50 Cent Causes Stocks To Soar

H&H Imports have seen their stocks sky rocket to 355% over the weekend thanks to 50 Cent. While unveiling his Sleek headphones during the CES convention in Vegas this weekend, Curtis took to Twitter to encourage purchases from H&H Imports parent company TVGoods (TVG).


“This me and steve from TVG I invested in TVG. If you’re wondering is Motley Fool worth it, and if you can by stock in it. I don’t care If its only 500 dollars. You better get in now TVG I’m never saying this again. Watch how this company blows up. TVG stands for television vision goods they have sold billions of dollars threw infomercial example george formen grill I just invested. Follow my lead there just going to get bigger trust me even if its a small investment it will pay off. HNHI is the stock symbol for TVG there launching 15 different products. they are no joke get in now. Ok ok ok my friends just told me stop tweeting about HNHI so we can get all the money. Hahaha check it out its the real deal. HNHI is the stock symbol for TVG sleek by50 is one of the 15 products this year. If you get in technically I work for you. BIG MONEY.  I know u have 4 million followers that can probably move stock if they all buy in2 it but how legit is this?VERY LEGIT BABY.”

heads up: ahh

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  1. Your Friendly Neighborhood Dopeman says:

    That’s Wassup 50. Keep it going.

  2. ET says:

    Didn’t his homegirl Martha Stewart get put in the pen for this same kind of shyt?

  3. LukesCorner says:

    Let the ”he hasnt had a hit in years” specialists bombard the post any minute…..i mean second

    Keep doin it big Fif,, fucka hater

  4. J. O. says:

    I don’t care if you don’t like 50, you cannot knock this guys hustle

  5. young hov says:

    Sounds like an SEC violation to me.. He should atleast give a disclaimer. Oh well, can’t knock the hustle!

  6. Mishief says:

    Predicted quotes from all the 50 haters:

    “He’s done”
    “Music sucks”
    “Rick Ross G.O.A.T.”

  7. C. Baines says:

    How is this insider trading information?

  8. James says:


  9. folk says:

    if he heading toward this direction, do not expect his new music anytime soon.

  10. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Elliott Wilson, Redplayboy and others. Redplayboy said: 50 Cent Causes Stocks To Soar: H&H Imports have seen their stocks sky rocket to 355% over the weekend thanks to… http://bit.ly/gMJ0Nq […]

  11. young hov says:

    How is this insider trading information?
    This case isn’t insider trading, it’s just that in his tweets he says “get it now” and talks about doubling money. He owns about 7.5million shares and he HAS to disclose that info to the public each time he talks about the stock. People who know nothing about the stock market will lose $$ when shares start being dumped. Oh well

  12. COLD BLOOD says:



  13. 106 says:

    The stock was .10 now its at .39 a share you could pick up alot of shares cheap. Might grab some of those gotta watch it first.

  14. dumb dumb says:

    He didn’t do anything illegal, No pump and dump here. He owns 30million shares in the company. He gave advice just like he does when he’s on CNBC and told them to get in on Gunnar optiks. Kevin Harrington is the CE0 for TV Goods very smart guy. fif is an owner and they will be plugging 15 products this year at QVC and HSN.

  15. jged says:

    wow in one day he generate 50 millions $

  16. jged says:

    second to only yahoo that generate at one point 71millions$

  17. Black Shady says:

    50’s all about money. Thats why I fuckz with him

  18. belly says:

    Would my head explode if I listed to rozay thur the headphones

  19. young hov says:

    He didn’t do anything illegal, No pump and dump here. He owns 30million shares in the company. He gave advice just like he does when he’s on CNBC and told them to get in on Gunnar optiks. Kevin Harrington is the CE0 for TV Goods very smart guy. fif is an owner and they will be plugging 15 products this year at QVC and HSN.
    Not that I really care, but this is misinformation. The 30 million are warrants, not shares… I just don’t want people thinking this is a long term investment kinda thing.. You will get burned if you buy and hold. Make your money on the flip and move on..

  20. NewMoney says:

    the thing is any1 can make money if you bought even 100 bucks worth of stock from this company last night
    last night it was at .10 when i woke up it was at .45 so you could have made 400 bucks which is a weeks pay for most americans by investing in this company

    i respect this nigga 50 a lot now

  21. Justmyopinion says:

    So…….the rap world is getting stock advice from rappers now?

  22. Blue says:

    50 wins, haters lose

  23. I will be leaking the contents of Mr. Jacksons illegal share trading with this company.

  24. J Nasty says:

    Can’t knock the hustle.

