Kanye West On Hot 97 (Angie Martinez)

Yeezy returned to Hot 97 for the first time this year and chopped it up with Angie Mar. In the first segment, he spoke on joining Twitter and his internship at Fendi. He also kept his word and dropped off new material. Keep it locked.

Part 2: Debuts “See Me Now” Ft. Beyoncé and Charlie Wilson.

Part 3: Post game reaction.

Part 4: Yeezy says Nicki Minaj has the potential to be second biggest rapper of all time…of all time! He also confirms she’ll be on his new album. He also speaks on the pressure of being labeled a genius.

Part 5: More Twitter talk, dating Amber Rose, and creating “See Me Now”. Album drops November 16.

Part 6: Reveals “Power (Remix)” with Jay-Z drops this Friday.

UPDATE: Ye with Angie’s son and DJ Enuff’s.

UPDATE 2: Info got video.

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  1. BIG CHUMP says:

    good job yeezy lets go……Make this song come out now!!!!!!

  2. p4l says:

    wowwwww that song was crazyyyyy

  3. Ben says:

    I can’t hear shit, is it dope?

  4. Black McJagger says:

    Beyonce and Charlie Wilson on the vocals

    Ye killed this

    sounds like College Dropout 2.0

    LETS GO!

  5. Big says:

    Its ok, but as far as im concerned I don’t like beyonce on this. Just generally Im not feeling it. Power is better in my opinion.

  6. Sasha says:

    Beyonce + Kanye = FUCKING EPIC

  7. FOOTS says:

    That Asphault line was funny….who that on the hook? Beyonce right?

  8. DZS says:

    Kanye west 2010 = !!!!!!!!

  9. Post no billz says:

    Is the song dope.. I cant hear it til later..

  10. DARKAQUA says:


  11. IAN says:


  12. yesterday says:

    soft .. nothing special fuck

  13. fivemikes says:

    Yeah, that was pretty epic. on many levels.

    Kanye West LIVE on Hot97 – http://tinyurl.com/28c2v8r

  14. westcoast says:

    nothing special fuck

  15. UltraKid says:

    So is this going to be on the album??? I don’t think so…this song is nothing to go crazy about but it’s good….

    *Waits on All of the Light*

  16. Almarti5 says:

    Its alright. I thought it was going to go a lot harder after watching him drop that verse for facebook.

  17. Bomber says:

    Damn….. thank God for this nigga Kanye… The last good thing in hiphop!

  18. Thank Me Hater says:

    Being an unbiased Non Kanye Stan my opinion is that the song is dope

  19. tlova86 says:

    he back on his shit

  20. Thank Me Hater says:

    “I’m socrates but my skin more chocolatey” dope. He’s sounding more lyrical these days and I like how he rides the beat in the beginning.

  21. Cudder says:

    Im listening to this on my studio beats by dre… shit is knockin.. song is ill. The illest is back

  22. Slim says:

    Hate Beyonce, but that shit is still dope

  23. The Truth says:

    its ok……….

    he’s capable of much better

  24. Thank Me Hater says:

    This sound better than anything off his College Dropout album but I trust I’m the only one that didn’t like that album on earth….lol

  25. Jenny says:

    I like it, Kanye couldn’t wait to release this because Beyonce on it.

  26. dr says:

    There’s CDQ on his blog – http://www.kanyeuniversecity.com/blog/ – someone needs to rip it ASAP.

  27. seemoregan says:

    This is the best they can come up with and you had three producers and three artist on the track!

    3 Producers + 3 artists = FAIL.

    On to the thrid “first single”.

  28. phil says:

    Beyonce said “nigga” lawl.

    Anyway.. I really dislike it.

