Ja Rule To Serve Two Years In Jail

Ja Rule finally had his day in court this morning to answer to his 2007 gun charge. He faced four years in prison, but according to MTV’s Jayson Rodriguez, he copped a plea deal of two years. Moments after, Ja tweeted the following:

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  1. mr.zee says:

    finding a photo with him holding up 2 fingers is genius.

  2. amazinace says:


  3. Yousef(LilWayneSucks) says:


  4. Shawn says:

    A plea for 2yrs? Why didn’t he get Waynes lawyer on the phone? Dude did 8mos?

  5. TVA says:

    @Shawn Rule ain’t got Weezy money or popularity. His pull only good for a 2 year plea deal.

  6. Alas says:

    yaay that means a new album is on the way (not really excited…at all)

  7. llll says:

    LOL, that picture is just well-put!

  8. Word says:

    Fuck Waynes lawyers, nigga need TIs lawyers. I dunno how TI went from like 30 years to 8 months the first time. But nobody give a fuck about Ja anyway its the sad truth. If he go to jail for two years who even gonna notice? Shit, for the last few years he been MIA kinda sorta anyway. And he aint making no music (good music) for the fans, so why should we care?

    Dont drop the soap!

  9. Shawn says:

    TVA.. Bro for my freedom I’m not pulling any punches. If you gotta sell Jewlery, cars whatever.. Ja had 5yr run. He made a nice piece of change..
    But hey man. You gotta pay the piper. Good luck Bro. And Hold ya head. Ain’t none of them inmates your friends.

  10. […] This is EbenGregory.com…telling you I got that perfect picture of Ja saying bye from RapRadar.com. […]

  11. dashing says:

    Damn. 2 years. That’s rough. Especially thinking about how big he was at the time he was on top, going multi platinum multiple times. How quickly we forget. Yeah, the music got a little corny after awhile but still….fans of hip hop shouldn’t be happy about this. He’s still one of our own. Bet there’ll be mad jokes though.

  12. StudioThug2010 says:

    Well it at least it will get the street cred he didn’t have lol!

  13. Slobodan says:

    damn shame :/
    He played his role good, don’t know why people hate.

  14. Ac@pella! says:

    Daaaaaaaammmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnn homie…smh…

  15. iloveM.I.A. says:

    2 years…for just a dam gun…Wonders if it came back dirty


  16. Shawn says:

    @Word.. TI is in Georgia. And may not be able to practice in NY. Buy Waynes lawyer is.. That’s the point.
    And Damn Homey.. That’s a dude with a family. Wife, kids.. and because he’s not making “good music” you don’t give a fuck??? WOW.
    I could careless about his music then, and now. But a dude is really going to jail because he carried a gun really for protection.. No reckless behavior. He didn’t shoot in a club or shoot himself.. He shouldve been smarter.. But not give a fuck about a Dude because his music ain’t good? Damn SMH…

  17. B.Dot says:

    He played his role good, don’t know why people hate.

  18. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    NYC dont play with its gun laws. Prodigy is doing 3 and a half yrs. Plaxico doing 2 yrs. If u toting a gun without the proper papers your F–KED !

  19. ronnie_moe says:

    Damn. That’s fucked up. Hold ya head, Ja!!!

  20. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    Dude carrying guns likes its the wild west SMH.

  21. ZoomZoom says:


  22. Sin says:

    The fucked up part is him and wayne got arrested the same time on the same day in the same place

  23. Certifiedone says:

    I will see him, and I will Jet Li his ass, waaaataaaaahhh.


  24. P.A.T. says:

    Damn, Ja’s about to do some time. Shit’s crazy out here. Niggas gotta stop ridin’ around hot. That hot boy shit gives these crooked cops a reason to keep lockin’ us up. I wouldn’t wish time on any man. 50 probably goin’ to laughin’ his ass off.

    I hope Ja get probation or some shit, but this situation is lookin’ bleak. Real talk. I might have to put crooked ass cops on my Top 10 Worst Types of People list. SMH.


  25. ODC says:

    “He played his role good, don’t know why people hate.”
    cause 50 said so. It’s called influence and power.
    that part of the game some don’t get.

  26. teejay says:

    Yeah, Ja played his role well, but he didn’t bow out gracefully. Towards the end he tried to be something he desperately wasn’t, and that’s what did him in in my eyes.

  27. KiLLA InC. says:

    Em must be laughing his ass off. What now nigga? Yeah, you gonna get ass raped fo two cold long years you stupid fuck.!!!


