DJ Khaled Still Wants Eminem

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DJ Khaled’s not letting up. For a second time, he pleads for Eminem to appear on his next album, We The Best Forever. Khaled says he’s confident they would produce an “anthem” but doesn’t have a way of reaching him. Maybe he should try Twitter: @Eminem.


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  1. So Icy Boi! says:

    Stop sweating dat old 40 year okd white dude ,,,Khaled you make hood anthems nobody cares about Eminem in the hood…

  2. BIG CHUMP says:

    I mean i dont blame him EMINEM is the GOAT like drake and kanye said

  3. herbsaac says:

    Man.. Fuck khaled.. He don’t even make the beats.. but since shady sold out on recovery.. i’m sure birdman can write him a big enough check to put his name on a song with this fucktard.. smh

  4. In The Hood With Don’t Fuck With Eminems Music, we Fucks With 50 Cent,2Pac,Biggie,Jay-z,Nas Shit..

    GTFOH Khaled.

  5. Yz says:

    Smh at fools who think they speak for the “hood”. FOH

  6. Black Shady says:

    The hood fuckz with Em. yall niggaz crazyyyyyyyyy!!!! Yall mad cuz my white nigga is doing big #s lol!!

    Eminem on a Khaled joint…could be good for both. Not that Em needs help, but I cant front…khaled makes ANTHEMS!!!

  7. JB says:

    desperation is unbecoming khaled

  8. herbsaac says:

    If kahled wouldnt scream on the songs.. i could fuck with it.. but his voice is one of the most piercing and painful things to have blaring thru speakers/headphone and it just ruins everything.. you heard of king midas? khaled is the opposite

  9. lmao says:

    Y People Hate Khaled So Much He Does Come With Them Consistent Hits Every Year

  10. Ice Cold says:

    Here come all the pussy niggaz talkin about what’s hood and what’s not….y’all make me laugh…..The white boy keeps on winning all y’all can complain all you want hahaha all yall favorite rappers has begged to do a song with eminem…Eminem is The GOAT>your fav rapper

  11. IAMGOAT says:

    why the hell would em waste his time on him….

    its like lil kim wanting to do a song with beyonce.

  12. Word says:


    Lmao I know right, niggas think they the spokesperson for every hood in America and shit. Silly bloggers, yall obviously not hood since you spend all day blogging…shouldnt yall be on the block or something?

  13. YEAABOYY!! says:

    Yea lets make it happen i dont like most of Khaleds songs but he aint gonna play All I Do Is Win beat for him hes gonna play him somethin good or he gonna get DENIED!!

  14. Word says:

    Either way, Em dont waste your time. Khaled aint shit. All he gonna do is fuck up your fan base

  15. Android says:

    dj khaled sitdown pls. Em needs to b on killmatic (coming soon!ESCO LETS GO!) Not fuckng we the best forever. Cn u imagine tht shit. ‘ DEEEJ KHAALED! WE THE BEESSS!! WE GOT EMINEEM, SLIM SHAADY! LISTEEEN! No sand ni99a GTFOH.

  16. Quese says:

    em aint gonna do it remeber this he got beef with 50 WORDS OF KHALD IT ALL ABOUT UNITY MAN LOL.

  17. Thank Me Hater says:

    I’m sure it’s already been said but shut the fuck up about the damn hood. That shit has been glamorized so fucking much for some reason. The hood (in the sense that you’re talking about it) = a bad thing.

  18. Word says:

    LMAO I JUST HEARD THE INTERVIEW. This nigga Khaled sound like a crazed fanboy nd shit, you too grown to be stanning Khaled. Get off the nigga nuts.

    LISTEN. Unless this “ANTHEM” is gonna include Jay, Nas, Andre, TI, Talib, Lupe, Cole or any combo of these niggas, alongside Eminem (Jay, Nas, Em, Andre, Talib, Cole is my ideal collab) this shit shouldnt happen. Put real lyricists on that shit and see what happens. That shit is gonna have the internet on FIRE

  19. mac DIESEL says:




  20. I Punch Babies says:

    @Ice Cold @Word Cosign these niggas obsessed with the concept of “the hood” guess what? The rest of america doesn’t give a fuck about what the hood is listening to and these rappers, whether you want to believe it or not, want more than niggas from the hood to hear their shit. And plus Em never mad music for the hood to begin with. You think the Slim Shady LP was something you could ride around listening to in a predominantly black neighborhood in those days?! FOH!!!

