1. Word says:

    I forgot this nigga existed

  2. erik says:

    ripped it better than Wiz, biting Kanye’s flow though

  3. nastyN says:

    *I forgot this nigga existed*


    but this was nice

  4. Android says:

    this dude stil around? He isnt one of th chosen ones frm th freshman 10. Put the mic down.

  5. NuJew says:

    Anything is better than the overrated Wiz Khalifa.

  6. ETHUG says:

    that ghostbuster punch should allow his a&r to void his deal

  7. Android says:

    @nu’JEW’__Taylor Gang or get in a delorean nd land in auschwitz.

  8. Flim Flam says:

    This dude is sorry as hell….and everybody in ATL knows that he is on the downlow. He didn’t do a good job of keeping his gay moves on the low is what I’m sayin. I personally know a nigga that sells kush and used to fuck with Donnis on some gay shit.

  9. HK says:

    @erik dude biting Kanye’s whole swag, lol

  10. Los says:

    @android u kidding me… dood shoulda been on top ten before half of those fuckers… especially o.j. #theacadamey

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