  25. puerto-black says:

    50 knows money

  26. Justmyopinion says:

    A real investor does their own research into a company before they invest. My bad fellas but this really p’d me off that someone would take part in such a reckless act. Of course, the stocks will see a jump they have noteirety attached to it’s name it will take at least years before you see any type of real return. Have we forgotten the name Bernoe Madoff? You don’t let ANYONE tell you where to put YOUR money-that YOU worked hard for.

  27. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    50 Cent Causes Stocks To Soar…BOSS !!!

  28. Ice Cold says:

    50 doin big things!!!

  29. dumb dumb says:

    Not that I really care, but this is misinformation. The 30 million are warrants, not shares… I just don’t want people thinking this is a long term investment kinda thing.. You will get burned if you buy and hold. Make your money on the flip and move on..

    You’re correct in your share statement. I stand corrected.

    He moved 50 million dollars with that tweet.


  30. PrincePolo says:

    ok im new here . how do you buy stocks ?

  31. young hov says:

    You’re correct in your share statement. I stand corrected.
    All good bro.. I just checked his twitter and he put a disclaimer.. He smartened up and he’s covering his ass now. The SEC doesn’t play about stuff like this

  32. jged says:

    he made 10 million$ in one day

  33. PrincePolo says:

    is it still worth to buy them stocks ?


  35. Niyemortal says:

    How many other rappers can boast of having that kind of power besides Jay (when he said not to drink Cristal anymore.)?

    Ill wait………

  36. Dude said it above how do you buy stocks?

  37. YOUAJOKE says:


  38. pro-rican says:

    I hope this sets a trend for rappers to promote stocks and bonds and less ciroc and st.Ides

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  40. Itz Yourz says:

    Someone telling you hey I invested in a stock and you should to doesnt make them bernie madoff…who ran a company scheming people out of billions…smh….fucking idoits on here.

    “Just because you pour syrup on it doesnt make it pancakes”…lol…You always do your research…see what that annual return is….and what the expense ratio is (thats the part of your profit you pay back for the expense for running the fund/stock. In lame man terms if it cost more to keep the shit running then what you bringing in from it (profit) you not gaining nothing…nigga you just practicing on being broke! Thats is just the ground work…you work other decisions in your choice for picking and stock/mutal fund

    And never confuse activity with forward motion …which 50 may be wrong for doing…that also reduce your return…thats your main concern!…your return!

  41. Belize says:

    Good for him. Can’t hate when people make smart moves.

  42. Post no billz says:

    When i first saw those tweets i thought fif’s page got hacked and spammed..

  43. ODC says:

    lol and they gonna hate regardless, but watch the money pile up. lol
    hate won’t help. let him do him

  44. Gusto says:

    LMAO @ ” If you get in technically I work for you”…. classic 50 shit, that’s one halarious hustler…..


  45. justmyopinion says:

    @ Itz Yourz

    I was always thought when you call someone out of their names during a debate: It’s because you ran out of ideas to logically debate with that person.

    You’re missing the point no is saying HE’s Bernie Madoff: the point was Bernie Madoff told people how to invest THEIR money. The end result was catastrophic. More or less, don’t listen to a rapper about stocks, he got HIS financial advisor to tell him what to do. SO should you (generally speaking).

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t take medical advice from barber. So, why would you take financial advice from a rapper-with all due respect, there job is to rap.

  46. @syberstuff09 says:

    H N H I is 2011 hottest tweet stock.

  47. TK says:

    WHY IS IT NOT LISTED ON THE EXCHANGE? C’mon 50 that is a red flad

  48. mr.zee says:

    lol twitter is powerful when u got 4 mil followers and ur a celeb but when ur a nobody and ur life sucks, twitter is nothing.

  49. listen up hip hop community says:

    When someone tells 4 million people to invest…. you are going to lose money.

    The only person who just gained is 50 Cent.

    Do you understand how group psychology work?

    Do you understand the simple numbers of game of elites vs. the masses?

    50 just fucked you in the ass, and he’s done so before, and you just keep coming back for more.

    That is why you are poor, and he is rich.

  50. Itz Yourz says:

    @ justmyopinion

    I think the saying goes you have a low vocabulary when you start calling people out there names. This is no way a debate…esp for me.