  21. Mr X says:

    sounds like a set up to make 50 cent mad lol rick ross will beg to get on it if eminem agrees

  22. ronnie_moe says:

    This Towel-Head is just tryna sell some records.

  23. They call me Slim Roethlisberger says:

    We the Best Forever has to be one of the worst album titles of all time.

    Most rappers would jump at the big check, but since em doesnt really care about money as much as these other rappers hopefully he wont go for it.

  24. WOW says:

    Damn Khaled “Get off his dick, naw dicks to short of a word/get off his antidisestablishmentarianism you prick”

  25. WORD!!! says:








    NUFF SAID…….

  26. Thank Me Hater says:

    @ronnie_moe LMFAO!!!! at towel head. I wouldn’t mind Khaled so much if he didn’t try to fucking scream on every damn track!! Give it a rest nigga!!!

  27. HEY HEY says:

    If Khaled can fuck a woman, anybody can fuck a woman

  28. Roy says:

    Lol at these idiots sittin at the computer thinking they’re “hood” and shit. Like they know what people are looking for. Niggas, the world don’t revolve around you dumbasses.

  29. HEY HEY says:

    @Roy Cosign Niggas eminem makes music for the fucking world…not the damn hood. He’s had number one albums in japan australia switzerland china etc. You think he’s tries to make music for the fucking hood?!?! HAHAHAHA Get the hell of this damn site!!!

  30. Word says:


    Exactly, niggas think just cuz the niggas on your damn street dont mess with Eminem, everybody dont mess with Eminem. “Man, I asked like 10 niggas at the mall bout Eminem and they said fuck him, therefore, niggas in other states, regions, colors, creeds, ethinicites must not fuck with Em too. Im a genius man! I need to put this shit on RapRadar.”

  31. BK says:

    A 3:50 track of Khaled and Em would consist of:
    Khaled screaming: ‘WEEE THHAA BESSSST!!! HOOO WEEE NIGHAAAAAAAA! I GOT EMANEEEEEMMM! IM GOIN IN, HE GOIN IN, WE ALLLLLL GOIN IN!’ That shit last for 3:45. By the time Shady breathes on the mic the songs fuckin over.
    There’s your Khaled n Em anthem. Fat bastard.

  32. BIG CHUMP says:


    lol exactly……people need to realize that Music is Universal, Global……Music is not in the streets or in your hood lol DUMBASSES

  33. MidNite! says:

    Em has a hood pass first of all HATERS!Second he rides with 50 so kill that shit Kahled…..That shit is never happening.3rd,your C.O called him a honkey…If you listen on Recovery Em spits a line about that honkey shit,even on Despicable he says some shit about honkey shit!Trust me…That fat fuck don’t want it lyrically with Shady!He would get BODIED!!!

  34. Fredro says:

    people hate so much these days….internet hating is at a all time high……I bet you cats would never say half the ish in public smh

  35. Jamey says:

    @So Icy Boi!
    I will chop your fucking head off

  36. Android says:

    yeah bt chart music, is sellout music, dumbed down music, abcd horton hears a who music, dnt wanna thnk much music, im ignorant music, shots over books music, keep the black man a slave music, gimmick music, im french dnt understand shit bt its nice music, gossipgirl music, teenchoice music,gimmick music, make the world even dumber music,recovery music, AINT SAYIN ‘SHIT MUSIC’. Zero substance music. World is fucked?obama wil take care of it music, bp3music………,…..

  37. NewMoney says:

    this guy is so corny nigga is so wack…. khaled that is

  38. I.S.A.A.C. says:

    I don’t like Khaled, but he made historically dope tracks with Nas… so I think Em would so the same.

    I like the idea.

  39. Rome says:

    Pause at the headline. “DJ Khaled Still Wants Eminem”


    Man you all bitches claiming you all from the hood i know i ain’t and we suppose to think yo all are gangsta shit that’s dead, you all most be wayne FANS, anyhow DJ KHALED fat piece of shit get on a car and drive to fucking detroit and ask for eminem bitch dumbfucks!