  28. i don’t wish that on no man, but karma is a bitch he’s always talking gangster and street shit and he’s not even built like that… he wanted to be viewed in that light so bad that he even bank rolled a real og gangster and started to think he was one and he can go around wit a ganster attitude cause of who he was rolling with and that caused a rift with another rapper who don’t back down no matter who your rolling with…. and that caused the other rapper to almost getting killed… so i mean you wanna live like that cause deep down you know your not built like that and you don’t wanna be called a soft sucker.. that’s usually were you end up.. they were doing fine before they started getting extorted by real street niggas thats were all there problems started.. trying to act hard by hanging with cats that they cant at the end of the day really hang with.. they got nothing out of chilling with certain people except headaches……..

  29. MAYHEM says:


    Don’t drop the soap!

  30. @kingofphilly81 says:

    Killa Inc. Shut the fuck up dumbass e thug and get off em dick. I hate haters! Ja haven’t been poppin for awhile but you just a dick head with ya gay ass comments!

  31. Fuck Ya Life says:

    I guess he’ll have a new excuse why his next album won’t be coming out for a while.


    50 Cent dissed Ja kids before, this has nothing to do with god leaving him for dissing that lil girl. Ja was just stupid.

  32. ROSEWOOD says:

    Who the fuck cares anyway….has been doin dumb shit….bettr beg 50 for a j o b cuz nigga u cant live in here w/o no job….smh…silly rabbit

  33. D-manded says:

    Meanwhile…in a studio detroit…mr marshall mathers pops open a bottle and celebrates or a red bull should i say HAHA *50 LAUGH*

  34. Sincere973 says:




  35. Suge Knight says:

    It’s not so bad, he can finally be like his idol Pac, he already has the cross tattooed on his back. Next move : Vegas !!! Hurry up Ja !!

  36. Word says:


    If they dont put their wives, kids, and families into consideration before they do dumb stuff, then im just gonna assume they dont care. So I dont either.

  37. ZoomZoom says:


  38. Scoville says:

    always on time?

  39. SHADY says:

    2 Years!?
    thats not Enough! give the nigga 2 MORE years!!! to get away from his horrible music, and we all know all these jail times are just a bunch of fakes & publicity stunts…

  40. ZoomZoom's Mother says:

    HEYYY!! what the fuck did I say about blogging!? your grounded Mister!! get over here to massage my feet!!!! and No Tv for a Month!!! and No computer during the night time, I know what you’re doing up there!!!!

  41. Citylivin' says:

    don’t act like y’all give a fuck now that he going to jail…..just talk shit about him like y’all usually do.

  42. I wouldn’t call myself a Ja Rule fan, but I hate to hear of anyone getting separated from their family for some years.

  43. mmkayy says:

    @B.Dot cos rap fans are fickle

  44. ihatehaters says:

    WOW, i feel sorry for him

    and eminem stans need to stfu !

  45. Stan says:

    2 years in jail for Ja Rule for 1 gun charge,holy shit.
    EM got 2 years probation for 2 gun charges

  46. Ja rules asshole says:

    This is gonna be a rough two years smh.

  47. nonfixion says:

    VVV is a classic, I can’t forget my nigga Ja, damn…

    Ja rule > 50 cent

  48. Freddy Long says:

    damn i was never Ja Rule after his verse on “Can I Get A…” and I swear Jay wrote that verse. Listen to the flow but anyways…I been to jail twice both events not over 24 hrs and I hate it with a passion. There are a lot people who deserve to be in there but Jeffery isn’t one of them. I hope this isn’t a credibility ploy.

  49. Freddy Long says:

    *never a ja rule fan

  50. tubetrain says:

    Dude wanted it…so THERE you got it gangster! ..old ass wanna be dmx, pac ish, fifty killed u.. Tryna be on some god shit , call irv now see what he can do?

  51. kendra says:

    oh will he needed to stop talking about 50 so much cause when 50 stopped talking about him…he started it up again that is why it don,t pay to about others when u are not doing good urselve….

  52. zamuz says:

    a 2-year sentence is a ‘minor setback’? dude’s a fucking moron. hope they learn him a lesson or two in there so he realizes how serious this shit is.

  53. ACID-KO says:


    The first words he will hear from his cell mate. Hahahahahahaha! shit’s hilarious. fuck this shit, imma celebrate nigga.