    You posed a question correct? Have we forgotten about Bernie Maddoff? Then answered “You don’t let ANYONE tell you where to put YOUR money-that YOU worked hard for”. Which insinuates that is what 50 is doing, hence it underneath a 50 cent blog about investing. Well I chose to resolve that question/answer as a contradiction…meaning I oppose, the comparisson of the two situations. 50 statement is a more of customer testimonal (to me)…nothing he said persuade me buy into TVG…it is a legit LLC, invest at your own risk. Bernie on the otherhand never invested anybodys money he just put it in a bank account and printed up fake returns. Two different things and again its “justmyopinion” not a debate(which primary sources of data and trustworthy claims are needed) in this case.
    And trust me…you’d think if anyone could pick stocks, the finanical media could. Its like asking a rapper or a barber anyway banking on them…they (finanical advisors/stockebrokers) cant guarantee nothing…it really all depends on the standard deviation on the investment…the statistical measure…its checkers not chess…dont have to be a scholar, so if my barber know a thing a two about a thing of two, I’ll assess the info and fuck with him if I see what I like

    If you feel me calling you an a idiot I “logically” ran out of ideas…is “unreasonably” amusing to me… naw that was just me being short with you,my bad. Gotta get tougher skin..esp on this website or else you be “debating” with everybody on here.

  51. dumb dumb says:

    I think some of you guys over analyze things or better yet out think yourselves. With this he’s a rapper he can’t possibly pick stock ect… You guys speak in such absolutes because you think you have superior knowledge that you retard yourself in your warped thinking.

    A man in his travels comes across many people and learn from a myriad of cultural and business minded people. If he is not a sponge and or can’t retain the knowledge giving too him then shame on him.

    Maybe just maybe in 50 travels he has learned a thing or two, since he deals with large amounts of money and has a few company and investments. I would be inclined to listen too what he has to say he may be a sage with his knowledge deseminating mental morsel to the masses.

    I don’t subscribe to this theory of ignorance, by default based on ones job. Only a fool would do that. You take the info and you expound on it and make it your own.

  52. yryeu says:

    😛 😛 😛 I love this, I love my boy friend. He is a nice guy.

    i met him via ———-B lack Wh ite F li rts. C” 0- M—————–

    == Joi n for Fre e == The most successful interra cial da t ing c lub. If you are still waiting for your sweet “milk” or “chocolate”, don’t hesitate to check it !! Don’t let your babies wait too long for you !!

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  54. fuckfiddycents says:

    WTF said 50cent is worth over 500million dollars? Nigga aint even worth 200mill. The only hiphop dudes worth over 400mill are Jay Z, Diddy & maybe Birdman. I respect Jigga and Diddy more than this clown because they make power moves. Check out Sean John/Macy’s partnership starting this spring. That deal is gonna generate a billion in revenue. #NOWDATSMAJOR

  55. JERZZZ says:

    This nigga stays winnin, you crab in a bucket niggas stay living out ya dreams through other grown ass men while he live it.

  56. ZoomZoom says:


  57. tr says:

    Hrmm…insider trading?

  58. Bri says:

    Too smart to do one thing.

  59. begee says:

    AO & Smith

    “The New Saviors of NY”


  60. does anyone notice? says:

    Isn’t this illegal?

  61. does anyone notice? says:

    “listen up hip hop community says:
    Monday, January 10 2011 at 10:53 PM EST

    When someone tells 4 million people to invest…. you are going to lose money.

    The only person who just gained is 50 Cent.

    Do you understand how group psychology work?

    Do you understand the simple numbers of game of elites vs. the masses?

    50 just fucked you in the ass, and he’s done so before, and you just keep coming back for more.

    That is why you are poor, and he is rich.”


    lol this sounds like a hint to his new album coming “Stay rich or Die tryin’ “

  62. The Editor says:

    How come no one of the smart people on this exchange never said anything about buying stock, a few people asked, first you need to get some sort of account with a company that deals in financial instruments, and the best to get in, on the ground, is through a Charles Schwab or something in that nature, there is a company that let you purchase shares in bulk money amounts, I think it is 4share or something in that nature, ING, is another company, Ameritrade use to be but I think someone purchased them, either way, check out a few companies, or go through your own bank, hay maybe Russell with get Rush Card into the stock business, imagine what can happen to a stock if Hov, Diddy, Russell, spoke about, people purchase a lot of things through rappers and because of how they live, Cars, Houses, Atlanta, rappers have a lot of things and people money

    Sunday Hip Hop Times
    Facebook Keyword: Sunday Hip Hop Times

  63. CBH says:

    This is not insider trading, but it could be market manipulation. These penny stock companies are very sketchy and do things all the time to drive the price of their stock. 50 may be a boss, but the SEC is the biggest boss. Be careful Fif….

  64. Yo Just Out The New Mixtape – I A.M. POWER, Dropped on 1.11.11



  65. dynamicwayne says:

    50 cent stay winning man…keep up the good work mayne

  66. kendra says:

    go on and get that money 50…soon u are going to have to work for wall street….cause u are really good at making money cause the entertainment industry can be dried up at times not to mention wishy …washy…..nouf said thou…

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