1. Can says:

    Is this still that busted ass demo of it? I’d really really really rather just watch the performance again.

  2. Young Mo Fo says:

    Good shit Kanye, album better be dope!

  3. Fuck Flex says:


  4. Young Mo Fo says:

    BTW, I hear that this is not the final version. Just the actual raw song for performance and sh*t.

  5. nick2bbury says:

    it’s officiallll, kanye is the best ARTIST alive today, whos better? Nobodyyy. 4 classic albums, a 5th on the way. This man neverrr disappointsss

  6. Taylor Swift says:

    This song is trash.

  7. Moreno6790 says:

    the way those drums come in… kills me everytime. so sick.

  8. Dozez says:

    beat is on some next shit…

  9. lmao@Fuck Flex…. Makes sense now why I didn’t hear the audio stabs like yesterday. That had to be the best VMAs performance that year, plus that “Alright I forgive you, quit tweeting and blogging on me, damn Ye!” love song by Taylor. Shit was real nice. Plus Chelsea getting knocked up via hot tub.

  10. Taylor Swift says:

    nick2bbury says:
    Monday, September 13 2010 at 10:54 PM EST
    it’s officiallll, kanye is the best ARTIST alive today, whos better? Nobodyyy. 4 classic albums, a 5th on the way. This man neverrr disappointsss


    Shut the fuck up Consequence. And learn how to spell.

    When I drop my next album, I’m going to donate all of my first week sales to you so you can get your teeth fixed and move out of Kanye’s guest room.

  11. rAND says:

    I need the live version tho.

  12. UltraKid says:

    This is unfinished….and I see the haters hate to see Kanye winning again…

  13. WOrdes says:

    well nick2bbury is hype…

  14. microhaxo says:

    Wow BEAT is insane.

  15. nick2bbury says:

    @Taylor Swift

    sorry I didn’t write the comment with a country accent so your bitch ass can understand. I’m 100% sure all of my grammar is correct in that statement, except for where I add extra letters onto words for EMPHASISSS, moron.

  16. FackAHater says:

    I’m feeling this track

  17. @pyrothatnig says:

    Lets have a toast for the douchebags!! lol

  18. @pyrothatnig says:

    Pusha killed this track!

  19. Word says:


    I think you meant 3 classic albums bruh…808s is not a classic…for any genre

  20. 808 is the reason Em and Jay turned gay for the Lil Wayne, Drake and Cudi cakes….

    it’s a classic.

  21. nick2bbury says:


    idk about all that, I for one thought it was a pretty groundbreaking experiment. Like when weezy experimented and did rock, the shit sucked, but KanYe sings and has the most raw emotional beats on every one of those songs. You better believe when I broke up with my girl I was bumpinnn 808s, shits classic

  22. Briana says:

    Kanye is my favorite artist but 808s is defnitely not a classic. Love this song though!

  23. Bloopers says:

    I wish Y’all would of said it was unfinished before I listened and smfh at flex for leaking the shit so he can get some hits know damn well this shit ain’t finished lol cmon man

  24. PTownWah says:

    The concept is actually genius… the singing is ehhhhh, the beat could use some horns!

  25. UltraKid says:

    Yes it is….808’s=Kid Cudi & Drake’s career…plus it even inspired Lil’ Wayne to make that horrible Rock album…

  26. nick2bbury says:

    oh yeah and on anotherr note, releasing unfished, not CDQ songs is just whackkk. I hate that shit, I hope this G.O.O.D friday this finished song is put outtt.

  27. Pat says:

    I think I have those same kicks =]

  28. microhaxo says:

    I liked pusha t more at the live show, had more passion.

  29. jpilk293 says:

    this beat kills me, its just too good

  30. the other mike says:

    Yeah this for sure isn’t the mixed and mastered version the quality is ass.

  31. Word says:

    @nick2bbury and @Ultrakid

    The concept was good. The production was well done. But the actual singing? Didnt enjoy it. I dont enjoy Auto-Tune, you guys do, but not me. Wayne used Auto-Tune and you guys hated it, but Kanye does it and its groundbreaking? They both cant sing so whats the difference? It was not a classic sorry to say. And good luck finding 10 non biased fans that will agree with you. I wish you guys would search for deeper meanins to stuff with ALL artists instead of just Kanye.

  32. WILLPOWER says:


  33. RR says:

    @yo yo…..lovin the track

  34. RR says:

    kanye track is also good, but i agree…..unfinished

  35. B says:

    The song cant be done yet.. But its still dope. Pusha killed it.