  41. But um says:

    @Rome LMAO!! Right!!Next blackout on this nigga B.Dot

  42. Na99afromthaHoodRat says:

    BITCHES HATING ON EMINEM FUCK YOU ALL FAKE HOODs go fuck an ice cream stand

  43. ntd2010 says:

    @ B.Dot , not everyone actually brokers business deals through there twitter page, I doubt he even uses it personally….just sayin!

    How does Khaled even make any money off his albums? there’s 200 features , & they don’t work for free……he puts out mixtape albums to stay half way relevant.

  44. jacob says:

    I love comming onto this site and hear “real niggas” preach about the “hood”, Talking bullshit on their 1000 dollar laptops how life is so hard, and Eminem isnt sucessful because his music doesnt relate to their “tough” little lives of living rent free with their mommas.
    You think you have it tough, try telling your sob stories to Africans, pakistinians, cancer sufferers…. etc.
    i could go on but im not wasting my time on you.

  45. FuckYOUNGMONEY says:

    Dj crap want to collabarate with Eminem lol

    name of the track:

    the REAL DJ ft. Dr Dre, Ice Cube, Eminem, Akon, Lil Wayne, his pussy, Wierd Al, Dj quick, Game
    Running Time: 3:02
    am the real dj x100
    (Name Rapper) in da house x3

    end of the song

  46. FUCK IT says:

    Why the hell would em want to work with someone with no talent. This nigga doesn’t rap, write or produce shit. All he does is shout stupid shit and put his name on the record, then everybody assumes he is responsible for great hood anthems. Assembling a great roster doesn’t merit a deal with any record company.

  47. Poindexter says:

    that will never happen

  48. Metal165 says:

    2 million ppl “fucks” w/ recovery alone so……

  49. serpentor says:

    for the record, i don’t count as one of them “people”…..

    ps: nothing last forever.

  50. smh says:

    “people wanna make this happen” ….*newsflash* no-one wants YOU!!!!!!

  51. lol@niggers says:

    Dear niggers,

    You can keep the hood. Nobody gives a fuck that you hood rats are STILL listening to pac and biggie, the rest of the world could give a fuck. The hood is a joke, there is nothing cool about the “hood”. Keep it.

    The rest of the world will enjoy good music and push your “hood” rappers aside, we don’t need em. Have fun listening to songs about money cars and bitches for the rest of your life you unimaginative fucks.

  52. thisisravenstwn says:

    I’m not gonna be a Em fan anymore if he get on that shit

  53. HOOD says:

    u fuckin retards on here talkin about the hood don’t fuck with Eminem, the hood don’t even buy records they all broke in the hood

  54. mokh says:

    i fuckin haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate dj khaled…
    like @50cent said: you should’ve, go ‘head take your belt off and hang yourself, matter of fact grab your strap and bang yourself,
    don’t like ur fuckin music… u’r waaack, u can’t rap and u don’t produce…wtf???
    and then u come out with albums… go fuck urself u lil virus… u SHOULD BE CALLLED dj khaled aka VIH
    you and ur lil band of homos “we da best fa-eva” WTFFFFF?!
    objectively speakin, i must say that music is an art and u’r definitely not an artist so pleaz don’t take too long to dissapear! 🙂

  55. Belize says:

    LMAO My nigga Eminem ain’t gon answer him cuz the only wack person he worked with was Gayne (who is populkeep him “still hot” ) and he knows Gayne is wack so they won’t work together again (thank God) and he won’t work with Khaled cuz Khaled want money and a lotta Stans will ditch him.

  56. Bytchassbytch says:

    Ay Khalad I Voluteer at the YMCA in the Crenshaw district of L.A., Guess wat you f-ckin dope, since Recovery came out, Mr Porter’s On Fire, and Seduction, CWB, No Love, Havoc’s Untitled track, and even WBD (a few times) have all been heard ridin in da HOOD! The first 2 are the ones I hear regularly b-tch! You can’t get any more hood than Crenshaw idiot!

  57. Shady310 says:

    lol the haters hating but they don’t realize that they’re giving Eminem more promo with 60+ comments.

    and Em is prolly at home going “aaah fuck, now this guy!?”
    Khaled is the worst muthafuckin “whatever he is” to ever appear on T.V.
    along with wayne, gucci, waka etc..

    there’s a possibility it can happen, now that Em is willing to work with everyone.
    FUCK IT, theres a chance he might get on soulja boy’s album! SMFH
    but no matter what….SHADY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anybody you can think of Today

  58. Word says:

    I hear Seduction and No Love in the hood all the time. Niggas fucks with both songs. On Fire BANGS! And CWB is a banger too. Havocs track (Here We Go) go hard too..niggas keep saying Recovery was too soft but its a alot of bangers on there, I dont get it.

