Justin Bieber Talks “Speakin In Tungs” Freestyle

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Carl Chery ran into Justin Bieber at the BET offices last week and briefly asked how his “Speakin In Tungs” freestyle came about. Yabba Dabba Doo rap. For. The. Win.

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  1. fuk waka says:

    seriously?? you think we care about this shit??

  2. jigga says:

    that was it…yall wasted a space on this news thats not fir to print ….YO YN and BDOT y dont u change the name to POP RADAR /TMZ …..yall started off good now yall gettin wack …. FIRST!!!

  3. PITRI says:

    did rr really waste a post an justin fuckin bieber..are you serious??? woooooooow

  4. n8o15301 says:

    dont ever waste my time putting this shit on here

  5. OffYaSelf says:

    yall on some wack shit latley smh

  6. Brent Gin. says:


  7. Cj says:

    I lol so hard when it said rated G! hahaha

  8. Yousef(LilWayneSucks) says:

    This site is fucking up!!

  9. Big Homie says:


    Justin Bieber Gif Pictures, Images and Photos

    Thanks for visiting and keep the comments coming. While your at it, feel free to click on some ads.

  10. SIREHI says:

    Ya’ll Internet fiends need to calm down and get over it! Like they’re really gonna change their website for y’all. As much as everybody hates “Pop” news, they can whateva the F they want to! Stay Quiet or go somewhere else Fiends!

  11. still best rite now!! says:

    25 second ad…12 second vid? lmao “WTF?” (angry caps)

  12. Rick says:

    “waste time”? So you clicked the post, scrolled down and commented, and claim RR wasting your time? Wow

  13. sean says:

    Yeah big homie ill click on the FREE 30 day trail for sirius. Thats gonna make someone major cake. dumb cunt lol

  14. Donn says:

    Lol but you wasted your time commentin. JUSTIN MY DUDE. Everywhere and you cant do nuthen bout it 🙂

  15. Black Shady says:

    why post a 12 seconds vid about BIEBER????

    and why they didnt ask about how he jacked some nigga’s lines?? proof is on youtube

  16. Your mother's "Friend" says:

    Hey big homie stfu, we all know payola & yn’s dicksucking is whats keeping this site going

  17. James says:


  18. Monk says:

    so why the fuck is this on rap radar not on fail blog ???

  19. Donn says:

    LMFAO Hahahahahahaha

  20. Belize says:

    Why am I not surprised?? This baby fag is more of a rapper than Barbara Maraj!

  21. uhmmmyeah says:

    ..why was this in BET, hes not black… hes not even American… smh, i guess it gets peoples attention doe.

  22. Illest Lyrics says:

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  23. so icy da boi says:

    Justin bieber is the G.O.A.T.
    Fuck jay, nas, em, rakim but not gucci.

    Gucci is also the goat.

  24. Santa says:

    @Timebomb that was weaker than anything Bieber has ever spit

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