  54. Damn Homie says:

    he gonna be just like he was in that video tryin to get on the phone at jail… whhhheeereeeee we woooulldd I be without youuuuuuu..” lol

    Ain’t no comeback Ja.. you waited to long.. you had to come hard right when the 50 cent was going on.. and just be relentless.. instead you laid low.. and now you to late.. niggas will never again accept you.

    You might as well be MC Hammer… sad nigga… you was really doin it back in the day.

    Irony… 50 turned into what he claim Ja was.. and now the nigga ain’t doing shit bc he started doin the same kind of music…. better be glad he hit that Vitamin water lucky pick.

  55. Hahaha says:

    ooh Little Ja-Ja.
    when he comes out his new name will be CupCake.

  56. Belize says:

    Ha! That’s what you get! 50’s prolly laughing!

  57. Word says:

    Yo 50 already talking shit on Twitter lmao


  58. Post no billz says:

    For some reason this reminds me of that god awful song and video were rule was locked up..

  59. Belize says:

    Never wish jail on nobody tho. But hey…it’s called Karma.
    And maybe he’ll be released early.

  60. bldngblck says:

    damn, him and fifty goin’ back and forth on twitter

  61. powerful says:

    hold your head ja. This is the part of the game that these white eminem stans have never had the opportunity to deal with so they get online with they lame asses and type weak shit. No real street guy wishes the pen on another man. Only lame ass white people and wanna be white square ass suburbanite black folks do. REAL LIFE, YOUR ENTERTAINMENT!!!!

  62. Itz Yourz says:

    I tell you one thing I rather two than three. Prodigy got three for the same shit, wayne got 8 mths for the same shit and ja and him were both cought on the same night with that charge after the show they did where wayne got up on staged and bashed tghe biggest gang in new york…the police. Just go to show when you are still a hot celebrity they a little more lenient…plus weez or “cortez” had papers just not for this state.

    They just one cops to have guns in this state. Fuck that! not when you dont have people policing the police. Im wit pac on this one “anit nuffing separate me from my mack 10”! They got guns we got guns that way playing field is even when it come down to it.

  63. mike says:

    How about a major setback for a delusional comeback.

  64. Itz Yourz says:

    ^ want cops…..my bad for the typo and others

  65. […] today, Ja Rule agreed to serve two years in jail for his gun charge. His long time nemesis 50 Cent commented on the imminent sentence via his Twitter account. […]

  66. soce says:

    a major comeback my ass the guy had 5 years to make a major comeback. quit rap take care of your others business and your family. this idiot went at dre for no reason and he is surpised that he lost his beef alone against all the aftermath when aftermath was at its prime.

  67. DIGGSY!!! says:

    “minor setback for a major comeback” thats the same shit they kept sayin in that doc about boosie goin in. and we all saw how that turned out

  68. mac DIESEL says:

    “Minor setback for a Major comeback!!!!”



  69. r-boy says:

    men listen 50 cent its pussy son for all we know he told police bout ja holding a burner…..hold your head ja…..and fuck curtis ratson……

  70. jaybee32 says:

    ja fish. lol

  71. jaybee32 says:

    powerful shut up you black ja stan.

  72. D-manded says:

    dont forget ja the only number 1 rule is to not drop the soap

  73. James says:

    Lord please guide this lost soul!

  74. wutisaniga says:

    hold ya head in da hooscow sexy lil thug

  75. dcm says:

    Come on, we went through this with Plaxico. Gun charge + NY = you’re LUCKY to cop a plea at ALL.

    See you when the world ends, Ja!

  76. changeclothz says:

    My prayers are with u Ja stay strong

  77. YOUNG DON says:


  78. Master says:

    I wish jail on a lot of people. The cop’s that killed Sean Bell should be in jail. Ja did the crime and now he gotta do the time! Life goes on!!!!!

  79. black gallagher says:


  80. YourMom says:

    Hahah on my right hand side of my screen is an Eminem advertisement. I guess Hailie finally got her revenge..

  81. […] a judge set a date of June 8th for Ja Rule to begin his two year prison term. This stems from a plea deal the rapper took from his 2007 gun charge in New York City. Looking foward to Fif’s […]

  82. […] a judge set a date of June 8th for Ja Rule to begin his two year prison term. This stems from a plea deal the rapper took from his 2007 gun charge in New York City. Looking foward to Fif’s […]

  83. […] a date of June 8th for Ja Rule to begin his two year prison term. This stems from a plea deal the rapper took for his 2007 gun charge in New York City. Looking forward to Fif’s […]

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