1. Chris says:

    This is CRAZY!! Wes Fif is long overdue to pop off…KRIT and CyHi ripped as always.

  2. Carlos says:

    I fux with this one right here……FIREEEE

  3. Kidd R@pp says:

    garbage. get this shit out of my face

  4. Haze SHK says:

    He’s not the best, but at least someone wants to rep Orlando. Keep doin your thing, fuck them haters.

  5. Feeling this! New blood… Wes Fif flow is crazy on this – – why is he not signed yet. Smh

  6. lostprodigy says:

    take the Big off and just call urself K.R.I.T….big king remembered in time? country ass nigga. I fucks with you doe.

  7. Imsoappalled says:

    This shit is tight.

  8. […] in team and recently, Wes Fif and his fellow colleagues began shooting the video for their joint-track. Before final product arrives, MicFlow gives us a look during the […]

  9. Wes Fif says:

    Big shout out to YN, B. Dot, Big Homie, Amaya and the whole staff at RapRadar for the love!

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