  36. Kanye is putting out some incredible music. Point Blank

    The Music Majors
    Music Production @ BUYBEATSTODAY .COM

  37. the beat made me do it says:

    STILL OVERRATED… shit is just kinda ok.. nothing memorable to see here folks.. keep it moving.

    Think Ye’ done lost his mojo alittle bit.. he need to spend more time in the studio and less time worryin about being an asshole.

    This nigga been goin downhill since College Dropout. Go get yo back pack Kanye.. and get back to the shit that made you nigga.

    fuck all you haters… don’t even speak to me fuckboys.. I don’t wanna hear how Ye is the greatest.. and i’m wrong etc.. just suck a cock and stay off my nuts.

    have a good day. lol

  38. yo yo says:

    @ RR
    good looks boss tryin to bring that heat while keepin it relatable ya know…………any one else wanna hit me with some feedback???

  39. HORUZ HAS NO LIFE says:

    lets have to toast for the douchbags,lets have a toast for the assholes *Horuz* and *the beat made me do it* and taylor swiffer

    yah the song is not masterd

  40. bgirl says:

    Toast to the douchebags? Oh lord, these jokes write themselves. Come on son.

  41. j says:

    @ wow im actually impressed. keep after the dream

  42. Yooo says:

    I like the song. Dont like Pusha T’s verse much though

  43. P says:

    The nigga ‘Ye has made a living out of sampling Dre’s, Pete Rock’s and Dilla’s drums. These drums are the same as the intro on Pete Rock and CL Smooth’s “The Basement.” What’s the original sample?

    ‘Ye, leave the singing to John Legend.

  44. UltraKid says:

    He’s only sampled Dre’s drums once and he’s never sampled Pete Rock{until now} or Dilla…oh and yes Hip Hop is all about sampling so it wouldn’t matter if he did…

  45. Arab says:

    Smooth killer beat hot fire kwest killed it pusha t as well keep G O O D music alive sonn

  46. TheChosenOne says:

    @yo yo Good shit. Keep it up bruh. You got talent.

  47. westcoast says:

    :(((( RED GAY FISH
    kanye is over now only auto tune bullshit

  48. red says:

    @ ultrakid…. kanye himself admitted in different interviews that he has sampled pete rock’s drums… so shhhhhhh please

  49. HORUZ says:









    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


  50. JemGQ says:

    Runaway – Lyrics


    And I always find, yeah, I always find something wrong
    You been putting up with my sh– just way too long
    I’m so gifted at finding what I don’t like the most
    So I think its time for us to have a toast

    Let’s have a toast for the douche bags!
    Let’s have a toast for the a–holes!
    Let’s have a toast for the scumbags!
    Every one of them that I know
    Let’s have a toast for the jerk-offs
    That’ll never take work off
    Baby, I got a plan
    Run away fast as you can

    She find pictures in my e-mail
    I sent this girl a picture of my, d–k
    I don’t know what it is with females
    But I’m not too good with that, sh-t
    See, I could have me a good girl
    And still be addicted to them hood rats
    And I just blame everything on you
    At least you know that’s what I’m good at

    See, I always find
    And I always find
    Yeah, I always find something wrong
    You been putting up with my sh– just way too long
    I’m so gifted at finding what I don’t like the most
    So I think it’s time for us to have a toast

    Let’s have a toast for the douche bags!
    Let’s have a toast for the a–holes!
    Let’s have a toast for the scumbags!
    Every one of them that I know
    Let’s have a toast for the jerk-offs
    That’ll never take work off
    Baby, I got a plan
    Run away fast as you can

    R-r-ru-ru-ru-run away
    Run away from me, baby
    (Look at, look at, look at, look at you)
    Run away from me, baby
    (Look at you, look at you, look at you)
    Run away
    Run away from me, baby

    (Pusha T)

    24/7, 365, Jenny stays on my mind
    I-I-I-I did it, all right, all right, I admit it
    Now pick your best move, you could leave or live with it
    Ichabod Crane with that Lamborghini top off
    Split and go where? Back to wearing knockoffs, huh?
    Knock it off, Neimans, shop it off
    Let’s talk over mai tais, waitress, top it off
    (Mother——s) Wanna fly in your Freddy loafers
    You can’t blame ‘em, they ain’t never seen Versace sofas
    Every bag, every blouse, every bracelet
    Comes with a price tag, baby, face it
    You should leave if you can’t accept the basics
    Plenty bitches in the baller-players’ matrix
    Invisibly set, the Rolex is faceless
    I’m just young, rich and tasteless


    Oh, I haven’t f—ed up in so long
    You been putting up with my sh– just way too long
    I’m so gifted at finding what I don’t like the most
    So I think it’s time for us to have a toast
    (Ladies and gentlemen!)
    Yeah, I always find something so wrong
    You been putting up with my sh– just way too long
    I’m so gifted at finding what I don’t like the most
    So I think it’s time for us to have a toast