  29. Nice says:

    Kanye, Em, Jay, and maybe T.i. are the only rappers left that can create a big ass buzz without starting a beef with another rapper

  30. jackspade says:

    So you telling me 3 producers, 3 legendary artist and this is the we are the world track kanye was going ape shyt over

    This is what i mean..you have these artist losing touch with whats hot and whats needed to be kept in house

    this shyt is at best ok and that is stretching it…its the fucking summer and this is the shyt that pose to pop….gtfoh

  31. Dat' Blasian Nig says:

    @ Nice

    Dont forget Drake nigga, I know you hate to admit it

  32. seemoregan says:


    Cosign… Power is better and that wasn’t good!

  33. jackspade says:


    exclude eminem from that group because it is kind of pointless grouping him with sub par artist when in terms of record sales

    now to your point. music is a sport. people compete and you can never take that out of the genre

    you put up a post stating absolutely nothing because it has nothing to do with what you just heard.

    get the beef rappers dick out of your hear and listen to what you just heard

    you fucking dispicable cock head

  34. WORD!!! says:

    Can I Officially Say :

    Rick Ross B.M.F >>>>>>>>> Eminem Recovery Album

    You Know I’m Right……… It Ain’t No Bangers On Recovery Or Relapse …….

    Damn I’m Right……


  35. jackspade says:

    okay back to the post

    kanye works much better when he is alone on a track and he is going in

    i will be straight up
    i fuck with ye when he is going in because the nigga do say some epic shyt on tracks.

    but when he is grouping himself with all these fucking artist who lets be honest..the two people on the track is by no where in any arena popping right now..i might catch flack for that but lets be real..no one is checking for charlie or bey right now..

  36. So Icy Boi! says:

    @phil Beyonce said “nigga” OMG the world coming to the end……..This shit was trash nigga couldnt of keep it hidden ..anything wit Beyonce on it is trash……

  37. jackspade says:

    @ Word

    yo first of all that is a fucking COP!!!

    and by no way i will cosign that post you just put up but I wont lie..

    Fuck Boy Cop production is by far the best production in a few years.

  38. […] RapRadar has the links to the audio. Instead of stealing them, I’ll do the respectful thing and send you there. […]

  39. teejay says:

    Wow, its got that triumphant college dropout shit goin. Kanye is best when he’s got somethin to prove.

  40. jackspade says:

    he so need to just pick beats for other rappers

    this dude can be the beat picker ceo lol

  41. damone says:

    This was nice I likes

  42. ronnie_moe says:

    Man, WTF r u all talkin bout?

    This track is dope.

    Why ya’ll care who on it? It’s still a dope record.

    Sounds better than Power to me.

  43. Nice says:

    Damn that IS a big ass statement he made about Nicki Minaj and Eminem. The Eminem statement is arguable I think but…..what yall think about that?!

  44. Jenny says:

    @ jackspade

    LOL Beyonce, Forbes list, yea I think she’s more relative than them all.
    A woman got these lame ass cunts mad. Bono called her Queen B for a reason.

  45. Thank Me Hater says:

    @Nice I think the statement was bold as fuck!!! NICKI MINAJ!!!! When he said the biggest I was like maybe he’s just talking about album sales or popularity and then he incorporated lyrics into that and it blew my mind. I think we have to put Jay in there because he’s richer than Em and he’s arguably greater. ANYBODY but NICKI!!!

  46. […] Martinez about joining Twitter, his internship with Fendi, Nicki Minaj, and some new material. RapRadar got the inside […]

  47. mac DIESEL says:


  48. ronnie_moe says:

    Eminem is the biggest rapper of all time, no question.

    Just look at the numbers.

    But, I doubt that Nicki Minaj would get that big.

  49. PITRI says:

    Imo this shits kinda wack! Well i wouldn’t say wack but i aint feeling this at all!!

  50. Thank Me Hater says:

    @ronnie_moe I agree with that statement if you’re talking about strictly popularity. Em is in my top 10….maybe even top 5 lyricist. He’s definitely the most popular and I guess that equates to biggest. People on twitter are more up in arms about the Eminem statement than Nicki Minaj being compared to Eminem though….which doesn’t make any sense

  51. Black McJagger says:

    Kanye got that CD flow going on this one
    ripped it

  52. Malcolm Z says:

    It was okay at best

  53. Truth83 says:

    shit was dope, the asphalt line made me chuckle.

