1. money mitch says:

    thats mad retweets

  2. Cory says:

    somebody please explain to me why this man is famous. surely it’s not due to talent

  3. xtrajordinary says:

    fucking maino???

    where my g.o.o.d. friday at?

  4. Belize says:

    Poor dude tryna get over the fact his fans left him.

  5. Android says:

    Maino had fans? Hw? He sucks. Reply to that.

  6. cvz1 says:

    maino better than waka gucci and soulja atleast he raps about real shit

  7. jizzle says:

    Yo, Maino is the realest in the game right now. FUckin haters everywhere, this is a street dude

  8. Mike B says:

    I been bettin on since I heard The Hand of God Main.

    Oh and Maino has raw talent faggots

  9. jdot says:

    Instead of doing retweets, get in the studio and make some music.

  10. sway-z says:

    Fuck that, I got love for Maino, I can’t mess with all his music, but he a real nigga, and not real in the fucking “rapper” way, but real in the sense that he’s appreciative to even be in the game.

    A lot of these corny ass niggas wouldn’t even exist if they had to come up when Big & Pac was running around. Maino acknowledges the opportunity, and he grinded to get where he at, forget music, as a man period, how could you not respect that?

  11. Drucifer says:

    I dont like his music but dude seems like the kinda guy you could yell and scream at and the only kind of reaction he’d have is to laugh at you. I dont think the negativity gets to him, and I respect that

  12. […] Previously: Maino Explains Embracing The Hate […]

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