    Let’s have a toast for the douche bags!
    Let’s have a toast for the a–holes!
    Let’s have a toast for the scumbags!
    Every one of them that I know
    Let’s have a toast for the jerk-offs
    That’ll never take work off
    Baby, I got a plan
    Run away fast as you can

  51. kronik ogara says:

    he shud drop the finishd version 4 this on friday and banks shud du the same wit that -dont deserve u joint

  52. GG says:

    FUck what ya heard, its not in Kanyes blood to put out ANY bullshit. This is raw, every single GOOD friday song has been RAW, every fucking album has been classic. and if your going to argue 808’s is not, then it was groundbreaking, inspirational, and influential. NOBODY besides Nas in my book can touch what Kanye has been doing recently man. hes shitting on EVERYONE

  53. teejay says:

    Download link?

    And oddly enough, I wouldn’t have minded autotune on this one. If only because I just heard the alternative.

  54. Frontrunner says:

    Song dope. 808 Classic.

  55. killakev92 says:

    so happy they cut autotune part off

  56. TheGorilla30 says:

    this cant be the Official, theres no autotune at the end an its clearly unfinished

  57. GTFO says:

    The whole 808 album sounded un-mastered.. So how you know Kanye doesn’t want it to sound like this? People always act like they know everything. SO WHAT,

  58. Mr X says:

    He On Some Stanley Kubrick shit!!

  59. Haze SHK says:

    Don’t know about the lame niggas, but I like the song tagged up with the Kanye libs….for real.

  60. supppppppppp says:

    I don’t really give a shit about this song, I thought he was gonna take it to a different place. But, someone needs to get a hold of an instrumental version and holla, this beat is on some next shit

  61. CLARK says:

    Ye Self-deprecating on his first single back = good look

  62. yeyeyeye says:

    I hope the final version is heavy with that synth in the background. just dark as shit. it makes it so much better.

  63. Belize says:

    Twice the artist Taylor will ever be.
    This reight here proves it.

  64. […] fashion show earlier today, Mr. West tells NY Mag that his upcoming visual he shot in Prague for “Runaway” will be 40 minutes long and gives the concept behind it. Motion picture shit. “I’m […]

  65. bayarealegend says:






  66. koa29 says:

    .808′s=Kid Cudi & Drake’s career

    nah dude… CuDi HEAVILY influenced 808s & heartbreak. That whole style was inspired by Cudi…

    MOTM > 808s & heartbreak

    the beats on 808s are better, but Cudi pulled the concept off way better than ‘Ye did…

  67. […] Yup over the “Runaway” track. Can hear more […]

  68. Illuminati says:

    i see you all like Ye’s song, what about his performance? was it mind controlling?!?!

  69. J-Clem says:

    I wish he could of done all of 808’s singing like this….

  70. […] the latest addition to the G.O.O.D. Music Family, he spoke with VIBE on the VMAs and his verse on “Runaway”. “Runaway” seemed to get a lot of love from the crowd. I heard plenty of people bumping […]

  71. […] Appalled (feat. Jay-Z, Pusha T, Prynce Cy Hi, Swizz Beatz & The RZA) 7. Devil In a New Dress 8. Runaway (feat. Pusha T) 9. Hell of a Life 10. Blame Game (feat. John Legend & Pusha T) 11. Lost In the World 12. See Me […]

  72. […] (feat. Jay-Z, Pusha T, Prynce Cy Hi, Swizz Beatz & The RZA) 7. Devil In a New Dress 8. Runaway (feat. Pusha T) 9. Hell of a Life 10. Blame Game (feat. John Legend & Pusha T) 11. Lost In the World 12. See Me […]

  73. […] Appalled (feat. Jay-Z, Pusha T, Prynce Cy Hi, Swizz Beatz & The RZA) 7. Devil In a New Dress 8. Runaway (feat. Pusha T) 9. Hell of a Life10. Blame Game (feat. John Legend & Pusha T) 11. Lost In the World 12. See Me […]

  74. […] (feat. Jay-Z, Pusha T, Prynce Cy Hi, Swizz Beatz & The RZA) 7. Devil In a New Dress 8. Runaway (feat. Pusha T) 9. Hell of a Life 10. Blame Game (feat. John Legend & Pusha T) 11. Lost In the World 12. See Me […]

  75. […] Listen to Kanye West, featuring Pusha T, “Runaway” here PreviousNeedle In The Haystack Presents: Lucy Bland NextPreview Fantasia For Real Season […]

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