  54. Madrid-Spain says:

    Im sorry kanye can’t rap but good producer

  55. Ty says:

    U can’t be mad at this song…….. or that fact that he felt it enough to drop it the day after it’s first real mix.

    He’s not gon’ reinvent the whole genre yall. When it’s all said and done he’s gonna spit over some beats. What didn’t he do that has some of yall disappointed? Real question, no shade intended……

  56. G says:

    you made her famous

    “that happen acouple times last yr”

    lmao shots at swift

  57. So Icy Boi! says:

    Dis nigga said Eminem the number #1 rapper of all time ??? wtf first Drake said it the other day now him …niggaz just tryna get Eminem fans to buy they shit thats why they dick riding ..Nigga said Nicki Minaj can be the number 2 best rapper of all time really?? Kanye dat desperate now he tryna get some Barbie fans and hype up his song wit her ….sucka

  58. PITRI says:

    I have just gained ALOT of respect for Kanye hahaha!

  59. Josh Hall says:

    the verses are sick but the sound doesnt seem like it fits with the rest off the album

  60. ronnie_moe says:

    @ Thank Me Hater

    I don’t understand that either.

    Once you go over the numbers and you see what I see then you could understand where he’s coming from.

    Not a lot of rappers have come close to accomplishing what Eminem has, as far as popularity.

    Why he said Nicki Minaj as number two I have no idea though.

  61. PITRI says:

    Wheres Ac@pella and ultra at..Your Fav artist just said the Whiteboys the GOAT!!!

  62. Black McJagger says:

    Aye Imma Let You Finish but I got Beyonce on the track lmao

    just caught that

  63. J. says:

    ye is back!!!! with a new attitude but i think hes wrong about 1 thing em aint gonna go down as the greatest rapper he is.

  64. Thank Me Hater says:

    @J naw that’ll ultimately be Biggie or Pac or Jay. There’s no way hip hop would let a white dude from the trailer park take that honor….plain and simple

  65. Truth83 says:

    if you go by record sells ofcourse Em would be the greatest hiphop artist of all time. Its fact.

    he just has more people who would actual want to buy his album instead of burn it

    but if your not going by “sells” then its a subjective topic. Me personally i think jay gets that honor but again, its subjective.

  66. JAY says:

    @Truth83 I cosign that. The thing that’s blowing my mind is the comparison to Nicki. Of course to some Em is the greatest to some Jay to some Kanye etc. But NICKI!!!!! For Nicki to be compared to Em she has to sell over 80 mill records win 11 grammies win an Oscar, and be named artist of the decade. What the fuck is Ye thinking?!

  67. dainventah says:

    you sound like some @sshole from 8 mile…take your white ass back to the trailer park…damn dude where does it stop? first it’s a white and black thing, now its a which hood he from thing..if he was from the mean streets of brooklyn you think he would get more love? you think if he was black he would get less love? if I was 6 foot 6 with a wicked jumper do you think id be playing in the NBA? who cares about what ifs??? it is what it is….hip hop is music born from struggle…so isn’t it more of a upper class lower class thing? or atleast shouldn’t it be? and if you take all that out of it…why does everybody’s favorite rapper big up EM as one of the greatest and internet junkies on message boards think they are either insane or lying through they teeth for sales purposes? You cats just listen to CD’s, those cats ARE hip hop, they live it and breathe it for a living…don’t you think they would know better than you??

  68. Thank Me Hater says:

    LOL @dainventah are you on the wrong blog site? Who are you responding too?