  59. JNoh says:

    please fuck no the request eminem khaled sucks dick he makes music with the dumbest and wackest rappers today all of dirty money have u heard remix and watch the video for all i do is win they look fucking retarded and their lyrics are terrible

  60. lily Russell says:

    Um Bytchassbytch, u gettin the comments confused with Khalad, he neva said anything about the hood. The commentors did. Khalad said “the people” want this to happen… and he don’t know what the hell he’s talking about. I don’t know of anyone saying Eminem needs/should to get on his beats! I’ve neva even heard the two mentioned in the same sentence! He needs to just speak for himself! He’s reaching desperately. Eminem has homies all over twitter, Mr Porter, Royce, Kuniva, Swifty, Bizarre, they all participate in the hip hop community, and likely keep they ears to ground for him, cuz they got his back. I’m sure He knows the guy wants to work wit him, and if all khalad is hearing in return is crickets then he needs to just accept thats his answer!

    But you right, I volunteer at the one in downtown, I hear brotha’s ridin those same tracks, with the exception of WBD, i’ve neva heard that one.. But It’s not really a ridin track.. mostly On Fire Seduction No Love and CWB

  61. Errol says:

    Wonder how long it took him to come up with that album title

  62. RECOVERY says:

    lol @ khaled thinking he actually has a chance of getting Em on his project. LOL! Em only works with people that are actually producing original material. Fuck this khaled faggot.

  63. RECOVERY says:

    @Errol hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    smh @ Khaled’s lack of everything associated with creativity.

  64. Tay Holland says:

    @WORD LISTEN. Unless this “ANTHEM” is gonna include Jay, Nas, Andre, TI, Talib, Lupe, Cole or any combo of these niggas, alongside Eminem (Jay, Nas, Em, Andre, Talib, Cole is my ideal collab) this shit shouldnt happen.

    Add Royce Da 5′ 9″ and Maybe Wayne if he can stop flowin like he high, (I could do w/out Talib and Cole) and to that would be THE SICKEST ALBUM in history of Albums!

  65. ESCO says:





  66. Mr Xclusive says:

    why is every comment on this site hating/or talking shit?

  67. Ripper says:

    @ Big Chump,

    So u say Em is the best… Okay!!! If B.I.G. or Pac was still here would u still think the same… Hell, let’s bring back the old LL Cool J or Big Daddy Kane… Them cats spit some g=hard shit. Em is a good emcee but he is not the greatest… I dont want to hear any shit about killing your girlfriend or fucking your moms that what Em was known to rap about in the past. Em is the greatest ever? GTFOH!!!!! U must be about 12 years of age… Shut up u little bitch!

  68. Android says:

    y r ppl catchn feelngs. Nobody said ‘street’ music hd to b niggnorant(so icey boi doesnt count)nd coonish. Street shit to me is jst RAW! Love the way u lie n shit is not raw! Ths shit started in the streets nt in Jimmy iovine or Tommy mattola’s office. Nt on mtv. These z100 hit chasing clowns cn keep makn tht foolish shit. We want street bangers. Oh ,Nas, killmatic coming soon!

  69. imeafk says:

    I hope we dont see that collab. I m very negative about khaled productions. But i was negative with jim jonsins too and then Space Bound came.. i dont know…

  70. ???? still best rite now!! says:

    ” the hood is not a place, its a mind state” Lil B

  71. KING. H says:

    LMAO @ DJ KHALED!!!!



    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


  72. Jordan says:

    Khaled’s a good dude. niggas need to stop hatin on him. Ross gon have to apologise to Eminem for disrespecting him

  73. So Icy Boi! says:

    @???? still best rite now! ..any nigga dat quote Lil B is retarded

  74. So Icy Boi! says:

    @Word where u live at?

  75. ???? still best rite now!! says:

    @So Icy boi!

    lmao!!!……take the message homie (not da messenger)

  76. dmc says:

    there’s a reason why he cant contact Em.

