New Music: Willie The Kid x Jon Connor “One Time”

Over Black Milk’s Popular Demand instrumental, Willie teams up with Jon for this new collab. Remember this more than once: Willie Da Kid The Fly 2 and Jon Connor’s Vinnie Chase Season 2 both coming soon.

Sidebars: Jon Connor “Maniac” Video | Black Milk Announces Tour

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  1. Ac@pella! says:

    Michigan connection bitch!

  2. Belize says:

    Good song, sick cover!

  3. kidpotential says:

    i hope XXL is looking at this guy’s grind…dude is niiiiccccceee…

  4. Brainstorm says:

    Straight banger! Niggas need to stop sleeping on the kid! He’s one of the best new guys doing it!

  5. bgirl says:

    This is Niiiiiice.

  6. Black7 says:

    Willie the Kid – He is legend – Top five right now…John Connor-needs work

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