  69. daffysci says:

    he said potential.. everyone needs to relax on the nicki comparison thing, POTENTIAL

  70. CaniBlog? says:

    daffysci says:

    Wednesday, August 11 2010 at 6:12 PM EST

    he said potential.. everyone needs to relax on the nicki comparison thing, POTENTIAL


  71. So Icy Boi! says:

    Yea Gucci Mane has the “POTENTIAL” to be the greatest rapper ever

  72. CaniBlog? says:

    So Icy Boi! says:

    Wednesday, August 11 2010 at 6:20 PM EST

    Yea Gucci Mane has the “POTENTIAL” to be the greatest rapper ever



  73. dainventah says:

    i’m responding to you kiddo…”.that’ll ultimately be Biggie or Pac or Jay. There’s no way hip hop would let a white dude from the trailer park take that honor….plain and simple”

    btw, is there a group that meets every thursday called “official hop hop” that votes on stuff like that? do they meet in your mom’s basement perhaps? and if there is…why does it sound like you’re invited but not Kanye? Or Jay Z? man i bet if Tupac of Biggie were alive right now and they said some ish like Kanye just did you would say that they were huffing paint or past their prime or blabbity blah blah…

    disclaimer: I just don’t like you so i constantly discount the credibility of your posts
    disclaimer2: but i do think you are 1 of the top 5 posters on here though
    disclaimer3: i think disclaimers make me sound impartial and more rational than i actually am and give my tired arguements more validity

  74. […] hear the entire angie interview here. album’s dropping november 16th and you’ll hear a remix of power featuring ye’s […]

  75. BIG CHUMP says:




  76. jay says:

    The smart thing to do would be to throw J.Cole on the power remix with Jay and Kanye. Great promotion

  77. KidNice says:

    Yes, Eminem is #1 in album sales, but that doesn’t make him the best rapper.

  78. HeKnows says:

    Kanye West: “Eminem is the number 1 rapper of all time” HE KNOWSS WHAT UPPP

  79. […] Thank GOD because the rap game seems pretty dry lately. Kanye stopped by Hot 97 and sat down with Angie Martinez to talk about a multitude of topics. Kanye started by releasing his new single See Me Now featuring […]

  80. Antoine Dodson says:

    Well, Ye didn’t say “Eminem’s the greatest rapper of all time, when it comes to album sales”
    He just said, Eminem is the No. 1 rapper of all time.

    Seriously yo? Is it that hard for some people to acknowledge that? Whether you hate him, or love him give props where it’s due. I mean he achieved so many things in hip hop, Even if it’s only because he’s white, he STILL achieved something that most rappers will never ever do.
    So.. yall need to just admit it. Your fav rapper just majorly cosigned Eminem, get over it.

  81. They call me Slim Roethlisberger says:

    Em is clearly the best there is, the best there ever has been and the best there ever will be, but i think after tip drops king uncaged he could be looking at the second spot. Kanye, Jay, Weezy round out the top 5.

  82. So Icy Boi! says:

    Kanye West said “OVERALL” including rappin, and record sales, and fan base,…Kanye said an illuminati puppet doin what he told by the label ..they want a white man to be the face of hip-hop…

  83. Shady says:

    Props to Em, however 2pac, Biggie, and Jay, rakim round out the top 5

    nicki doesnt even have an album yet

    i wonder how jay-z feels that both drake and kanye dissed him????

  84. NickeyBlack is done hating on anybody says:

    ….i aint gonna frunt Ye probaly lost a sale with me, i just heard the interview and this dude Kanye imo said the most outlandish statement EVER. He gave EM way too much and put him over everybody. Yes im pissed off and it takes me a while to get rid of my anger…man if other peepo dont approach Kanye on that statement then idk but as of now he lost me, not like it matters but im gone

    « Older Comments

  85. NickeyBlack is not feeling Kanye! says:



  86. HAHA says:

    Kanye is a CRAZY and disrespectful to hip hop!

  87. Antoine Dodson says:

    @ Nickeyblack.

    Holy shit son, you would kill yourself if you knew how many rappers cosigned Eminem.
    Kanye does Kanye, he should not be called a “sell out” Just because him and many many many and many of rappers cosigned Eminem. As I said before, get the fuck over it, life goes on, kid.

