1. Ac@pella! says:

    Yep…Gayle be fuckin these rappers. Her and Oprah been in comp since Jay-Z last year. Lmao! j/k

  2. Reminder says:

    He reminds me of a flo-rida in another life. Or is it just ME.

  3. Ac@pella! says:


    Naw, Flo Rida should remind u of him. He took Nelly’s whole lane while he was gone. Flo Rida is a merge between (sad 2 say this, but) Petey Pablo and Nelly. Lmao! Fucked up, but tha truth.

  4. KobeWanKenobi says:

    Safe to say no one in hip hop cares

  5. Belize says:

    Wow why does Gayle King have a show again? Cuz she buds wit Oprah?

  6. MHarstad says:

    So this is relevent but none of the new Em shit is?

  7. Doe Money says:

    Gayle king is a MILF.

  8. Vibrant Thang says:

    Big ups Nelly. I really like ur album and I support it..

  9. dani says:

    [i’m a girl…]

    nelly looks SUPER gay.

    sorry. but u do.

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