ( Who buys it?). Mr. GArcia bUYS IT

  30. Cardinal Sin says:

    What does this clown do? He doesn’t make the beats, he doesn’t write the raps or the hooks. He sits in a room and goes, “all right I’ll take weezy, Ross, snoop, such and such, so and so, and put t pain on the hook, then when everybody else puts in the real hard work I’ll step in the booth and yell about being the best. I can’t wait to accept my award and take credit for it all.”

    This dude is a modern day scam artist. Anybody can do what he does. Anybody.

  31. Cardinal Sin says:

    One mo thing. Any Arabs in the DC area thinking that they can drop the word nigga out they mouth as often as he does will get punished on site. For reals.

  32. Donn says:

    Lol at the comments. Congrads Khaled. Who saids what real Hiphop is. Who makes the judgement. No one. Music is music. Your opinion is your opinion. If ppl enjoy it then it’s done it’s part. Spread love not negativity. Congrads again

  33. real talk says:

    just a little truth here for those blinded by hate:

    1. at the very least khaled has the connections to put together a song like this or any of his other singles. saying “anyone could do what he does” isnt true because not “anyone” has wayne, ross, plies, luda, t-pain, etc. in their phone to call up and get a verse/hook from.

    2. he’s been very involved with the careers of half the people he works with. he’s tight with ross, has been down with terror squad since way back, part of the whole florida movement (thus the t-pain, plies, trick daddy connections, and wayne lived in miami after katrina) not to mention the runners have gotten a lot of exposure from him as well (I’m so hood, out here grindin, go hard). so it’s a give and take, by featuring on a khaled song with 3 other stars you’re building your own buzz. don’t believe me? go back and think about the change in wayne’s status after his verse on “we takin over”

    nuff said.

    3. if there was one song NOT to use the argument “khaled doesnt even rap on his records!” this would be it because the remix actually does feature the only verse he’s ever really done.

    4. you’re really gonna sit there and hate that hard on a guy that comes with bangers every time out? isn’t half the complaining in hip hop today about how it’s too soft and love songs and shit like that? so khaled comes out with street anthems but it’s still “fuck him” because he works with wayne/ross/somebody else you hate? pathetic.

    dont waste time hating, just go on itunes and cop that 50 cent record or that slaughterhouse record or whatever other artist you’re trying to support that has yet to go platinum on their latest project. that’s all the free advice i got for now…

  34. Cardinal Sin says:

    Real talk and donn are ball lickers.

    @real talk:
    1. So, having rAppers numbers in your cell phone equAls to talent?
    2. This dude doesn’t have shit to do with anyones careers. Ross, trick, Wayne would have been fine without him. The one dudes career he was involved with (ace hood) flopped terribly and we haven’t heard from dude again.
    3. I’m not even arguing this retarded statement.
    4. Once again, anybody can put all the hottest rAppers in the game on one song and chances are you’ll have a hit.
    Khaled has never gone plat on any album he’s put out yet. Look it up geek. That’s with all that star studded help.

    @ donn:

    Yeah congrats to kahled for being able to get the hottest rappers in the game on the same song and some how miraculously go platinum on that single. Duh!

  35. real talk says:

    @cardinal sin

    im well aware of his album flops, im simply saying that khaled does serve a purpose (drops bangers everytime out, doesnt make pop singles like everyone complains about every other rapper doing). and outside of his singles, the last 2 albums have been filled with features from mid-level bums like shawty lo and brisco, of course those songs aren’t gonna move units. and ace hood is the most generic dude ever, of course he’s never gonna be relevant.

    you really gonna tell me that “im so hood” didnt help t-pain and plies careers? him putting ross on every single he’s had didnt make him seem like a bigger deal than he was? fat joe would ever be seen without khaled? he gave luda a chance to drop a respectable verse on the radio opposed to all the pussy shit he’s been putting out all year. again, wayne’s verse on “we takin over” marked the turning point in him becoming the biggest rapper out. khaled uses them to catch everyone’s attention, but that attention doesnt come for just a rick ross solo single. let me know when BMF goes plat. you need the whole movement, and it’s why the south stays on top. you gotta be jay, wayne, kanye, eminem, t.i. status to make any noise solo (and t.i. is slowly falling off that list). dont believe me? check the charts.

    khaled’s played a major role in making all of “the hottest rappers” that “he gets on every track” become the hottest rappers. would they still have careers without him? yes. would they be the most relevant guys in the game? i can’t see ross being so huge (even tho his albums flop, he’s got a lot of street buzz) without this affiliation.

    and until you can get all those guys on a song he’s on a level you’re not on. he’s got the connections to make a hit record. talent? no. successful? yup. you mad? rhetorical question. being a hater doesnt accomplish anything bruh, just support what you like and stop bitchin about someone else’s success

  36. real talk says:

    just one last thing, why doesn’t a dj drama album ever have a huge single? or that kay slay album? I don’t even like drama, but he’s the most relevant dj in the mixtape game probably. yet he’s got 2 albums and had 2 singles that were irrelevant as fuck. oh, right because having t.i. snoop and akon doesnt matter if you cant cook up a hot song with them.

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