  88. NickeyBlack is not feeling Kanye! says:

    @antione dumbson….screw you and kanye, now get over that

  89. Shady says:

    @ nickyblack

    how did he give him too much credit?
    out of every person who has ever rapped, eminem will never not be considered among the greatest top 5 of all time. put his whiteness aside and the guy sells albums. he produces. he has his own radio show. had his own clothing line. won an oscar. appeared in movies. owns a record label. has incredible flow. puts words together that has rarely been done. syllable after syllable. won over 10 grammys.

    to me, he is the most complete rapper ever.
    2pac is top 5 but he never produced his own songs, biggie and jay-z and nas as well.
    does that mean cuz eminem produces he is automatically better? no, absolutely not, but it shows that he has multiple skills. producing is hard. em isnt great at it, but he isnt bad. remember he produced “lose yourself” the most popular rap song of all time. look it up, dont hate.

    yes hes my fav, but i love nas jay big 2pac as well. em just stands out much more than them all, not just in the USA but throught the globe.

  90. thatdude says:

    I’m not gonna front and say Em is not talented…it’s clearly that he’s nice with it! He proved that already…that said, he’s not the greatest rapper of all time. We all know that if he was black, he wouldn’t have sold that much. Just being real…

  91. mmkayy says:

    damn thats gotta hurt…2 of Jay’s close friends called Em the goat…lol

  92. BILLOWS says:

    kanye is living that life.

    and 2pac is the greatest ever.period.

  93. R says:

    Thats what we been waiting for HOPE NOT! Kanye can do better than this POWER was a banger This EHH I dont think so!

  94. queen says:


    AND IM A KANYE STAN!! This is really weak! Are yall really going crazy for this.. ????

    The man who did.. Through the Wire, Can’t Tell Me Nothing, Amazing, Big Brother????


  95. shady2010 says:

    kanyes back! ill as hell will be picking up the new album when it drops!

  96. wizzyk49 says:

    This Power remix better drop tomorrow. Can’t wait for it.


  97. NickeyBlack is not feeling Kanye! says:


  98. Truth83 says:

    but also some people need to get a grip and realize this is kanye opinion. If you agree with him then agree, if you dont you dont.

    What he says doesnt make it “fact”.

    till this day, Jay would say other than himself he thinks big is the best. Does that make it fact? Does that overshadow what drake and kanye said?

    You fans be trippin.

    as for his nikki comment. i admit i over reacted with my previous comment, then after looking back anyone has potential to be better than anyone but the ability to capitalize on it is another.

    But yea… kanye fucked up saying those two things, because it really overshadows the song he wanted to drop.

  99. i write essays sometimes. i do it for me, not you.

    i’ve never really heard Em have the diversity of either Kanye or 2pac. to me, it’s 2pac, who is the 2nd-best selling rap artist of all time. and died 14 years ago. and had the potential to be like Dr. King or Obama. best PERSON we ever had in rap.

    diversity: like, a straightforward party song, for example. like a song that was a huge hit in the club. i’ve NEVER been to a club (other than all-white kid club) where they played an Em song. and where he was just a charismatic charmer like Biggie would be on Hypnotize. not a baby-killing, women-beater. he doesn’t really do that. like “white trash party”? i skip the hell out of that track.

    even like “drug ballad” from the first album is KIND OF a party song, but it’s full of his traditional SHOCK stuff.

    2pac could make psycho violent stuff like “Hit Em Up”. then he could make “Temptations”. Kanye lacks the diversity of 2pac, too, now that i think of it. i’ve never heard Kanye make a really smart song about political issues. he makes socially conscious songs but they aren’t smart they’re observational and emotional; they don’t sound like 2pac’s, who you could tell read a lot of books. Eminem has only a handful of songs whose concepts are even slightly socially relevant. again, he’s not good at it. “Mosh”, “White America”, “Rock Bottom”; it’s a short list of attempts. Whereas 2pac’s 1st 2 albums sound like Public Enemy!