  77. So Icy Boi! says:

    @???? still best rite now!! …hahai feel u you …but da hood aint no mind state ..killin, robin, shootings, real aint no mind state …but every hood aint bad

  78. Evanflo says:

    Em will never do a song with this faggot. We DA Best!!?? you’ve been claiming that shit and you and every motherfucker who hears your shit knows he’s NOT. EM’s the Best, maybe thats why he needs him on this album. DON”T DO IT EM.

  79. westcoast says:

    hh in dream

    WE THE BEST!!!!!

  80. IrelandRepresents says:

    @ B.Dot

    Maybe he should try Twitter: @Eminem.

    Maybe you should stop giving him ideas.

  81. D says:

    honest 2 god MTV are SO fukin wack

  82. jeeeeeezzer says:

    Is gucci on dis??? can’t have an acclaimed ‘all stars’ album widout tha best in tha game son smh…

  83. mmkayy says:

    Em betta do a track w/ Nas before he shud even consider doin one w/ Khaled lol

  84. jeeeeeezzer says:

    @mmkayy he’d nevah dare, nas would murda marshmellow on tha same track, he juss too real in comparison. sure tha young bitches would say ’em killed it cus he do all dat funny wordplay n shit’, but nas a real nigga, he rap real sht…

  85. Word says:

    @So Icy Boi


  86. devon prada says:

    cosign the hood dont bump no eminem.

  87. Gordon B. says:

    All hope is truly lost if he pairs up with this garbage ass motherfucker.

  88. devon prada says:

    yuall talkin bout eminem is the goat . he aint even got an anthem song that everybody cud relate to . smh .

  89. But um says:

    @devon prada Yeah he’s just got WORLD songs that people in japan and austraiia can relate to. And if you can relate to what Ross talks about you are rich as a motherfucker cause he talks about jewels drugs and rims……

  90. Antoine Dodson says:

    I’m burned out on Recovery, either i’m bumpin’ it or some dude is bumping it from their car.
    Everywhere you go, you will here it! The hood or where ever the fuck you are, you’re gonna hear it.

    Anyways fuck Khaled. You can keep prayin’ nigga but shit ain’t gonna happen. Ross even wanted to work with him, Em ain’t gonna do that, why would he bring success to someone that’s undeserving of it?

  91. he said “I DESERVE IT” hahahaha

    anyway, click my name for the latest marijuana news.

    Peace & Green

  92. rap radar= hater heaven says:

    How do you people know what eminem is gonna do..i hope he does it so the stans can start crying

  93. CARRISI says:

    this would be $ick, em’s flow would tear a khaled beat, im betting this will happen as em is popping up everywhere at the minute!!!! im still betting jay and em have a song in the works????

  94. ???? still best rite now!! says:

    yea Khaled does claim to “do it 4 the streets, 4 the ghettos.” And im from one of the grimiest hoods in the US & Em rarely gets play (cept 4 me)

    but Khaled has made some hot shit with Kanye (” Go hard” & “Grammy family”)

    another artist that gets “no play” in the hood

  95. Word says:


    Ohh, so your the spokesperson for every hood in America? GTFOH

  96. Just saying,, says:

    Funny thing is the people in “the hood” usually don’t even buy the real album so why complain about something you’ll get free?

  97. killyou says:

    God damn theres so many shady haters on this bitchhh

  98. chickachickaberrnerr says:

    didn’t khaled already make a mixtape using a bunch of Em’s older stuff?

    lol. dude called it king mathers.
    hop off his dick

  99. Baby of Stan says:

    In the words of Eminem “Look at these rappers how I treat ’em so why the FUCK should I join ’em when i beat ’em?”

  100. MidNite! says:

    To the haters who really hate on facts!Em=G.O.A.T!!!Im love Kane,LL,etc.But,Em is that dude!!!Sorry,except it already and move on!!!!SHADYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  101. notorious says:

    stop complaining on what kahld suggest to do

  102. t says:

    fuck khald em raps 4 the lov ef the game

  103. […] month later, Khaled still wants his man. For a third time, he makes his pitch to work with Eminem. He says he ‘s been saving a beat for him and […]

  104. […] months later, Khaled still wants his man. For a third time, he makes his pitch to work with Eminem. He says he’s been saving a beat for him and […]

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