    ALSO, Eminem made too much of his career off tearing down women and other defenseless easy targets in a horrible way. 2pac would never ever ever ever sacrifice women for his own gain or pick on boy bands with shock lyrics. i understand Em had a bad mom but come on.

    it’s all subjective but i can’t shake the feeling that he’s the biggest mostly because 70% of America is White. i had to chime in with that thought about Em. he is versatile, don’t get me wrong. but imo he doesn’t surpass 2pac. no one does. em and jay are 2 and 3 imo.

  100. pienman says:

    yo, dis was a dope interview… i love kanye west- feelin the vibe goin into the run for his new ablum run! that nikki comment is a bit far fetch though!!!! he has grown more..maturity has come into him…. the you can see me now joint was a bit kinda.,sorta.,

  101. slimshady says:

    @billy ray, kanye doesn’t have diversity? wtf? have you heard “crack music”, “roses”, “addiction”, the entire 808s album? thats not diverse enough? he’s touched on pretty much every issue your favorite rapper is scared to piss on.

  102. NickeyBlack is not feeling Kanye! says:


    this is why im upset with that bogus comment Kanye made, i can see if he said EM is the biggest selling artist but Angie asked do you mean lyrically and this clown mouth fool says EVERYTHING, THE BEST EVER

  103. dmc says:

    funny how he doesnt mention 50. he’s to scared

  104. @ slim shady

    actually, i start by saying that I DO think kanye has diversity. then later i said 2pac has more. but even that is just imo; all these guys are hall-of-famers in most categories.

  105. […] “Kanye West On Hot 97 (Angie Martinez)” and related posts (rapradar.com) […]

  106. […] Kanye’s interview on Hot 97, he paid DJ Clue a visit on Power 105.1. Did you miss it? Of course, everyone did. Anyway, in the […]

  107. korey_k says:

    ayyo check out enuff’s son grabbin his dick LOL

    kids these days

    I wonder why the album is pushed back so far can kanye keep this up for three months?

  108. […] like Lawry’s that the “Power” remix didn’t drop Friday as promised? Well Kanye had a good excuse it wasn’t done yet. Thankfully Swizz, Mos and Kobe […]

  109. […] like Lawry’s that the “Power” remix didn’t drop Friday as promised? Well Kanye had a good excuse—it wasn’t done yet. Thankfully Swizz, Mos and […]

  110. […] like Lawry’s that the “Power” remix didn’t drop Friday as promised? Well, Kanye had a good excuse—it wasn’t done yet. Thankfully Swizz, Mos and […]

  111. […] a special day. A few weeks back, Kanye promised the “Power” remix featuring Jay-Z. He said (Part 6)  it would come Friday, so we waited, and nothing. Well, it did surface on a Friday, just […]

  112. […] too, where he monologued at some editors and allowed them to post a video clip of the visit. An interview on New York’s Hot 97 last Wednesday has been the sole old-media […]

  113. […] said everything…except one thing that to this day I am dying for him to say that Drake and Kanye have already […]

  114. […] two months ago, but here’s the full thing. Ross was mum on the origins, but since it features Nicki and Bon Iver it will probably off Yeezy’s upcoming […]

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  116. […] have a new release date. A couple weeks ago, he told Angie Martinez that the album would drop on November 16th. But now, Rap-Up says the project will be in stores on November 22nd. So far, confirmed guests […]

  117. […] have a new release date. A couple weeks ago, he told Angie Martinez that the album would drop on November 16th. But now, Rap-Up says the project will be in stores on November 22nd. So far, confirmed guests […]

  118. koALladinmypantsi says:

    ook than ur like son of what angiee waaa um i dont like her so hows that with the lill kid holding his jock

  119. koALladinmypantsi says:

    jjjjjjjjjj staten island hoe whos face iz so ugly uu cant look at it whos needs a good show a good hung rope and a good place to use a shitroom like ur so cool thnks angie !@

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